Sexy Fun Times/Shemale/Bed

From All The Fallen Stories
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You look in the mirror and see that there is someone in your bed. "Oh Fuck! Was I so drunk last night," you think, trying to remember who it was... Is?

You go to the side of the bed and kneel down to get a better look. Whoever it is has her (his?) back to you and all you can see is a tousled head of curly brown hair and a small pink ear. "Small pink ear... ow old is she/he?"

The figure groans and rolls over. Now you can see a pretty face with a snub nose and bruised looking lips. The eyelids come open revealing a pair of big puppy-dog brown eyes. "What the fuck's her name?"

"Herro," she mumbles, rubbing sleep out of her eyes.

"Good morning Sweety," you say.

She sits up and you can see that she is no more than ten years old and appears to be as naked as you. You get up and sit on the edge of the bed and see her eyes open wide as she sees what is hanging down between your legs. "Are you a boy, err, man," she says.

You shake your head. "No Sweety, I am a woman. Just a bit different, that's all."

She looks at your your thirty-four-inch tits and then down at your cock which is beginning to swell. "That's just weird," she says, and then realises how rude it is. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean..." She is blushing all over. "It's just that, well, when the man in number two goes out dressed as a woman, he still looks like a man dressed up, but Mum and I both thought you were a woman..." Her voice dies away as she puts her hand over her mouth.

You smile, catch hold of her other hand and give it a squeeze. Memory is beginning to come back. Her mother had knocked on your door last night and begged you to look after... Melissa? Martia? because she had to go somewhere. "Emergency. Desperate. No one else to ask..."