Family Ties/How long did you end up screwing the twins you sat for?

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Truth or dare sweetie?" Cindy asks, idly toying with a hard nipple, a horny smirk on her face.

I'll give ya something to make your nipples hard baby... "Give me a truth."

Cindy gives a slight laugh, "So slut.., how long did you end up screwing those twins you sat for?"

Just the mention of your taboo love affair with the twin sibling makes your pussy gush. "Oh hell, I sat for them all the way through college, so all the way up till I was 21 and just before marring Steven. So I guess for four years."

"Mmm, that's a whole lot of fucking..." The horny blonde coos.

"At least twice a week when I sat for them while their mother worked late. We always ended up in Tracy's room since she had the double bed. Mikey would take turns banging us till we heard his mother's key hit the door." You shake your head. "...And I got plenty of one on one time with Mikey on the weekends and what not. He was just as addicted to to my tight pussy as I was to his big cock. I have to say that at least every other night when we couldn't find a place and time to fuck, we end up on the phone jacking and jilling off together. He even talked me into taking a few naked pics of me from the neck down with a Polaroid camera." You can't but giggle, wondering if he still had them.

"What about Tracy.., any one on one time with her." Cindy asks, genuinely interested.

The question brings up the only time you and Tracy fooled around with out Mikey. "Well, actually that only happened once and to be honest it wasn't my idea. "I was getting home from a party late one night during my senior year. The whole house was asleep so I headed to my room, yanking off clothes on the way and walked into my room to find Tracy laying naked on my bed." To this day you still remember can still remember the sight of her naked body bathed in moon light laying on your bed. " She was maybe 11 at the time, just starting to grow some titties. Her and I had screwed around a little bit while Mikey fucked us, making out and feeling each other up but nothing compared to what we did that night. God we fucked from the time I got home till clear into the next day."

"Was that the first time you lezzed out with a little girl?" Tyler asks, breaking his silence.

You cock your head to one side. "No, not the first but definitely the hottest." you giggle.

Cindy seems to be assessing thing over in her head and just when your about to call out the next person she interrupts you. "So wait a minute.., You said you have only cheated on Steven once. But if you were banging the twins when you were 21 that's only 10 years ago."

Finally you realize where Cindy is going with her line of thinking. "Which means a few things right sweetie. It means Steven isn't Heather's or Jake's dad and it also means there is a real possibility that Mikey is the one who knocked me up with my twins." Cindy looks truly surprised. "Steven and I dated on and off through out high school and college but we didn't actually get married till after Tracy and Mike moved away and I was pregnant with the twins. As far as he is concerned he is all the kids father and they don't know any different. So like anything else that has been talked about today I really hope you guys can keep this to yourselves. Steven has no idea that I have ever been with anyone besides him." You muse. "He would have a fucking heart attack if he knew that aside from him and my daddy the oldest cock I've had has been 12."

Cindy immediately nods her head closely followed Tyler. "You got nothing to worry about sweetie.., what ever happens in this room stays between the three of us." You didn't doubt that but it's still nice to hear.





