God's Compensation/lore

From All The Fallen Stories
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This section is to give you a background on how the world within this story works. This story has a heavily science-fiction influenced base. As such, it deals with some real-world scientific theory that might be over the heads of most readers. Because of this, it is important that a guide be written to enable would-be contributors other than the original author to write for this story, and also to aid curious readers so they can know the inspirations behind several of the decisions.

This guide is divided into 4 sections. Those sections are as follows.

Character profiles on the people that appear in the story.

This section attempts to explain the real scientific multi-dimensional theory this story is based on to the best of the author's ability. Not all information may be accurate, but it should help you understand the basis behind what is happening in this story. There is a lot of meta in this section, often talking about how some of the scientific theories are not quite applied as truly as they could be in the context of the story, or noting areas where the story speaks with authority when the scientific world has actually not reached a consensus.

This section explains how the scientific theory in the previous section is interpreted by the author and then applied in the world of this story. It details the extraordinary powers available to the beings that live in a 6 dimensional world. The natures of how these powers are interpreted are still a work in progress, and the lore in this section may be subject to change. Feedback from other people wishing to contribute is welcome assuming these would-be contributors have a passing understanding of the mechanics section.

This section delves into the purely fictional parts of the story in regards to the societies that have risen up as a result of the powers and abilities outlined in the previous section. It details lifestyles and opinions of the society made up of the 6 dimensional beings, as well as re-envisioning of real world religious history to accommodate these beings as the basis behind a lot of religious lore. This information will probably not have a particularly heavy impact on the story, except in the case of what the general mind-set and opinion of a 6-dimensional being is as the protagonist of the story may decide to change his behavior as to not draw the attention of some of them.