Pedo Paradise/male/You are a pediatrician

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Being is pediatrician is a very great job. You started as a part of a small joint practice until you started to see some kids who showed clear signs of sexual molestation. After a few talks with the dads (and even some of the moms) you were able to get enough money from them to start your own private practice with a secret. That secret was that all your patents were from families where their parents would molest them. Some enjoy it, some do not, but in the end your agreement with the parents allows you to have fun with their children during their check ups.

You arrive at your office and are greeted by Anna your 27 year old nurse practitioner and fellow pedophile. She tells you that there are two appointments today. At 10:00 AM you have seven-year-old Jacob Klauser, at 12AM you have nine-year-old Liliana Kosovo.

Tomorrow you have twelve-year-old Sabrina Wilson at 10 AM, and thirteen-year-old Atlas Newman in the afternoon.

The next day is four-year-old Jack Nielsen and four-year-old Nina Polmara at times to be confirmed.

First Day

Second Day

Third Day 4yo Jack Nielsen

4yo Nina Polmara

You've seen everyone, Time to go home