Sexual Research Commission/Grover/Peters/5

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The Peters Family

Lyla: an obstinate 5 year old girl

Jack: a 10 year old boy

Emily: a daydreaming 12 year old girl

Michael: 35 year old single father of three

Part 2: Emily | Chapter 5: The End of the World as We Know It

Emily drifted through the halls of Grover Middle School in a daze. Her best friend in the whole world could get registered into P-FANS. Sweet little Riley, a pfangirl! How could they do this? She was innocent, so innocent. This would ruin her, cut her childhood short. It could all end with nothing more than a simple signature from one of her parents.

There was only one thing to do. They had to find someone to have sex with. The only way Emily could help her friend now was to gain some experience herself. Then she could help Riley do it to. Surely any boy would be glad to pop their cherry, all they'd have to do is ask. It sounds so simple, but how do you decide who to give your first time to? All the boys she knew were either mean or just gross. She wanted her first time to be special. She had to find someone she could trust to do it right. Someone older maybe. A teacher? No! No, how pathetic would that be? That would have to be a last resort. Someone older, more mature does sound good though. Then it hit her. Rather she hit him, not watching where she was going. Bobby Fischer. He hardly noticed, saying sorry and passing on, but she knew he would be the one. They'd known each other for ever. Their parents were friends from way back and lived right across the street. Until a couple years ago, she would have called him her best friend, but he started playing lacrosse and they just sort of lost touch. She turned around to follow him. She wouldn't just come out and ask him to have sex, she wasn't a slut, she'd ask him out. There was a new sports movie out, right? She'd ask to go see that with him.

He turned into the gym and she lost sight of him. It took her a moment to spot him, he'd already made it across the large room and stood next to the bleachers. Her heart skipped a beat when her eyes rested on him. He'd put on some muscle since she talked to him last, started to look like a real athlete.

"Bobby!" she called out to him once she crossed half the room.

"Uh, hi Emily." he answered.

"I wanted to, I just—Oh." Emily froze.

"Hi!" said the bubbly blonde on her hands and knees. Emily hardly knew who she was, but she did remember she's on the cheer squad.

"It's, uh, not what it looks like?" Bobby said unconvincingly. It looked like in the short time Emily had lost track of him, he'd dropped his gym shorts and mounted this cheerleader.

"What does it look like?" Emily asked.

"I mean, this is just for the homework." he explained, "You guys got the same assignment in your grade, right? Got to get a picture having sex."

"Why her?" Emily asked tersely.

"I knew the cheerleaders had practice today, so I hoped to catch one before hand and sure enough, Lacy was here early." Bobby said.

"Why a cheerleader?" Emily asked.

Lacy chimed in, "Oh, half the squad is in P-FANS. It makes sense really."

"Really?" Emily asked.

"Oh yeah! The high school team has so many pfangirls in it, they had to get rid of their uniform cause it would look weird with just a couple of them not naked." Lacy added, oblivious to Emily's frustration.

Bobby caught on though. "What did you want to ask me, Emily? Lacy, stop wiggling, I'm trying to talk."

"Sorry!" Lacy giggled.

"You answered my question. I was just curious if the other grades got the same assignment." This is not how Emily pictured asking a guy out on her first ever date.

"Oh, yeah I think the whole school was assigned the same thing." Bobby leaned over and grabbed his phone off the bleachers. "Since you're here, would you mind taking a picture for me? Actually, a video might be better."

"Hold on." Lacy interrupted, "Emmy, you need one too right? I already have plenty. I could film you two if you want."

Bobby perked up, "Oh yeah if you—"

"No." Emily cut him off. "I'll get a picture with someone else." She grabbed the phone and pointed it at his face and hit play. "'Kay go." Moving the camera down to where he entered her ass, she filmed a couple thrusts before ending the recording. She put the phone down on the bleachers and left.

Walking home was completely different from her walk this morning. The same, bright sun was beating down on her and the wind still blew her hair around, but the songbirds just chirped annoyingly and Jack wasn't there. Shit! She forgot to wait for Jack.

"Emily! Em!" Well at least Jack caught up to her anyway. "Emily why—Oh. What happened? You were so happy this morning I could have sworn you were floating. Now there's the huge dark cloud of anger. Who did it? I'll beat 'em up."

She just glared at him.

"That bad?"

"It's Riley."

"You two get in a fight? What happened? You didn't even get like this when she—"

"Her parents are signing her up for P-FANS."

"WHAT? There's no way. They'd never. Not Riley."

"She's failing Sex-Ed. They said if she can't bring her grade up, they'll send her to this camp that completely turns her into a pfangirl."

"Well hey, didn't you hear? They just announced it today, you must have missed it. They made it super easy to pass Sex-Ed. All you have to do is take a picture..."

"She's a virgin. We both are. I don't know what to do. I was going to ask Bo—No wait. Hold up. You said this was easy. You mean you've had sex?"

"Yeah, I'm shocked you haven't. I don't get a lot cause somehow there aren't any pfangirls in any of my classes, but there's a girl in Sex-Ed I fool around with sometimes. Sandy. She came over once or twice."

"Sandy? You and Sandy huh? She's hot."

"Yeah, soon as we heard we I dropped my pants, she lifted her skirt, in I went and we had our photos. Wish we had time to really do it, but the bell had already rung."

"Okay stud." Emily admitted she was impressed, "Doesn't help us though."

"If you want I could, you know..." Jack reached for his belt.

"EW, no! You're my brother!"

"I'm just joking, jeez!" Jack laughed.

"I want My first time to be special. Both Riley and I do."

"I get that I guess. I think my first time was Bobby Fischer."

"No! I almost asked him out today!"

"Aw sis, we could have had the same first!"

"No!" Emily finally cracked a smile.

"I see it now. He'd bring you back to his house after your date and invite you up into the treehouse, for old time sake. You lay down on that same bamboo mat that's been there forever. Take off his shirt."

"Stop it!" Emily laughed.

"You take off your own shirt. No sorry, your dress." Jack fought off her fists before continuing. "After he finally gets out of those tight skinny jeans he wears, you bend over for him and he pulls down your underwear."

"Ah! You can't talk about me like that!" The cloud over Emily faded as she chased her brother down the street.

Jack ran backward to shout back at her, "He'd come up with an excuse to take your back door because that's just the way he likes it. It would be amazing until he lays next to you afterward a ruins it all by saying—" Emily tackled him to the ground when he stopped on their front lawn. They wrestled a moment until he pinned her down and whispered, "Your brother was better!"

Emily threw him off of her and traded places. "HE. WOULD. NEVER." She punctuated each word with punches that actually hurt him a bit. Collapsing on top of him, they both broke into a fit of giggles for several minutes.

"Thanks." she said after a long silence.

Another silence passed before Jack said, "I know you're worried about Riley. It must be scary for you too. Bobby took me up in that treehouse before I ever thought about my first time. All I knew was how fun it was and I wanted to do it again."

"He really was your first?"

"Yeah. He sucked me off after that, but I didn't really penetrate him. First time I did was actually just a few weeks after that. A girl on the playground lifted her dress to show me she wasn't wearing panties and ran off behind the bathrooms. I followed her and she said she wanted to try what they talked about in Sex-Ed. She didn't have a hymen, but her first time still hurt because she wasn't wet enough. I'm kinda ashamed her first time wasn't good, but I was also really glad Bobby had used lots of lube for me."

"Wow. I had no idea. When was this?"

"Almost four years ago now. I hardly had any sex between then until this year, though."

They sat in silence a while longer.

"Guess we should go in." Jack finally said.

"Yeah. I want to talk to Dad about the whole Riley thing. Hopefully he'll have some idea that can help. One thing I'm glad to know is he would never let me end up in P-FANS."

They went inside and straight to their dad's office, but he wasn't there. They found him in the kitchen.

"Hey dad—" Emily said.

"Kids—" He said.

"I have something I need to talk to you about." They said in unison.

"You first." Emily said.

Their dad hesitated before saying, "It's about your sister. Let's go to the living room, you should sit down."

The two kids were terrified of what their father was about to tell them. He was surrounded by a darker cloud than Emily had been earlier.

"Emily, Jack!" Lyla called out to them as they passed the stairs, still as naked as when they left this morning but now covered in marker. "Free-Use" and "Try Me" were written all over her tiny body.

"Who did this to you?" Emily asked as she caught her jumping off the stairs into her arms. Emily gripped her into tight, protective hug.

"Daddy!" Lyla answered happily.

"WHAT?" Emily cried.

"Why?" Jack demanded.

"She wouldn't get dressed, then she got it in her head she wanted to and I couldn't stop her from..." their dad stammered.

"I'm a P-FANS girl now!" Lyla proclaimed proudly.

"She's five!" is all Emily could think to say.

"Yeah, she's five!" her brother agreed.

"She's five!" Emily stated again, holding Lyla even tighter.

"I couldn't stop her." their dad repeated. "I couldn't stop her."

Emily looked at the child in her arms. The excited, naked child in her arms. She put her down and stared at her. Jack looked at Lyla too. Then at their dad. Then at Emily. Back at Dad. Back at Emily. He saw something like understanding in Emily's eyes and stared.

"She's five." Emily stated calmly. "She's five, so she can do it herself. She did it herself."

"What did she do herself?" Jack was even more confused.

"I registered myself!" Lyla explained, "Daddy didn't want me to but he's not allowed to stop me. He wanted to make sure I wanted to, so he wrote all this on me and said I'd have to walk to the office like a P-FANS girl so I did it and it was so much fun! At the end, Sammy's daddy and our daddy sexed my at the same time. I love having sex with daddy most of all. I hope he keeps having sex with me even though I really did it."

"You fucked Lyla?" Jack accused. "She's five!"

"How many times do you have to say it?" Their father wept. "Yes. I fucked my five year old daughter! And it wasn't enough! Because you know what? She loved it. She loved it so much she marched straight over to that SRC office and signed up to do it with what ever stranger wants her."

Emily couldn't believe it. Today must not have really happened. There's now way her best friend was going to get put in P-FANS. Her parents would never allow it. Emily walked upstairs. There's no way her baby sister was put in P-FANS. Her father would never allow it. Emily went to her room. There's no way her father fucked her baby sister. He just wouldn't do that. She laid down. There's no way to day happened. The world doesn't just end like that. Emily laid in bed waiting to wake up from this weird dream.

Chapter 6