Must be true/part 20

From All The Fallen Stories
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“Ok, well, watch! I’m about to shoot a WHOOOOLE lot of semen inside you right now!” I said and then pushed up with my arms even more to expose more of Jodi’s pelvis and also push my penis deeper inside her. At the same time, I felt the feeling that said I was about to ejaculate.

“It’s gonna be more than leaked out of you before.” I added under my breath while she silently stared at my pelvic bone as it pressed into hers, hiding the actual spot where my penis was going inside her from view.

Without either of us saying a word or moving a muscle further, I felt my penis start twitching while the feeling of something warm and thick pulsed down it and into Jodi’s vagina. I didn’t count the number of times my penis twitched the previous times I had sex with Jodi, but it was definitely way way more times right now. It was only a little over ten times, but it really felt like it was never going to stop for a while there.

We were both still silent for a while even after it stopped, but Jodi looked up and smiled.

“There, see?” I asked as I pulled my penis out. “You couldn’t really see anything.”

“Yeah.” She said as she started propping herself up more on her elbows. As if her motion squeezed it out, a gob of thick white stuff with the consistency of glue came leaking out of her vagina.

“Oh no!” She yelled and immediately held her crotch with both hands. “Eliot! It’s leaking again!” She said.

“Uhh… it’s Ok as long as most of it stays in! It doesn’t matter because I just put a whole lot inside you. And, I never run out of semen either, so we can just play sex again and I will put just as much back in you any time we want. I can ejaculate like that as many times a day as I want, every time I have sex.” I told her.

She just made a funny face. “What’s that word mean? Eja-cu… something. It sounds weird!”

“Uhh… that's the word for when I shoot out my semen inside of you.” I told her.

“That’s weeeerd! Why do you call it that?” She asked.

“Umm… I don’t know. That’s just the word my health teacher taught me for when semen comes out of the penis.” I said.

“Mmmm…” She made a thoughtful sound and then looked back down at her hands covering her crotch. “That’s still wierd. I think it should be called semening. Like peeing with semen.” She said. “But, is it really ok if it leaks?”

“Yeah, as long as you stay laying down you should have enough of it stay inside you to get pregnant.”

She still seemed unconvinced. What could I say to her to get her to settle down?

Poll closed:poll results

  • Don't use your power, just tell her to lay down while you go order dinner 13 vote landslide
