Dream Machine/Holloween

From All The Fallen Stories
< Dream Machine
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Amilia's mama loves Halloween. She decorates her house and goes all out with costumes. She gave Amilia instructions on how to go trick or treating so that she could stay home and give out candy.

You are also handing out candy, hoping to acquire some of your own. Unfortunately, all the candy is accompanied by parents or too old. You are about to turn out the lights and go to bed when the door rings.

"Trick or treat!"

An adorable cupcake holds her pumpkin basket up to you and smiles. You don't see any adults around, but you better ask.

"Oh, you look delicious, sweetheart! You're not alone are you?"

"Yeah! Mama stayed home to give candy. I'm a big girl!"

"You sure are. Oops, I forgot the candy. Come on in, I'll let you have as much as you want."

She follows you inside, so you put a cartoon on the TV and tell her to sit while you get the candy. She obeys happily, and her face lights up when you sit down next to her with a bag full of goodies.

She explores the contents of the bag while you pull your penis out of your pyjama pants.

"What's that?" She asks.

"It's a lollipop. The yummiest one in the world, but it takes a while to get to the center, unless you suck really hard."

She drops the bag of candy on the floor, climbs off the couch and stands in front of you.

"Can I try?"

"Of course, I got it specially for you!"

You spread your legs apart to make room for her costume and she begins to suck you off. She must be determined to get to the center, because for a whole two minutes she sucks hard without disengaging.

You're awe-struck for a moment. It isn't the first time a little girl gave you a blow job, but they don't usually suck so hard, and it's the first one you ever got from a cupcake.

She does eventually start to loose hope and lifts her head.

"How long does it take? My mouth hurts."

"You know what, I think you would have tasted it by now but you aren't putting it deep enough. It should tickle the back of your throat. Maybe your costume's in the way, let me help you.

You unfasten the velcro straps and the cupcake falls off. Her body is so plump and perfect. You don't warn her, but she doesn't seem to have a problem with you removing her blouse, stockings and panties. She stands before you naked, no longer a cupcake but even more delicious.

You tell her to try again, repeating your advice as she tries to execute it. You put your hands on her head, and push it down. Your penis expands her oesophagus and she chokes so you pull back a little.

"You'll get to the center real fast doing that. Try holding your breath and going all the way down, then come back up for a breath."

She does as you instruct, and takes your whole length into her throat. The spasms of her gag reflex message you and you also spasm a little.

"You're almost there!" And so she is, and all the way back down she goes. You grab her head with both hands as you cum all the way down in her throat at first, with more inside her mouth as you pull out, and a few dribbles on her face.

She moves your semen around in her mouth and swallows. She doesn't seem pleased with it, but she smiles at you and says that it is really good, and asks if she can have some candy from the bag. On her way out you tell her that she can come by any day, it didn't have to be Halloween, and any time she gets to the center of your lollipop, you'll give her a bag of candy to take home.

You learn to expect her visits at least once a week.
