Generations/Rest in the cave

From All The Fallen Stories
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You should familiarize yourself with the cave before wondering off and forgetting it. You clamber up to the opening in the hill and enter the empty chamber. It was certainly much warmer than outside and decently roomy.

You look around, your eyes aided by low light vision, and the cave to be a decent place to hide out. You could be comfortable here for awhile. The only thing you would have to deal with is the smell.

Now that lodging is dealt with, you need to worry about food. You could check the area around the cave first or you could go straight to the river. Alternatively, you could go hunting on the plains for big game.

What do you do?

Chosen - Generation: One
Time Passed: 0y 0m 0d
Abilities Equipment Mate(s) Children
Name Gru’Thrak Divine Spark, Low-Light Vision None None None
Age 10y 40m 18d
Gender Male
Race Orc
Social Class Outcast
Body Superb (7)
Mind Weak (3)
Spirit Pitiful (1)