A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/ClothingOptional/Devin/Friends/Cajole/Randall/1on1/Extend

From All The Fallen Stories
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Ava called from downstairs. "Sally, Devin, breakfast is ready."

The two kids passed in the hallway as they headed down.

"Clothes.", said Devin.

Sally sighed. "Right, thanks.", she said as she returned to her room to get dressed. It was such a drag. How could she be a real nudist if she couldn't even go naked in half of her own house? It was time to talk about that. She put on the over-sized shirt that had once been her nightgown. Of course she hadn't actually worn it to bed for some time.

It was Saturday and rather than sleep in, Ava liked to cook something a little more elaborate on the weekends. Today it was french toast with bacon and hash browns. Seeing—and smelling—this perked Sally up a bit, but she still wasn't happy about having to get dressed to eat it. When she got to the table and started filling her plate, her family was already talking about inconsequential things. Inconsequential to Sally at least. Something about a charity luncheon. She waited for the right moment to say her piece.

"Can we talk about my nudism?"

Ryan responded. "Sure, honey. Is this about Weston and Randall? I know we never talked about this specifically, but your brother has a right to have friends over. I did tell him he should warn you in the future, but when I got up you were asleep with your door open so..."

"No, dad. I don't mind that. I'm a nudist; I'm not worried about people seeing me."

"What is it, then?"

"It's just that I'm getting tired of having to get dressed when I come downstairs. It was embarrassing when his friends where here... it made it feel like I was doing something wrong." Sally carefully avoided actually admitting she had been downstairs naked.

"Well, if you really feel that way, I don't see a problem with it." He turned to his wife. "How about you, love?"

Ava looked uncomfortable. "I don't know dear. But I guess if we're serious about letting her be a nudist it makes sense."

Devin spoke up at this point. "You know I've already been seeing her naked every day, since my room is right across from hers. And honestly I'd be just as glad if she could be naked in the rest of the house." He didn't want to hurt her feelings by adding "because she then she wouldn't have to hang around me quite so much", but that's what he was thinking.

Ryan turned back to Sally. "I guess you have your answer then. After yesterday with visitors, I don't think anyone can doubt your commitment to nudism."

"Thanks dad! Can I undress right now?", Sally asked excitedly. And that's when things got a little contentious.

Ava thought that was going too far. "No, you can do it in your room. And I think that should be a rule. Taking your clothes off in front of people is weird, even if you are a nudist."

"But mom, the only time I'll even have clothes on is when I've been out outside."

"Are you willing to commit to that? That would mean the house is no longer 'clothing optional'; you'd have to be naked all the time. As soon as you come in, until just before you leave. It's not what I'd choose, but it's better than just undressing randomly."

Sally was taken aback by this and unsure what to say. She liked the clothing optional idea, although it was true, so far her policy had been to be naked as much as possible.

Ryan nodded. "Your mother makes a good point, undressing unexpectedly is awkward for other people, and if it bothers her, it's not too much to ask that you be consistent about it."

"So, which will it be?", asked Ava. "You can commit to never wearing clothes at home, or just go to your room to undress."

All eyes were on Sally. What did she say?