JoS/Lyra/3rd Journal - Rescued

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Hearthfire, 7th, 4E 201

I spent almost two weeks in captivity and it felt like it would never end. The soldiers started calling me the camp whore and would place bets and have sparring contests to determine who would get to use me next. The day a few of them placed a bet to see who could make me cry the loudest was the worst. The rule was nobody could cause any actual harm, they all just fucked me really hard one after the other.

Not all the soldiers were rough and mean, though. But they still used my body and even the nice ones made me cry sometimes. The commander of the camp said I reminded him of his daughter, but that I gave better blow jobs. I may be young and naive, but even I know doing stuff like that with your own daughter is disgusting. My daddy may be gone, but at least he never did stuff like that to me. Unfortunately, lots of other men have by now. A few of the soldiers even made me feel kind of good when they would lick my pussy. A few times, I didn't even want them to stop. But they always did when their cum started coming out.

Eventually, I stopped counting the days and just gave into the idea. I was a child whore for the Stormcloak army.

Last night however, my luck finally turned. I was asleep, snuggled up next to a naked soldier in his tent when it all started. I woke up to the sound of clashing steel and spells being cast. I looked around to see what was going on. The soldier next to me was starting to stir too.

I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw Yana cast a destruction spell on one of the Sltormcloaks, lighting him on fire. She had come to save me and she wasn’t alone! I had so many questions, like how did she escape herself? But I knew it was time to fight back.

The soldier I had been sharing a bed with had finally jolted awake. He was apparently a sound sleeper. Before he has time to react, I had his dagger in my hand and began to plunge it into his neck. I’d never killed anyone before. Sure lots of deer or even those daugr in that one cave, but never an actual person. It felt strange, but satisfying after everything he’d done to me over my time in captivity.

After he was dead, I started searching for a bow and arrows. That was the only way I was going to actually be useful in this fight. It didn’t take me long to find a dead Stormcloak archer who had met his end by the hand of the stranger Yana had brought along with her. I quickly ran over and grabbed the bow, finally feeling like myself for the first time in two weeks. I most have looked odd still completely naked, shooting arrows at adults 3 times my size. And who knows how many people I’ve killed now? Caught completely off guard, the Stormcloak camp was completely whipped out. A few of them did manage to get away, running off into the night. I’d love to be there when they tell the story about how the entire camp was whipped out by little girls, but I’m sure they’ll come up with a good lie before they have to admit that one.