Bored Little Girl/Game

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"Sure! What kind of game?" Jackie replies eagerly.

"Do you want to play... the wedgie game?"

The wedgie game wasn't really a game so much as a set of rules you and your sisters made up as an excuse to wedgie each other. Each round would start with a match of rock-paper-scissors. The loser then has to hold their hands in front of them and try not to move while counting to five (using "Mississippi"s to ensure proper timing). During this time, the winner tries to get their hands into the loser's pants or under her skirt to give her a wedgie. Once the loser gets to five Mississippis they are allowed to move again and another round starts. The game is lost when your panties visibly rip or the pain (or pleasure) gets to be too much and you tap out. You used to play this game with Jackie all the time, but it had been a while.

"I love the wedgie game!" says Jackie, giggling.

"Awesome! Let's go, then", you say, turning to face your sister head-on. You become aware of the fact that your panties are dripping wet and know that your sister might notice while giving you your wedgie if you lose. The thought turns you on even more.

"Okay, ready?" she asks with a mischievous smile.

"Yeah", you reply quietly, smiling back.

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

What do you throw?