Seducing My Sister/First BJ/The Doctor/Swimming/Suki

From All The Fallen Stories
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We were earlier than usual because Dad had to go somewhere after. We sat on a bench to get ready and a man came in from the pool. He was younger than Dad and you could see his muscles. You were taking your trainers off and when you looked up, he had stripped off and was soaping himself in the shower right opposite. The two remarkable things about him were, the length of his cock and the fact that he had no hair anywhere on his body.

Suki's eyes are on stalks when she sees his cock hanging down halfway to his knees. He does have hair on his head, and he soaps that first and then uses his hands to soap the rest of his body. When he gets to his cock, he wraps it in a soapy hand and gives it a good clean. Dad has gone to the toilet, so we we are both sitting there staring, when the man spots us. Far from being embarrassed, he holds his cock out for us to see.

In the pool, Suki says that she could hardly believe that a willy could grow that big and asks if yours will get as big.

"I doubt it," you say. "You've seen other men in here and none of them are anywhere near it. I think he must be some kind of freak."

"Maybe it's cos he plays with it a lot," she says.

"Might be, but I think it's just how he's made, like some people are tall and some short."

"I s'pose. Which are you?"

You shrug nonchalantly. "Dunno. 'bout average I guess." "Do I take this further?"