Mother's Helping Hand/Virgin/Bunnykin/Mother/Savanah/Flirt/Arm/Back up/Condoms/Entertain/Talk/Ask/Maybe/Privacy/Spy/Next/Reject/Dinner/Biology

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Are you saying she'll actually want to have sex?" You ask your mother.

"Oh yes," she responds, "she would be very eager to have you between her legs."

"What? At her age?" You ask.

Emily is starting to look a little distressed as it's pretty obvious you are talking about her. "What are you talking about?" She asks, looking between you and your mother as she tries to somehow make her back merge with your arm so she can hide inside it.

"It's fine sweetie." Your mother says. "I'm just telling Jack about how to take care of a sweet girl like you."

"Mommy looks scared." Emily says.

"Yes, she's getting a little nervous because she doesn't think Jack will like you two if he finds out how difficult it is to do things the right way with you." She says. "It's fine Miss Darkhare." She adds, changing her attention toward Savanah. "Jack is just curious. Like I said, he has to know this kind of thing. He's just being a good and diligent man by trying to make sure he knows everything about what he's getting into so he doesn't wind up doing something wrong. The fact he's asking questions means he's interested. Right Jack?"

"Uhh... yeah." You say.

"Anyway," your mother keeps pressing on as though she wasn't even waiting on your answer, "About Emily, yes. Bunnykin are horny from the moment they are born, and only more so after they hit puberty. But, while their physical urges increase when they hit puberty, their emotional maturity and self control increase as well, so from an outside perspective it seems more like a three year old like Emily is every single bit as horny as an older Bunnykin like her mother, Miss Darkhare over there."

"What would happen if she actually had sex?" You ask.

"What's sex?" Emily asks.

"Well, she would start puberty early." Your mother answers, not even paying attention to Emily's question. "If a pre-pubescent bunny girl is exposed to enough semen over the course of a few weeks or months, her body tells her it's time to start making babies and so she starts to ovulate. So, if you keep having sex with her for a few months, she'll actually get pregnant even though she's only three."

"What!? I can have babies!? I wanna have babies!" Emily's eyes bulge open as she seems to have caught onto something in the discussion that caught her interest.

"No!" Savanah interrupts. "Humans don't like little kids having babies!" She runs over and pulls Emily out of your arms.

"But mommy! You said! Mmmm!"

"Shhhh!" Savanah shushes her daughter while clamping a hand physically over her mouth. "Umm.. I'm sorry about her. She doesn't really understand humans yet. She's too young."

"Uhh, yeah." You say. "That's ok, umm..."