Fantastic Views/The school

From All The Fallen Stories
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The school was crammed with children aged from five to thirteen. A few of the children were waiting for the bus, chatting idly amongst themselves. You scouted a few prime options out. The first was a twelve year old boy. He was a bit of a nerd, but behind the large glasses were attractive features. The second was a seven year old boy, he was small for his age and sat alone. He wiped tears from olive skin. The third was a twelve year old girl. She had freckles and brown hair. She was teasing another girl relentlessly. Her fiery spirit would be fun to break. The last child that caught your eye was a five year old girl. She threw a ball with one of her friends, giggling and chasing it dangerously close to the road. Her blonde hair fell cutely around her cheeks.

Who do you approach?