Wish/Matthew/Daniel's House/Cuddling Allorah

From All The Fallen Stories
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You really don't want to do anything more than revel in the moment. You put your arm across Allorah's naked shoulders, and just hold her. You kiss the top of her head, and smell lavender. You idly wonder where the scent comes from. If she didn't have time to eat or sleep because of her previous masters, when did she have time to wash her hair? Was that part of her magical routine: sustenance, sleep, and hygiene purely from magic? It seems horrible. You try not to think about it. Technically, you just lost your virginity. You've had oral sex before, but it was bad and you didn't get off. You find yourself wondering if you should let Allorah know how special this was for you.

"What are you thinking about?" she asks at just that moment. You chuckle at the fact that she chose that moment to ask you that question; but you had been quiet for a while.

"I was just wondering if I should tell you that you just took my virginity," you say.

She pushes up off your chest a bit so that she can look at you, and says, "Seriously? You have to be, what, eighty years old?"

"Um, I'm forty-five . . . and I'll have you know that I have looked ten years younger than I actually am since my twenties."

"Yeah, I'm not that great with human ages. We jinn age a lot slower than you once we grow up. If you were jinn I would put you at three hundred or so. So I really took your virginity?"

"Technically yes," you say. "I have done sexual things with women before . . . but I've never been inside like this until now."

"I totally forgive you for cumming early then," she says with a giggle, then snuggles back up with you. You just lay there for a bit, daydreaming about your budding relationship with the loli jinni. You wonder if you can figure out a way to free her from the ring, or at least have the ring come back to you when the wishes have expired. You do have some rather good ideas on that front, but you need some more information first. You are relatively certain that you can find a way; even if you have to use several lifetimes to do it. With your time control you should be able to find her again. If you can find a way; what then? You've always wanted a family. Would she even want to marry you? You've only known her a day; and you're already thinking of marriage. You should definitely keep that to yourself. And what about kids? She's probably still too young; but when the time comes can humans and jinn have children together? Oddly, you think that would be a less sensitive subject.

"Allorah, I know you're probably too young; but if we stay together, would we be able to have children together eventually?" Okay, that did not come out nearly as harmless as you intended. You pretty much inferred that you wanted to marry her and have children. Great job!

"Wow," she says with a chuckle, "I've only known you a day and you're already making me your wife and mother to your children? I guess that's what I get for taking the virginity of a forty-five year old pedophile. But the answer is no . . . at least not without magic. Our species are too different."

"But I could use a wish?"

"Yes, you could do that."

"Give me a second," you say. You work out the phrasing in your head, unwilling to move to get pen and paper. "Ok. Allorah, I wish to instantly and irrevocably-"

"Why are you doing that?" she interrupts.

"Um, what?"

"'Instantly and irrevocably'," she says, mocking you. "Why do you start all of your wishes that way?"

"Well instantly so you can't make my wish come to me in a week, month, year, or after I'm dead; and irrevocably so that the power can't be taken away or limited to a single use and the like."

"Oh," she says quietly, "I guess you've thought about how to twist people's intent a bit then; and how to get around it?"

"Yeah," you say, a bit embarrassed, "I have a rich fantasy life."

"You don't have to do that with me," she says looking up into your eyes. "I . . . I have messed with my masters' wishes in the past. I actually usually do. With you I don't want to. I want to give you what you want. I don't want to hurt you."

"Thank you Allorah," you say, pulling her close. "That means a lot. In that case: I wish that anyone of any age or species that is not already pregnant and gets my sperm in their vagina would get pregnant with my child, and be able to give birth safely for both the mother and child."

She smacks you on the chest; hard, but not too painfully. "Damn it," she says, "you realize you just got me pregnant, right?"

"Oh yeah," you say, "I guess I didn't work that one out right. Are you mad?"

"I guess not," she says with a sigh. "I wanted to have children eventually. I just thought I'd be free first . . . and an adult. And actually by jinn law now that you got me pregnant . . . I'm your wife. So, I guess you got what you wanted, you perv." She chuckles and holds you close. "I just wish we could be together for more than four more wishes."

What's next?

Sex: Male
Species: Human
Age: 45
Ethnicity: English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Scandinavian
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 221
Measurements: 48/42/45 - 5"c
Hair: Black with Dyed Green Mohawk
Eyes: Hazel-green
Skin: Lightly Freckled Caucasian
Reflexes: 5 Strength: 7 Resilience: 12
Dexterity: 5 Speed: 6 Stamina: 9
Health: 92%
Perception: 10 Knowledge: 15 Willpower: 10
Logic: 11 Wit: 13 Focus: 11
Intellect: 100%
Empathy: 5 Presence: 7 Confidence: 10
Charisma: 5 Rapport: 6 Influence: 8
Sanity: 77%
Wishes 4 out of 7 wishes remaining
  1. I wish to instantly and irrevocably gain the ability to perceive, understand, and manipulate the thoughts, emotions, memories, and skills of any being through an act of will on my part without detrimental effects to myself. (Due to wording he cannot use the power on himself.)
  2. I wish to instantly and irrevocably gain the ability to manipulate the temporal nature of all objects, organisms, and locations with absolute precision to the greatest extent that you are able to confer to me, by using an act of will on my part.
  3. I wish that anyone of any age or species that is not already pregnant and gets my sperm in their vagina would get pregnant with my child, and be able to give birth safely for both the mother and child.

WIP Allorah


His newfound power is boosting his confidence and reducing his stress leading to even more curative effects to his sanity.