Universal Acceptance/Use your power to tell your parents it is Ok for you to have sex

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“But if I don’t have sex, I’ll wet the bed again,” you respond to your father in an exasperated tone. "Jesus doesn't want me to wet the bed," you tell him, "you gotta let me have sex now so this doesn't happen again."

“Do you want me to have sex with you honey?” Your mom says as she pulls back your covers and begins reaching for your pants.

“Hold on,” your father says, placing a hand on your mother’s shoulder. “What are you doing? That would be adultery.” Ok, your dad stopped her. That's good, you're not sure what you would have done if she tried to pull down your pants.

“Well then… what?” Your mom says with a pause as both of your parents get a grave look on their faces.

“How about you go get Sarah?” Your father suggests.

“We can’t get Sarah,” your mother counters, “she started having her cycle a while ago."

“Hahh!” Your father sighs. “I guess it makes sense they would both be early. It will have to be Trish or Katie then.”

Your ears perk up when you hear them start listing off the names of your sisters. You aren’t really sure about everything they are talking about, but it sounds like they are debating over witch of the girls in the house they are going to bring for you to have sex with, right now. You realize it then, you actually used the word ‘now’ when you said that. That’s why they are reacting like this.

Do you

State your preference

or stop them.