Generations/Go wild on her elven pussy

From All The Fallen Stories
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Overwhelmed by lust, you wildly ravage her pussy, pounding her with all the force you can muster. Elyae grips onto you tightly and moans loudly, becoming enthralled with your cock as you fuck her. You don’t moan so much as grunt and growl, as if an animal caged inside has been unleashed for the first time in its life.

It’s a feeling you’ve never felt before in your life: or at least, your host hasn’t. The sound of slapping flesh draws you all the more into it, as you lose all track of time, furiously copulating with Elyae. Your whole body is throbbing, telling you your going to be real sore when this is over.

As your lust continue to build and build, you pick up more and more speed until you let out one final growl and explode within her pussy. Elyae moans out with you, shuddering as you fill her too the brim. Once you finish after what seems like an eternity, you slump onto your knees and lean against the wall, both you and Elyae desperately catching your breaths.

“That...” she whispers, between breaths, “was... amazing.”

“I...” you respond, “I’ that...before...I don’t...know what me...”

“I don’t...either...but it...”

“Me too...”

The two of you just sit there, your sweaty, hot bodies up against the wall. You think about it and something crosses your mind.

“I think... what happened was... ohhhh fuck.”

“What? What is it?” she asks as you both gain your energy back.

“I’ve always felt powerless.” Especially now that your a god, post war, you think to yourself. “Like I can never do anything, that I’m stuck under some knight’s heel. It’s made me frustrated, more so than I ever knew what to do about it.”

Elyae listens, curious.

“All my life I’ve felt this way, and all I’ve done is bury it down, deeper and deeper. And today...I guess I just let it all out one you.”

Elyae nods.

“Well I don’t know about you, but I’m more then welcome to having it happen again,” She says, with a rye, lusty grin.

“’re gonna have to wait for me to recover then,” you tell her with an equally lusty smirk, before you lean in and kiss her passionately.

What do you do?

Chosen - Generation: One
Time Passed: 0y 960m 0d
Abilities Equipment Mate(s) Children
Name Jaedyn Farmer Divine Spark Sickle Elyae Vilathrii None
Age 14y 980m 16d
Gender Male
Race Human
Social Class Serf
Body Superb (7)
Mind Average (5)
Spirit Average (5)