
From All The Fallen Stories
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There is only one real choice. The might of a dragon flowing through your avatar's veins things will start things off very well indeed. Using the last of your power you push yourself into his massive sleeping form, annihilating his soul as you assume his form. His golden horde . . . or rather, your golden horde, shifts under you as you stir, rising hungry from your dragon-sleep.

The need to eat is strong, Rsskaskekaltkylzh must have been nearly done with his dragon-sleep when you took him. You need to mate as soon as you can to have an offspring to transfer to in case of your current chosen's death . . . but your hunger calls to you with an insistent voice.

What do you do?

Chosen - Generation: One
Time Passed: 0y 0m 0d
Abilities Equipment Mate(s) Children
Name Cinder Divine Spark, Armored Skin, Claws, Dragon Gold, Dragon Sleep, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Sight, Enhanced Smell, Flame Breath, Horns, Immune to Flame, Infrasonic Hearing, Infravision, Sharp Teeth, Ultrasonic Hearing, Weaponized Tail, Winged Flight Nothing None None
Age 506y 7m 12d
Gender Male
Race Heraldic Dragon
Social Class Monster
Body Extreme (10)
Mind Superior (9)
Spirit Superior (9)