The Interdimensional Traveler/Devall's Path/Relax

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You decide to just relax and watch some TV until classes start. You walk over to your couch and plop down. You grab your remote, point it at your 68 in HoloTV and turn it on. You flick it through the various channels... You find nothing good to watch so you switch it over to one of the HDMI Channels and turn on your Sparkbox 3000 Gaming Console... As it powers on you hear a knock on your apartment door... You look at the clock it says 6:45 AM. "Who on Murusinon is coming to see me this early?" you think to yourself. You then walk over to your door and open it up...

"Hey, D! Surprise!" says a beautiful Drovok woman of about 19 with a nervous chuckle. "It's been a while I know, I'm so sorry for coming this early but it's kind of an emergency..."

"It's alright Sida, what's wrong?" This is Sida-Anos a Pink Skinned Drovok Woman She is 19 years' old and has been like a little sister to you for AT LEAST 10 years now. She looks to her right and beckons someone.

"It's alright bud come here." She looks back at you and smiles as a Drovok Boy of maybe 7 or 8 comes out and stands in front of her. He is so adorable he has huge Violet eyes that are almost glowing, His skin is a darker pink and his Disheveled Emo Hairstyle is a Chestnut Brown Color and covers his right eye. His eyes almost appear to sparkle when he looks up at you.

"Well, well, who is this little handsome fella?" You say as you smile at him. He quickly turns his head Away from you clearly blushing.

"This is my Son Til-Set. I know classes start for you at 10:30 or whatever but I was wondering if you could Babysit him for a couple hours. My Aunt is in the hospital for some reason and I need to go see what happened. I promise I'll be back before your Classes start... But if for some strange reason I don't make it back before then you have my full permission to bring him with you to classes. I'm sure the other student's and professor's won't mind."

You pause for a second and start to speak... "Um, well yeah I guess but why can't you..."

She cuts you off "Oh my god thank you so much D! Your a life saver!" She bends down to talk to Til. Her breasts practically falling out of her tube top. "Now Til... D has been my friend since before you were born you can trust him I guess you can kinda consider him almost like your uncle. Now be good for him and do whatever he asks you too do no matter what alright. I'll be back a little later ok." Til nods in agreement and Sida Takes off downstairs and outside.