Talk:Dirty Talk/Three Brats/June 21th, 2021/Emilia only gets riskier with her markings

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Holy shit what can i say this was wow fuck i love this so much and i like the other option where the mom is slowly controlling her but this one is soooo good too bc of in this one she is just mad at her and want to punish her daughter ahhhh this is so good. and when she grabbed her against the wall so good. about the options you know i want the club so badly... but lets be honest the mom choosing will give the mom permission to draw whatever she wants and more and since it says spade and more that means i could get club too so I'm going for it is too hot and I'm so interested on that option is too good to not choose it (but if you want something else to win do tell ill change my vote i love those 2 options but is your story so ill do what you want) i forgot to say it im ashamed but better late than never thank you very much for all the work you do. --Xephion (talk) 00:46, 26 September 2022 (CEST)

I love that you're taking the story in this direction. Before I stopped writing last year, when I had some stuff between Emilia and Laura fresh in my mind, I kind of imagined her as more encouraging and guiding rather than outright controlling. Yet, here Laura shows such an extremely strict side of her, making it almost feels like she's raising a sex slave at this point rather than a daughter. Meanwhile, Emilia isn't even allowed to see her friends and doesn't even mourn over it even though it's freaking midsummer in Sweden. She just accepts everything, even though "she doesn't like being told what to do". It almost seems to me like she wants it at this point.

In that sense, anything other than a spade would feel like a miss for me here. -- Innocent Ruin (talk) 01:21, 26 September 2022 (CEST)

Well spade or club you mean since lets be honest both are almost the same (after thinking about it, you are right Spade is the only one that makes sense to start with, after all normally in most cases you start as a sex slave and then the master can decide to train you into a pet and considering the mom she most likely would have started with a Spade and then made it into a Club eventually since she loves the Gunnar master/pet dynamic she has), but yeah i agree i like the other slow corrupting options but one that is a bit more harsher is soo hot too. --Xephion (talk) 01:34, 26 September 2022 (CEST)

I'm gonna just ramble a bit while I'm slowly DYING OF BOREDOM AT WORK. I got additional ideas for how this could move forward, but if they're not sonething you find even remotely interesting, I might write some of it myself. (Because, you know, more choices equals more fun)

First of all, I've been putting myself in Emilia's shoes and try to get in her mindset, think what I would do in this situation. Why not tease Laura more? That's what Emilia has already been doing all the way here. Or, better yet, try to gain to gain something from the situation.

I mean, she knows perfectly well she doesn't have to do shit here, because while Laura can ground her, cut allowance, or punish her in some other way as a parent, she has ZERO authority to punish Emilia with a mark. Especially not with a black one. It's Kostikki's job to determine who deserves punishment, or alternatively, Emilia's own choice to wear one. Emilia knows this, Laura knows it, and Emilia could use this to her advantage with little to no consequences.

So obviously, I don't want her to just weasel her way out of a sexy situation, because I want her to get dicked just as much as everyone else, but she COULD for example say she will only follow Laura's demands if she will no longer be grounded. Maybe go even harder in that direction? She could totally brag to Heidi and Milka afterwards.

Another thing I've been thinking about since reading this is how will Sven knowing (or suspecting) that Laura has been extreme with Emilia play into this. He's been trying to dial Emilia down all the way through (but ultimately failed) so I'm also interested in what he'll do after it's all said and done. -- Innocent Ruin (talk) 16:16, 26 September 2022 (CEST)

that sounds great as another choice, because after all how this part seems to be going, it feels more like she is willingly choosing to lose control out of a extreme desire and hornyness BUT i don't know what villennia wants so i might be assuming wrong but this new idea it sounds more like a new choice where she tries to take the control back and it could be in this page or the next one as an extra choice but that's up to the villenia own ideas if that fit or not. --Xephion (talk) 16:47, 26 September 2022 (CEST)