User talk:Thorniestmax

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 10:54, 31 March 2016 by Elerneron (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the site. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions, or need any help please feel free to contact me on my Talk Page. Feel free to remove this welcome notice if it bothers you. --Elerneron (talk) 19:55, 29 March 2016 (CEST)

Wow, Thank you! I didn't expect a welcome from the big kahuna herself! (himself? ...?) Anyways, I look forward to many lovely loli stories on this site! <3 Thank you soo much for making it! Thorniestmax (talk) 01:02, 30 March 2016 (CEST)

I don't mean to make you feel less special, but I make it a habit to welcome all new members. I want to foster a friendly, inviting atmosphere on the site. Also, when responding to someone who posts on your talk page, it it best to respond on their talk page. When you do that, it gives the person a notification that they have a new message. Putting it on your own talk page with the original topic doesn't alert them, so they could easily miss it. Luckily I have to check every new edit, so I saw your response. Anyway welcome again, and I hope you enjoy the stories (and maybe even add to them if you are so inclined). --Elerneron (talk) 01:29, 30 March 2016 (CEST)

To add a page to the watchlist, all you need to do is click the star next to View History at the top of the page. Unfortunately, this won't tell you when a new page was added to a story, so it isn't much help for how we are using the software. As of right now, there isn't a reliable way to get notified of new pages added to a story. Using the Recent Changes link on the left will let you see what pages have been added and/or modified over a period that you specify. Since pages are required to have the story's name in their title (though many, like myself, shorten it to an abbreviation) you can see what stories have had pages added. This is how I kept my eye on things back when I was just a user. Sorry there isn't a better alternative. --Elerneron (talk) 10:18, 31 March 2016 (CEST)

You could certainly try adding the category page for a story to your watch list; but I don't think it works that way. From my understanding, the watch list is pretty much the same thing as the Recent Changes page, but only for pages on your watch list. The Recent Changes special page does not register a change to the category page when a new page is added to that category. I may be wrong however, as I have never tried it. If you decide to try it, let me know if it works.--Elerneron (talk) 12:54, 31 March 2016 (CEST)