A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/Week2/Bath/Doorbell

From All The Fallen Stories
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She wasn't expecting anyone so at first Sally kept sorting. But when it rang twice more she thought it must be important and rushed out to the front door.

"Oh! Hi!" she greeted cheerfully. It was the girls from across the street. When they saw Sally again completely starkers they started giggling, but they tried to hush each other quiet.

"We were wondering if you found your towel yet... but..." said Anne, or maybe Pepper, stifling their chuckles.

"No, I haven't. I don't know where else to look!" admitted Sally, throwing up her arms.

"Have you looked in our yard?" asked the other twin. The girls started giggling some more.

Did she have her picnic with the twins this week? She couldn't remember. Sally shrugged. "Why not? It's worth a look."

Sally stepped into her flip flops then stepped outside. The girls started giggling a proper fit seeing their naked neighbor stroll casually down her front walk. Sally smiled again, wondering why they were so giddy. Maybe it's a birthday party. She did notice a couple of them were walking around barefoot though. What a silly thing to do outdoors! Sally knew better than that!

After they crossed the street the group gave all sorts of suggestions of where Sally should look. They had her bend over to peek under a car in the driveway, made her crawl along the edge of the flower bed to check under all the plants, and dragged a stepstool out of the house so that Sally could see onto the top of a bush, just to be sure.

Eventually one of the girls suggested that they ask a neighbor. They directed Sally to be the one to ring the doorbell, which she gladly did. When an older gentleman answered the door to find a nubile little thing standing stark naked on his doorstep, his mouth dropped open in shock.

"Devil, don't tempt me!" he said aloud, leering at Sally's body.

"Um, no, I'm Sally! I'm just looking for my towel. Have you seen it?"

Sally couldn't even offer a description of it before the old man closed his door in a huff. The other girls shrieked and ran back into their yard. It seemed to Sally that this was the least helpful idea so far. She rushed back to join the other girls when Anne tossed out a different suggestion.

"Hey! Do another cartwheel!"

Sally grinned at this. They were impressed! How flattering. They probably only asked her over here so she could give them some tips.

"Yeah! Sure! You have to keep your arms really straight!" shared Sally. She kicked off her flip flops first, not wanting to send them flying. The fully nude tween then tumbled to the side again making the girls giggle. So she rolled back in the other direction and gave a little pose after. "Ta da!"

The girls encouraged her to keep going, so she did a couple more before Sally decided to show them a back bend. She planted her feet wide then stretched her arms behind her, bending back until she found the ground. She really arched her back, raising her hips as high as they could go.

Sally pushed herself, trying to show off a little. A car honked as it drove by and the girls giggled again. As she held this position, it suddenly felt like the sun was shining directly onto her privates. She quickly brushed that aside, such a silly thought. How would it do that? The sun must have just come out from behind a cloud.

But when Sally dropped down onto her back she felt blades of grass slide between her bum cheeks. She was a bit startled by this, wondering how that could've gotten into her shorts. Sally sat up, leaned forward, and spread her legs, only to stare down at her barred bald pussy.

"I'm... naked...?"

The girls held back a moment then burst into laughter. Poor Sally realized only then that she had been gallivanting outside in the nude under the direction of a flock of mischievous girls. There was no sense in sitting here in the buff just so she could be laughed at. Sally stood up in a flash and streaked back to her house.

"Wait! We didn't find your towel!" one of the girls shouted.

Humiliated, Sally ran up to her front door and pulled the handle. But it was locked. Now it was her jaw that was dropping. How could she have locked the door without a key? It turned out that after the doorbell had went off multiple times, Devin had lazily gone downstairs to investigate, after Sally had already left. He found the front door ajar, something else Sally had forgotten to do, so Devin both latched and locked it for good measure and went back to his game.

Sally now rang the doorbell frantically, dancing on her tiptoes in her birthday suit in broad daylight. The other girls stared across the street at her, chatting up a storm amongst each other, still entertained by the weird naked girl wiggling in the sunshine. Sally stood naked on her own front step for much longer than she should have when her brother didn't answer right away. She just kept glancing up and down the street, obsessing over who else might have seen her. If that old guy across the street wasn't boarding up his windows by now then there was no doubt he was peeking out of them while she cowered helplessly, facing her front door.

Resigned to the fact that Devin was not going to save her from this, Sally turned and ran back across the street, one hand between her legs and another trying to cover her face. The careless adolescent was nearly trembling between the adrenaline and endorphins. She stopped in front of the giggle troupe and did her best to politely beg for help.

"Pepper? Anne? Can I please come inside and borrow your phone?" she asked with a smile, crossing her legs.

"Their mom doesn't let them have strangers over!" one of the other girls rudely declared.

Sally took a moment to retrieve her flip flops from the lawn, holding one across her chest and the other over her lap. It was a paltry excuse for modesty, but it was all she had. "Please? Just for a couple of minutes? I didn't mean to come outside naked..." she shared, which made them all giggle again. How could this be anything other than intentional?

One of the friends whispered to the twins and the sisters both nodded their heads. They turned to Sally with big smiles. "If you wait here then we'll go inside to find some clothes for you."

"Okay!" agreed Sally. "Maybe a dress, or a shirt... I'll take anything!" she admitted, pleading.

The entire gaggle of girls rushed inside and slammed the door, leaving Sally to question whether she should even stick around. But with no other immediate options Sally waited, as patiently as she could, covering herself with a pair of flip flops.

The worst thing happened a few minutes later. Someone came down the street; a buff sweaty guy running with his dog. He was topless and wearing sunglasses, but slowed down as he approached the twin's house. He just grinned and stared at the young nudie standing out on the lawn as he walked by.

"My... my friends locked me out!" explained Sally, glancing down to check that her footwear was still covering her. Her face felt as flush as the man's tanned shoulders looked despite her lack of exercise.

"Sure they did," he nodded. "You should make new friends. Or don't," he added, peeking over his shades. Sally just laughed nervously. He then turned and walked backward as he passed, simply adding, "Have fun."

"You too! Cya!" Sally raised her sandal to wave goodbye then frantically slapped it down between her legs, kicking herself for getting so easily flustered. The man just chuckled and started his run again.

Sally was left to stew over her gracelessness for a few more minutes until the girls returned, with...

A deal: