The Babysitter and the Sisterly Trio/ChapterVII/Back Downstairs

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A few hours later...

I spend a couple hours getting some work done. When the sun starts to go down, I put the kids' dinner in the oven, then call Riley in from outside and Tera and Evy down from upstairs.

We sit down to eat dinner together. The girls act all giggly, playing with their food and poking each other. Once they're done eating, I go to get out the ice cream.

Evy bobs in her seat and claps her hands gleefully when she sees what I'm doing. "Iccee creeeeeaaammmm!!!" she yells. Riley grins and pats Evy on the head, then gets out the bowls and spoons for me.

I scoop out some ice cream for all of them (and myself, of course). Once we're all sitting back down at the table, Riley looks at me.

"Hey, Rei..." she asks. "I wanted to ask you something."

What does she want, I wonder? "Of course, Riley. What's up?"

"I was wondering... Can you stay another night?"

"Well, your parents are going to be home by the time you wake up tomorrow, and then you all have school." I explain. "I'll see you tomorrow afternoon like normal, but I won't be able to stay the night again unless your parents say it's okay."

Riley pouts cutely. "But will you stay if they say yes..?" she asks.

"Yeah! We could have a big sleepover in the basement!" exclaims Tera. "Please, Rei! It'll be really fun!"

Hearing the word "sleepover" catches Evy's attention. She looks up from her bowl and joins in. "Yay! A sleepover! Please say yes, Rei!!" she exclaims.

I mean, why on earth would I say no? "Of course, guys! As long as it's okay with your parents."

"YAY!" they all shout, and rush over to hug me. I pat each of them on the back awkwardly. "Alright, that's enough haha. It's time to get ready for bed."

"Aww, c'mon!" Riley says. "Can't we stay up later?" Tera asks, batting her eyelashes at me.

I put my hands on my hips. "Haha, nope! that's not gonna work this time Tera. Tomorrow's a school day."

Having an idea, I grin wickedly at them, and say: "Besides... if you girls are too sleepy then your parents might decide I'm a bad babysitter and find someone else!"

That seems to have been the right tactic. They all gasp with indignation and trudge upstairs to brush their teeth and get their pajamas on. I shake my head as I watch them leave, then go get ready for bed myself.

I lie awake for a little while, plotting. My mind fills with ideas for what to do on the sleepover. I eventually fall asleep to dreams of loli orgies...

Chapter VIII

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