Legal/ Porn shop

From All The Fallen Stories
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You decide to go to that porn shop you frequent at down the block. You walk out the house and see your sisters tricycle on the driveway has a little dildo on the seat. You see next door your neighbors the Petersons are having breakfast in the nude. A car drives by and you see a woman masturbating in the passenger seat while also breastfeeding.

As you walk down the street you're amazed at just how non taboo sex is now. Bus stop ads, billboards, fashion, it's all so freely sexual now. You see a billboard for the new Disney movie "The Brave Little Butt Plug". You see a woman in a see thru top and no bra. You see a man fingering his teenage daughter at the bus stop. Even some women and girls on leashes on their hands and knees.

You reach the porn shop and it looks completely different. Gone are the blacked out windows and neon signs. Now the windows show the inside of the store and its almost look up at the sign. " Sexy Sallies Sunshine Store"? It's like...a sexual Toys R Us. You see all the sex toys decorating the window. Ball gag pacifiers, Barbie's dildo collection, bubble gum flavored lube, Lil Emmas Enema kit, even the Brave Little Butt Plug himself!

You walk in and the smell of hot sex fills your mind. The clerk isn't some fat dude like before. It's a 15 year old. Probably her first job (Well, JOB job). "Welcome to the Sunshine Store! Let me know if you need anything! My names Cass" You nod and look around in awe.

Little kids run by you playing with normal toys and sex toys. On the magazine shelf you see Elle Fanning on the cover of Playboy and countless other starlets on the other magazines like Hustler, Penthouse, Tiger Beat, Seventeen. The movie shelf has the porn you've come to expect along with some for the kids themselves. "Dont tell your mom the babysitter fucked your ass 7, Teen Twerk 2, Taylor Swifts BJ Lessons, How to train your baby, Babies day out: Amsterdam, Kiddies rimming Babies, 16 & Pregnant, Daddies little stripper, Kim Kanye and Norths sexcation, and etc."

You over hear a woman next to you on the phone. "What did she say she wanted for her birthday again? She already has the brave butt plug, all the barbie dildos, ooh this looks her type" she takes a little latex bimbo outfit off the rack. "She always said she wanted to be a blow up doll."

A guy next to you is looking at the male sex toys. "Oh finally!" He takes an Ariel Winter fleshlight off the shelf. "They've been sold out for ages!" You see spongebob themed condoms and "my first BDSM lessons, how to tie up anyone" book next to it with a girl around 11 tying up her twin sister.

You see a sign leading to the "play room" where the glory holes usually are. You see the stalls are made to look like a fairytale land and there are multiple holes for height.

What do you do?

Hit on the mom

Hit on Cass the clerk

Head into the Glory Holes