School Days/Caden

From All The Fallen Stories
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You are getting up and getting ready for school on a Monday morning. As you strip off your pjs you wonder what mommy is making for breakfast. Even though you lived in a foster home you were really close to the woman you were living with. You often called her mommy because of how kind and loving she was to you. As you put on your clothes for the day you notice your penis is standing up. It occasionally happens but today you had the strangest feeling that someone was going to touch it and not your dog Jackson when you are sitting down and he sniffs and puts his nose all around your body or when mommy is holding you up and it’s pressing against her body but someone at school will be doing so. You’re all dressed and ready for the day and then you go downstairs already smelling breakfast. “Pancakes!!!” You scream. Well, you are up already. That was your mommy’s voice you could already tell. Good morning mommy. Good morning baby. You walk over and give her a big hug as she kisses you on the forehead. You sit down and eat your breakfast. About five minutes later you hear the bus. You stuff the rest of your breakfast into your mouth and head on to the bus. “Have a good day baby”, your mommy said. “See ya”, you say. You get on the bus when Tom your bus driver greets you. Good morning Caden. Good morning Tom. You go and sit in the back of the bus since that is where the cool kids sit. Everyone likes you so you are always welcome to sit by anyone. As you sit down a girl looks at you real close from the seat in front of you. It was Haily. She is sorta your friend, her interests never really affected you but she enjoyed anything you did. But to be reasonable you do enjoy sitting with her at lunch. The bus finally arrives and you can’t wait to see what interesting things you are going to do in class today. Your teacher is Miss Kathy. You really like her because she barely gives you homework and she made your foster family cookies after you saved your class last year from the fire. It is almost class time and as you get your things you need from your locker you see another familiar face. It was Sammy a middle schooler who you would often wave to as she went by. You have about two minutes till class starts.

Do you?

Go and talk to her for your spare time

Go to class and talk to her later

Act like you need to use the bathroom and meet with her then