Dirty Talk/Three Brats/Cast

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 09:19, 4 October 2022 by Innocent Ruin (talk | contribs) (Finally fixed the "typo" that was mentioned in the talk page.)
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Main Character

I am Emilia Björnquist.
  • I am 10 years old.
  • I have blond hair and blue eyes.
  • My grades are alright, but I could always do better. I like PE the most, and I used to play Tennis before moving. I don't think there's a court here sadly.
  • Even though I act like a good girl most of the time, I have a rebellious side to me. I really don't like being told what to do unless there's something in it for me.
  • My mom's awesome, and my dad's my role model and hero. Meanwhile, Sven is an annoying, clingy, perverted moron. Love him to death too.
  • I really don't want to move out of the city. My brother hates the boonies too, but my father says his new job is really important.
  • I like movies, cartoons, and video games. I mean, who doesn't? I mostly enjoy rap and pop, but my favorite band is Ghost.
  • Why are you asking me about sex? Are you trying to sexually harass me? You pervert, maybe I'll call the police. I'm just teasing you.
  • Sex is still a new interest for me, and I'm inexperienced. I'm not quite sure what I'm into to be honest, but I'm willing to try almost anything in the interest of self-discovery.
  • Here's my secret photo album. Some of the pictures there are a little embarrassing, but I'll let you see them.

Best Friends

Hey, I'm Heidi Ståhlberg.
  • I am 10 years old.
  • I have brown hair and brown eyes.
  • I'm sociable and get along with almost anybody. School's boring, but I've got good grades. Math is my best subject.
  • I'm smart, cunning, and methodical. I always come prepared, and I ALWAYS have a plan.
  • Living in the countryside isn't bad at all! You just got to have a bit of imagination! Besides, it's only 45 minutes on a train to the nearest city. That's not too bad, is it?
  • Our family lives on a BIG farm, and growing up, there never was a quiet day. Now, two of my oldest siblings have moved away, so it's a little quieter.
  • I probably watch WAY too much TV, and I mostly listen to "RIX FM". Videogames don't interest me at all, but I'm always up for a good card or a tabletop game.
  • Oh, so you noticed that, huh... Sure, we can exchange contacts and meet up later if you're interested. There's no need to be shy.
  • I'm attracted to both sexes, and I tend to be as flexible and accommodating as possible with my partners, but I also have strict limits. If you cross and violate my boundaries, I will not rest until I make you pay.
  • Here's my secret photo album. If you ask nicely, I may even send you a nude.

Hi! My name's Milka Ahlroos.
  • I'm ten!
  • I have black hair and rosy eyes!
  • I'm good at sports but terrible at concentrating in class. Most teachers hate me for that, even though my grades are alright!
  • I'm loud, boisterous, adventurous, and playful, and I LOVE trying new things. I'm easily excitable, probably more than is good for me sometimes.
  • I live with my grandmother. She can be super grumpy at times, and I have to help around the store for my allowance. My mother died when I was young, and my father's rarely home, which bums me out, to be honest.
  • Videogames are fun, but nothing beats outdoorsy activities. Electronic music and metal are my cups of tea, and I like to make my own playlists.
  • Ah, yes. I am indeed a promiscuous young woman. Is there something wrong with that?
  • I mostly like boys, but deep down, I know I'm bi-sexual. Yes, I like it rough, but don't think you can get away with everything. My affection is for you to earn through good deeds, not a right you automatically have.
  • Here's my secret photo album. I think I got a few sexy ones in there as well!

The Björnquist Family

I am Ludwig Björnquist.
  • I am Emilia's father.
  • I am 36 years old.
  • I have blond hair and yellow eyes.
  • I work for the military with a six-figure yearly salary.
  • I moved to Vitsippsdalen with my family to better provide for them.
  • I love my wife unconditionally! She's the best thing to ever happen to me!

I am Laura Björnquist.
  • I am Emilia's mother.
  • I am 34 years old.
  • I have blond hair and blue eyes.
  • I'm a stay-at-home mother and I like it that way. Our house is big and someone needs to take care of it all.
  • I try my best to be fair above everything else. That means bad behavior should be met with strict but just discipline, and that good behavior should be rewarded in equal measure.
  • Gardening is my favorite thing in the world; training dogs is second. I've even won some competitions with some of my previous pets!
  • It's okay to stare, but no touching!
  • Back in Stockholm, they used to call me "Dommy-Mommy". Take that as you will.

I am Sven Björnquist.
  • I am Emilia's older brother.
  • I am 14 years old.
  • I have blond hair and blue eyes.
  • I'm smart, but unmotivated about school. My parents worry too much about it.
  • I wish I could just stay home all day and play video games. The internet connection is terrible here.
  • Girls? Yeah, I'm interested in all kinds of girls, but I've never had a girlfriend before…
  • I know what's happening in this village, and it concerns me. I love my sister unapologetically, so I don't know what I would do if she got hurt…

I'm Gunnar!
  • I'm three years old!
  • I'm a Rottweiler!

The Ståhlberg Family

I am Edward Ståhlberg.
  • I am Heidi's father.
  • I am 43 years old.
  • I have brown hair and brown eyes.
  • My family owns a small farm that produces organic meats and dairy. We've got a lot of sheep, some chickens, and a few pigs. I'm a trained butcher.
  • Vitsippsdalen is where I was born and where I will die. It's the only home I'll ever need.
  • My wife and I get along perfectly, but the spark is gone. Sex isn't part of our weekly life anymore.

I am Hulda Ståhlberg.
  • I am Heidi's mother.
  • I am 41 years old.
  • I have brown hair and brown eyes.
  • I work at my husband's farm, keep the house in check and keep myself busy with the kids. I love working with animals, but every day always feels the same. It can get dull sometimes.
  • I fear that Edward's not that interested in me anymore. I'm an old woman already.

I am Hannu Ståhlberg.
  • I am Heidi's older brother, the youngest son.
  • I am 11 years old.
  • I have brown hair and brown eyes.
  • I'm the only kid in my year. Everyone's either one year older or younger than me. How did that happen?
  • When I grow up, I'm gonna be a professional football player! I train hard every week to be the very best I can possibly be!
  • My friends always tease me for being shy around girls. I'm not shy! I'm just not that interested, okay!?

I am Henry Ståhlberg.
  • I am Heidi's older brother, the oldest son.
  • I am 21 years old.
  • I have brown eyes. My black hair color isn't natural.
  • I recently moved back to Vitsippsdalen after studying to become a police officer for some years. I work alongside Officer Danny, who serves as my mentor.
  • My father always wanted me to take over the farm when I grew up, but I just don't like that work. It's not like his son has to inherit the business anyway; he inherited it from his uncle too.
  • I've got some experience with the ladies. Currently, I'm free and single.

I am Henna Ståhlberg.
  • I am Heidi's older sister.
  • I am 18 years old.
  • I have brown hair, brown eyes, and a light tan.
  • I live in Stockholm and I'm currently in high school. I'm looking to move on to study medicine at university.
  • I was looking forward to moving out, but now that I think of it… I miss my family a little. I visit as often as I can.
  • I'm still looking for "the one", but I'm not in a hurry to settle down. I'm still young and got plenty of parties, girls' nights out and fun ahead of me!


The Ahlroos Family

I am Sanni Ahlroos.
  • I am 77 years old.
  • I own the "Ahlroos Esoterica" and I'm not looking to retire. My store specializes in confectionery, natural products and medicine, and local handicrafts, which tourists love to buy as souvenirs.
  • I know quite a bit about shamanism, old gods, and the spirits long-forgotten in this era. It's not all just myth and legends, I assure you. You'd be right to fear the gods.
  • I used to be quite a maneater back in my youth, equally feared and desired. A promiscuous lifestyle was frowned upon, but it held many advantages all the way from my childhood to my late forties. Oh, what'd I give to be young again…

I am Jouni Ahlroos.
  • I am 32 years old.
  • I'm a paleontologist, NOT an archeologist. Learn the difference.
  • I'm rarely home, not as often as I would like anyway. Just this year, I've spent more time in Argentina than in my actual home.
  • My mother Sanni and my daughter Milka are the only family I have left. The death of my wife seven years ago left a huge hole in my life, and I'm still coping.
  • I will be home for the summer. I've booked a ticket for the 18th of June, but don't tell my daughter! It'll be a surprise…
  • I've bedded many women, but only fallen in love once. I'm likely never to fall in love again, but I'm likely to bed many more women.

The Hartwall Family

I am Alexander Hartwall. Alex, between acquaintances.
  • I am 32 years old.
  • I work as a physiotherapist and have my own little private company.
  • Our family lives in Östersund, but since I grew up here in Vitsippsdalen, so I know most locals. We still spend a lot of time here in our holiday home, which we bought in the spring of 2020.
  • Freja is already on holiday, while my office closes its doors on the 15th of June. Come visit! Our doors are always open for neighbors, family, and other guests! Come fish, drink beer, and enjoy a barbeque!
  • Hahaha, you've seen our stuff online? No, don't apologize! It's not a secret! We're open about it!
  • I love that game because it's how I met my wife, and I know my kids know about it too. I've talked about it with Freja, and we've decided it's best not to intervene. Maybe they too can find the love of their lives like that.

I am Freja Hartwall.
  • I am 30 years old.
  • I am a surgeon, and I love helping people!
  • We only have two kids currently, but we will have more! Maybe two, or even three more? I'm only thirty, so there's plenty of time…
  • Ohh, I love animals! Especially horses!
  • I met Alex twenty years ago while playing that game. I knew he was the one for me the moment we met. We have an open marriage, and we LOVE swinging! It doesn't affect our marriage or our love for each other at all!

I am Stella Hartwall.
  • I am 11 years old.
  • Yeah, my hair's dyed.
  • It's not that I don't care about school; it's just that I'd rather study something more interesting.
  • I had some reservations about initially coming here for an extended summer holiday, but last summer was surprisingly pleasant. I met some local kids, and…
  • I'm not a virgin, if that's what you're asking. W-why the judgmental look? All the girls here do it…
  • Seriously, the local brats have a secret photo album? And they want ME to participate? Okay, okay, but don't tell the girls at home!

I am Tobias Hartwall.
  • I am 10 years old.
  • I have my father's hair, but keep it dyed and waxed.
  • I don't care about school.
  • They say I like to cause trouble, I say I just keep it real.
  • Don't @ me with all that nerdy shit.
  • It's so boring in here. I'd rather hang out with the boys at home through the summers. I know some local kids from the football practices, and I guess they're chill.
  • Y-yeah, I've heard about it, but I don't think it's real. I've never even met anyone who plays that game…


I am Daniel Nilsen, but you can call me Danny.
  • I am 49 years old.
  • I am the local police officer. It's a quiet village, not a lot of crime going about.
  • Kids these days have no respect for authority. Bloody rascals.
  • Age and health issues are starting to catch up to me, but I've still got a lot of years of work ahead of me. Besides, I've got my family to provide for.
  • I love sleeping around and laying the law down on ladies, but don't tell my wife that or she'll kill me!

I am Pippi Sörensen.
  • I am 20 years old.
  • I'm a competitive swimmer on a national level. Yeah, you bet I'm amazing!
  • I've also received formal lifeguard training, which is why I work at the beach in Vitsippsdalen during June and July.
  • I'm kind of a local, kind of not. I live on our family farm fifteen kilometers to the south, and this just happens to be the village closest by.
  • Yeah, I used to play that game when I was young! No need to hide my intentions anymore since I'm already an adult!

I am Lucas Tolleson.
  • I am 19 years old.
  • I work at the local convenience store.
  • I thought about moving out after turning eighteen, but that obviously hasn't happened yet!
  • I used to think that game was just a joke when I first heard about it, and I was afraid of getting rejected, or worse. Still, I'm glad I was wrong. We sure know how to have fun in this village!

I am Oscar Sundin.
  • I am 19 years old.
  • I work as a sous chef in a local restaurant.
  • Henry, Lucas, and I used to be best friends growing up, and we still hang out anytime we get a chance.
  • I want to open my own restaurant in Stockholm, maybe even overseas, and eventually win a Michelin star.
  • Yeah, I've played that game for as long as I've known about it. We even build a secret base where we would … actually, nevermind.

School and Faculty

My name is Agatha, but you will call me Ms. Granlund.
  • I am 45 years old.
  • I have dark brown hair and dark blue eyes.
  • I'm the headmistress, and I also teach middle-school classes.
  • Why would having three classes combined make things difficult? If anything, it's easy since there are not too many students in this school. I have a lot of time to focus on them all individually.
  • I have such a long commute to work, but that's the only negative to my work. Everything else about it, I love.
  • What's this? Bedroom talk? Well, if you can keep a secret . . . I enjoy the company of young boys.

I am Niklas Levander.
  • I am 39 years old.
  • I have dark brown hair and eyes.
  • I'm the local elementary school teacher.
  • I love working with and educating children, for they're the future of our country. They're a lot smarter than most adults give them credit for.
  • Patience is my best virtue, but don't take me for a pushover. One must be strict when working with children.
  • Hahaha, of course I know about that game! But I'm not so sure if it's a good idea for me to partake, especially with my own students…

I am Alfred.
  • I am 39 years old.
  • I have dark brown hair and eyes.
  • I'm the school gym teacher, coach for the local football juniors here and in Östersund, as well as the school janitor.
  • Bodybuilding is my first passion, educating youngsters is the second.
  • Niklas and I are actually old friends, and he was the one who convinced me to come work in Vitsippsdalen. One of the best decisions of my life.
  • I'm unlucky with the ladies, which is why I'm still single.

I am Otto Sundin.
  • I am 12 years old.
  • I have brown hair and red, rosy eyes.
  • I have a reputation as "the nice kid" which I don't mind at all!
  • My grades are great. I love learning new things and meeting new people.
  • I dated a girl once, but she wasn't the one for me. I hope one day I'll find the one.

I am Jorn Jensen.
  • I am 10 years old.
  • I have bright brown hair and eyes.
  • Talking about school's boring.
  • I'm Hannu's best friend, and his biggest rival. We both share similar dreams but support opposing rival clubs. It can get a little heated between us sometimes.
  • I used to share a class with two girls. Now there are three in next semester. They sometimes pick on me because I'm the odd one out. I kinda have a crush on Heidi though.

I am Eric Lund.
  • I am 12 years old.
  • I have blond hair and bright blue eyes.
  • I do alright in school. I struggle with math and science, but I like reading, which helps me with certain subjects.
  • I've never been good with people, but I get along with others. It gets kind of easy when the school's so small and everyone knows everybody.
  • Girls used to annoy me for being so loud and shrill, but I'm starting to get a little interested.

I am Matias Lund.
  • I am 8 years old.
  • I have blond hair and blue eyes.
  • I've barely started school. It's fun, but hard sometimes.
  • There aren't any boys my age in school, but I sometimes hang out with older kids. I'm a little shy though, and often the odd one out.
  • No, I've never kissed a girl. H-huh? What's secks?

I am Eleonora Nilsen, but almost everyone calls me Nora.
  • I am 8 years old.
  • I have black hair and blue eyes.
  • School's okay, but there's always homework. I'd rather just play outside.
  • I mostly hang out with Matias because there aren't any girls my age and since I don't really know the older girls very well.
  • I love loads of people. I love my daddy and my mommy, for example. And I love Matias too. I'm gonna marry him when I grow up!

I am Venla Nordenberg.
  • I am 15 years old.
  • I have brown hair and blue eyes.
  • I'm almost done with middle school, so I have to start thinking about where to study next. I'll probably study catering.
  • I work summers at the beach, where my family owns a diner. It's just a side hustle they have, as the business is not sustainable throughout the year.
  • I've dated boys my age twice, but it didn't work out well either time. Now I have an older boyfriend, and it's honestly the best!

I am Marianne Alanen.
  • I am 14 years old.
  • My hair is dyed pink, and I also wear pink contact lenses.
  • I hate school. Too many boring subjects and the school's also too small.
  • I love fashion and cosplay. Yeah, I'm a nerd too.
  • I'm really curious about sex, but I'm still a virgin. Like, a small part of me wants to save it for someone special, while another part wants to just let loose and go wild.

Mech and Other

Just a good ol' television.
  • I mostly just relay news and weather, but I may also have a gaming console linked to me.

I am a family SUV.
  • My owner probably had to take a loan to afford me.

I am Siri, an AI.
  • I may be really handy (pun not intended), but I also have way too many pointless features.
  • This is probably not gonna make a lot of sense, but bear with me, okay? Okay.
  • If I'm thinking, I'm most likely displaying text.
  • If I'm speaking normally, it's most likely me speaking to my owner.
  • If I'm shouting, it's probably someone else talking through my speakers.

I'm a book.
  • I am an inanimate object void of feelings, incapable of thought, and with no agency of my own, but I may hold some information you're interested in.

Supernatural Entities

I am the mountain-god Kostikki.
  • My name has no inherent meaning, nor does it need one.
  • I'm the hungry raven who watches over these lands.
  • I have but one wish, and that is for the people living in my lands to be promiscuous.
  • Obey my wish, and I will watch quietly during the summer months and sleep my winters peacefully.
  • Deny me my fun, tease me or test my patience, and I will corrupt you in my anger.
  • I don't like to talk, but I will show up to watch closely when something really piques my interest.

I am the spirit of the lake, Lauhatar.
  • "Lauha" is a Finnish word meaning mild or temperate, while "-tar" is a feminine suffix, so I guess you could call me "the Temperate Lady".
  • What I lack in power, I have in wisdom. I cannot protect you, but I can tell you how to protect yourself.
  • I wish to aid those who seek guidance so they could better live in harmony with these lands and the spirits and gods they share it with.
  • In return for my guidance, I only wish for you to protect my home and these lands, for I cannot protect them myself.
  • Disrespect the harmony of the forest by causing mayhem or by polluting my home, and you will face my wrath.
  • Oooh, I love to talk and gossip! But I know I can't do it… Not unless I have to…