Generations/Jaedyn Farmer

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You plunge into the young boy's body, annihilating his soul and former memories as you assume his form. This new body is strong and virile, full of untapped potential.

Around you and above you the grim morning hangs oppressively. You find yourself in a lifelessly grey wheat field, and moving around it you see gloomy silhouettes; likely belonging to your family and fellow serfs. The air reeks of wet earth, and your mighty limbs ache with weariness. Judging by the sickle in your hand, your previous host must have been toiling here since before dawn.

“You!” a gruff man's voice suddenly calls out behind you. “Nobody said you could stop. Get back to work!”.

Turning around, you see a man on horseback. Garbed in chainmail and heraldic tabard, you assume he is a knight sent to oversee the production on his lord's property. Giving his horse a kick, he rides up close to you and sputters furiously:

“Are you deaf, you defiant little shit? Get back to work before I snap your neck like a chicken bone!”

What do you do?

Chosen - Generation: One
Time Passed: 0y 0m 0d
Abilities Equipment Mate(s) Children
Name Jaedyn Farmer Divine Spark Sickle None None
Age 14y 3m 16d
Gender Male
Race Human
Social Class Serf
Body Superb (7)
Mind Average (5)
Spirit Average (5)