A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/Week2/Bath

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A very uneventful week went by, all prior mishaps just distant memories, by the time the next one befell poor Sally. She came home from school one afternoon looking to reward herself with a bath after acing a spelling test. Mom was happy for her but had to drive to the Megamart before dinner and offered to take her along. But her daughter was set on that bath. Once mom was pulling out of the driveway, Sally decided to make it extra special and dug up one of her mom's bath bombs. She put together a little plate of cheese and grapes. She put on her favorite music. She was going to make sure that everything was perfect.

Sally stripped down, double checked all of her things, and then leaned in to turn on the water to fill up the tub when it occurred to her that she couldn't have a celebratory bath without her favorite towel. For this to be a real treat, she needed her favorite towel for when she was done; a striped rainbow towel that she had quietly claimed as hers even though it was frequently used by other members of her family. It wasn't even the best towel that they owned, but it was definitely her favorite.

Sally rushed over to her room without a stitch to cover herself, unconcerned or unaware that she had left her shirt and shorts on the bathroom tile. She just had to grab her towel, and then everything would be perfect. And so she spent many minutes sifting through her closet, pulling things out from under her bed, and overturning just about everything that was on her floor, only to come up empty handed.

Tapping her toe on the floor, Sally contemplated where it could have gone, and quickly got it in her head that her brother must have taken it. She was pretty sure he showered this morning.

She barged into Devin's room without even knocking. With her hands on her scants hips, she loudly demanded, "Where's my towel?"

"Jesus! What the hell?" Devin had his VR headset on and was especially startled by his sister's sudden appearance. But he still didn't exit his game. He just told her to go away.

"I will. I just have to find my towel first," she insisted.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm busy."

Unbeknownst to Devin, his sister was once again in his room fully naked. Unbeknownst to Sally, her brother was streaming himself while playing his video game, and she was standing well in view of his camera. Although the stream was masking out his room, her pale body clipped through it when she walked into frame. She slipped by her sibling and hung around in the background for a brief while, avoiding Devin's flailing arms and quietly laughing at her silly looking brother. She sat for a bit on the floor and even mocked some of his movements, but was ultimately more interested in tossing his clothes all over his room and peeking into his drawers. Her brother's small audience meanwhile became much more interested in the nude pixie drifting in and out of view behind him, wondering if she was even real.

The pixie wasn't part of the game however, and Sally left her brother's room disappointed that her next best option had been a bust. But she wandered downstairs still determined to find her towel. She remembered having a picnic in the yard during the past week but couldn't remember what she had sat on. The actual answer was "grass" but her faulty memory was able to insert her towel into the details in her head. It seemed a real possibility that she could have left it outside. So, just as she was, she stepped into the backyard and started scanning the ground. Without any immediate sign of it, she rounded her way to the front of the house to keep looking.

Sally suddenly had a very concerning revelation once she was looking down her street... had she left the bathtub running?! She thought about it for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief. She was sure she hadn't made it that far down into her ritual, so there was no need to rush inside. Instead she peeked in the garbage bin and lifted some flower pots. She looked up into the trees and around every bush. She wanted to be positive that her towel wasn't anywhere outside.

The twins across the street, Pepper and Anne, did happen to be outside along with some friends. Sally noticed the younger girls pointing at her so she smiled and waved cheerfully. The girls laughed and fell over each other in response. It seemed like they were out doing gymnastics on the lawn. Sally had a mean cartwheel, so she bounced forward onto her hands to show off to the joyful friends across the way. The girls laughed and pointed some more. They were probably impressed. So Sally gave them one more, reaching her toes to the sky as she rolled herself along.

"What are you doing?" one of the twins' friends shouted across the street. Pepper and Anne tried to shush the girl, but Sally was happy to answer.

"I'm looking for my towel!" Sally yelled back. "Have you seen it?" The friends laughed some more, taking a moment to collect themselves.

"You should keep looking!" suggested Pepper. Although it might have been Anne. Sally could never tell them apart.

"Okay! I will! Have fun!" Sally waved once more as she continued her trek around the house.

Sally ended up in the backyard again only scratching her head. A towel felt like a hard thing to lose. It was more like a bedsheet than a sock, so the fact she couldn't find it was driving Sally crazy!

Back inside, she walked through the living room, dining room, kitchen, and even peeked into the garage, before she went into the laundry room, certain that THIS was the place that she would find her towel. There was a load still in the dryer, but nothing in the washing machine. Sally started pulling clothes out piece by piece and setting them into a basket. She wasn't halfway through when the doorbell rang.