Talk:Gigis Adventure/Smith Tots

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 06:51, 28 December 2020 by (talk | contribs)
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Question, if Gigi is going to get her naked again in the tree house, why bother asking about clothes? If her mother doesn't care if she's naked, she can hardly complain when things happen. Might also be interesting if the Smiths are closet pervs, and instead of taking the kids to the tree house, the mom talks Gigi into skinny dipping with her kids (which can lead to more when the girl's curiosity to experience "new things" leads her into letting things progress farther than that).

First off can you please use the main main pages story talk as there are alot of pages in this story so it would be easier for me to keep track of I didn't even know this post was even here till checked my watch list. Also please sign your post so i know who to get back to. Thanks.
To answer you clothes question and following comments: Well now if you read about that in the treehouse Maisey hadn't done that sorta thing before. So the chances are their mom and dad are not into that sorta thing or Maisey would have had prior experiences and would have obviously made that known. But doesn't mean they couldn't become interested and that is not to say around home they aren't fine with the twins streaking cause they obviously are, but sending Maisey off away from home well that is another story all together. They dont know who the kids will be around and whether or not they would be offended by someone's nudity especially a child's. So they would rather play it safe. (talk) 06:51, 28 December 2020 (UTC)