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The Varselavesh Invasion of Earth

You engage the cloaking field as you enter the solar system of star 14a.3fc.ac6.ff0.66e.12b . . . "Sol", you remind yourself, "the sun." You decrease the warp drive as you glide into the system.

"Pluto: dwarf planet, main moon, Charon, named after the Roman god of the underworld and the boatman of the underworld respectively. Contention over the reclassification from planet to dwarf planet." You are certain your fellow invaders are testing their memories as well. The outermost planet of the system comes into view.

"Neptune: named after the Roman god of the Sea. Major moons: Proteus, Triton, and Nerid." You were the obvious choice for the mission, of course. You've studied these humans . . . you almost laugh to yourself recalling that most of the galaxy is referring to them as hu-mans due to that ghastly short article by Vrj'Grsh Blthor. You have studied them for a full natural lifetime, and are versed in all but their most obscure languages. They intrigue you, these primitive sentients. They have so much potential, but so much is wasted on ritual and superstition.

"Uranus:" you think as the next planet comes into view, "the butt of juvenile jokes . . ." you smile realizing that you had just made one yourself. "Named after the Roman god of the Sky, major moons, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon." You slow the warp down even more. No need to rush. It was no surprise that they chose you for this mission, the surprise was that they chose you to lead the mission. Your mentor Devok J'tor would have been the logical choice . . . but she had turned them down for some reason.

"Saturn: known for its rings, named after the Roman god of Agriculture. Major moons: Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Phoebe." Well at least being the leader of the expedition meant that you got the US assignment. You wouldn't have minded Japan or the UK either, but being a teacher in Russia or China did not sound like fun.

"The big boy, Jupiter: named after the Roman king of the Gods. Major moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto." You actually find yourself looking forward to the mission. You do find human women attractive, in there own way . . . though you could never seem to get attracted to the males . . . the lack of breasts you suppose . . . but when you think of it, you are also attracted to young human girls and boys without breasts . . . maybe all the body hair?

"Almost there . . . Mars: named after the roman god of war. Major moons: Deimos and Phobos." You detect ships ahead. It seems you aren't the first to arrive. Orbiting the moon Luna in an orbit designed to keep them eternally on the dark side of the moon, are three starships. The first is obvious, a Galactic Enforcer Frigate. They are likely here to keep tabs and make sure no one breaks the invasion laws. Funny, you will be doing more to protect the humans by invading them than the cops will watching you invade. The other two ships . . . hmmm . . . that one looks Markovik. The other, you have no clue.

You settle into orbit with the other ships, sending a silent acknowledgement of the enforcer hail almost the instant it arrives. You quickly submit your documentation, receive your authorization, and call your team to the briefing room. There are eight of you here, but only five will be allowed on-planet. You give out the assignments, give your rehearsed pep-talk, and enter your scout ship. You launch your ship, cloaking as you exit the docking bay.

You veer around the moon, and gaze at the beautiful blue Earth for a moment before entering the coordinates for your destination. You had thought about it long and hard before choosing your destination. In the end, the choice seemed obvious.

You enter the coordinates for:

  • Vallejo, California: a stone's throw from San Francisco, this progressive region will be relatively easy to convert, so you can focus on breeding.
  • Forest Hill, Indiana: a rural town with a moderately conservative view. Not too easy, not too hard.
  • Huston, Texas: a challenging conservative city. The challenge you have been looking for. To make the Texans into socialist atheists will be . . . very challenging.

Invasion Stage: One Varselavesh Abilities Equipment
Human-Varselavesh Hybrids 0 Superior Strength, Broad Spectrum Vision, Enhanced Smell, Limited Taste, Amphibious, Difficulty Breathing*, Brainwave Reception, Pressure Tolerance

*Corrected with technology
Personal: Self-Regenerating Human "skinsuit" Disguise, Interspecies Reproductive Implant, Atmospheric Condenser Implant, Medical Nanite Implant, Varselavesh Specific Anti-Aging Medication, Omni-scanner disguised as a smartphone, Small Scout Ship with cloaking field.
On the Mothership (orbiting the moon): Supercomputer that is a million times more powerful than all of the computers on Earth combined, Combat Armor with a Hot/Cold Plasma Field, Plasma Weapons, MiniFac - A miniature factory that uses 3D printing to build anything given the proper elements to build it with.
Political Progress 0%
Cultural Progress 0%
Technical Progress 0%
Overall Transformation 0%
Human Suspicion 0%
Human Resistance 0%