Dirty Talk/Three Brats/June 19th, 2021/Family Secrets/Ludwig's Discovery

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 21:45, 13 October 2022 by Innocent Ruin (talk | contribs) (Just testing the waters here. Will probably heavily edit, expand on this stuff later, or move to the next page.)
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Fine, I'll do it, but only on one condition: You HAVE to make sure he won't punish me harshly by grounding me or whatever. I was already grounded once for just having fun, and I don't want it to happen again.

Oh, thank you! I promise to do my best! Now, for the plan itself…

…Get myself discovered with a star on my arm, right?

Yes, that's it, but to be honest… It's much easier said than done. Like I said, it needs to look like an accident…

Let's see… It's still early in the morning, so maybe it wouldn't make sense for you to be walking around with it at home…

Ohhh… I know…

I think she cracked the code.
Say, how would you like some extra special breakfast this morning?

What does that have to do with our plan?

You'll see. Go change to something more appropriate already. You're going shopping.

…Ooooooh… Now I get it…

I'll be right back…

Got to make her little grocery list as believable as possible, and she can take the dog out too. Saves me from the trouble!

I have a craving for "risgrynsgröt", so we'll at least need ingredients for that… and I think we're all out of "knäckebröd" and "Kalle's caviar" as well… Oh, and cheese! Maybe some veggies like tomatoes and cucumber too? I guess she'll need some change for all that, because it's gonna be quite a bill. She can keep the change as thanks. She's late on her allowance anyway. Oh, and maybe Ludwig will have some sausage waiting for her at home if everything goes well…

Good morning!

Good morning, sugar.

Man, what a week. I've only started my new job, and I already feel like I've worked here for months!

*giggle* Tonight you can relax in your castle without worries, your majesty.

Hahaha! I'm not the kind of king to stay idle and watch his subjects do all the work. In fact, I thought I'd be productive tonight and repaint our terrace.

Just remember, it needs to stay pure white. Otherwise, it'll ruin my garden's milieu.

Your wish is my command, my queen. Is Emilia still not up? She usually wakes up before me, even on weekdays.

Oh, she is up. Here she was, watching Saturday morning cartoons even before I was up. Sven's still in bed, though.

That's no surprise, given that he was still talking to that headset of his at one o'clock. But where is Emilia then?

We were talking about breakfast, she suggested helping me make something nice, and that's when we realized that we're out of some pretty important stuff. So instead of helping me, I sent her grocery shopping!

Sounds good! How about Gunnar? Does he need a walk?

Gunnar is with Emilia.

So reliable! So, what are you planning on making?

Rice porridge!

Seriously? What is this, Christmas in the middle of summer?

*giggle* I really, really want some rice porridge today.

Alright then! I'm not complaining!

I know you wouldn't dare, honey…

I'll start prepping already, as Emilia should be back home soon!

Have you checked the mail today?

Not yet.

I'll go get some fresh air then!

Now that I think of it, this is the first time I've walked Gunnar since that, and I swear, I will never be able to unsee that whole ordeal. Even if it all really was consensual… Still, holy fuck! This is the first time I've ever thought about this, but animals really are boys and girls, just like we are. I mean, it sounds so fucking obvious! Like, duh, Emilia, of course animals have penises and vaginas! But still…

I can't even look at his junk without blushing…
Psst, Gunnar!


I know what you did with that…

O-other d-d-doggy…

Feels lewd just by saying it…
And I want you to know…

…You have ruined dogs for me. Forever.

Noooo, young mistress! Why would you say something so cruel!?
Gunnar… Don't look at me like that…

I don't even know what I did wrong! I was just having fun!
…I'm kidding, okay? You're still my best friend, no matter how much it pains me to look at you right now…

YAASSSSS the puppy eyes always work on her!
Alright, enough goofing around. Time to finally draw that star on my arm.

Where should I put it? I'm wearing a t-shirt, so maybe right by where the sleeve ends. I guess I could just explain to him that I thought it was well-hidden and that he saw it accidentally. It's a little difficult to draw like this, but I think this is alright… Now I'm starting to get nervous, though… Like, what if this doesn't work out?

Wait, he's already stepping outside? What a coincidence. He must be coming to check the mail or something.
Good morning!

Man, I'm so glad I have myself such a reliable daughter.

Mom made me buy so much… My hands are getting tired…

I'll help you out. You can take the mail.

Alright, here goes… He really SHOULD see the star with my arm extended like this…
H-here you go.

Wait just a second! What the hell is Emilia doing with a damn pink star on her arm!?
Oh, he saw it alright… Froze right in his tracks… I'll just cover it up in a hurry… I hope it looks convincing…
Why are you hiding it?

Y-you weren't meant to see it…

Oh, but I did. Show it to me. Now.

Fuck… I'm supposed to only be acting, but I'm feeling like a nervous wreck…!
Do you even understand what you're doing?

Fuck, fuck, fuck! He seems really angry!
M-my friends showed it to me and talked about it, and s-said it's a fun game, but I don't know anything b-beyond…

I can see through you. You know exactly what it means.

S-so what then?

No, wait, she seriously knows and is walking around with a star on her arm in broad daylight! That's too much!

…Not that she should have any business walking around with it anyway! What would her mother think if she knew? No, that can't happen… She'd be devastated if she knew… I need to make her stop somehow…! Make her realize this is wrong…! But how? By punishing her? I can't ground her without Laura knowing, but I don't want to do anything physical either. What about giving her exactly what she wants? No, that would make me no better than a child molester!

I can't trust her in stopping by simply telling her off either. Something has to be done…
We need to talk, but don't you dare come inside. Don't you run away either. I'll just drop the groceries in the kitchen and be right back.

Come in, Gunnar. Your walk is over.

Boooring… I was hoping Emilia would play with me a little before going back in…
Don't tell me he's about to go talk to mom…?

No, wait, he's back already…
Let's go to the equipment shed, shall we?

What? Don't tell me you're planning on using your own daughter.

D-don't be ridiculous!

Shit, shit, shit! I can't believe I raised my voice at my own daughter! I'm not even thinking straight anymore… I need to calm down and try to resolve this rationally…
Just go in. Yeah, all the way in.

*click* And now we're all alone…

O-okay, I'm s-sorry…

No. You're not.


I'll try to scare her into stopping… I'll make her do something she would never want to do with me, but I won't lay a finger on her. That's right, that should be effective, and it'll keep my conscience clear too…
I'll decide when you're sorry. For now, you're going to do exactly as I tell you.

Well, he sure is making it sound like he wants to use me…
First, take off your shirt.


She seriously did it, and without hesitation. Like, just one second, and woosh, the shirt is gone…

It's been such a long time since I've seen her body. When was the last time anyway? It must've been when she was still in preschool and too young to be embarrassed about being naked. Now, she's at an age where she's becoming conscious of her own body and knowledgeable of her sexuality. I mean, yeah, it's normal for young girls to know, but to be interested…? This isn't normal… She must really have no idea what she's even doing… That's got to be it…

She sure has grown, though…
Not yet. Take off everything next.

Seriously…? He's gonna make me strip everything…? Well, okay then… I just hope this won't escalate to anything worse than that…
Now she's actually hesitating a little, but… Fuck, is she actually stripping!? I can't believe I'm looking at my own daughter's pussy at this age! She's too old for this! She should be ashamed to be seen like this by anyone, but she's not even covering herself! And holy fuck, she still even looks the same down there… It's like, she has developed in some parts, but in others, not at all. It just makes me surer that she mustn't do these things!
Next, show me the star once more.


Explain what it means to wear the star.

W-well, it basically is an admission of … you know … being okay w-with s-se… sex…

Okay with what? I can't hear you, so say it properly.


Does that mean you're okay with sex, Emilia?

T-that's not y-your b-busi -

It IS my business. Now, answer me.

W-well, like… Not with literally anyone…

See? This is what I meant. You wear it, but you don't understand the consequences. Wearing the star means you're okay with sex, period. Doesn't matter who. A child, an adult, our neighbor, some old, alcoholic pervert… They all can approach you, and you will always be compelled to accept their advances. This isn't some "pick-and-choose" lösgodis aisle where you get to pick favorites, you know.

Well, as long as he keeps this as just a lecture, I think I can deal with this… But mom's gonna be sad…

Still, at the same time, he IS eyeing my body, and he seems really flustered… Maybe I could take advantage of that to probe him a little bit more? He did yell at me for suggesting he could be into me, though, so maybe that's not as good an idea as I'm thinking…
That means, Emilia, that if I were to ask for you to do something indecent, you would be compelled to do so according to rules. Would you want that?

But you already said you're not interested…

O-obviously not, but that doesn't answer my question.

Well, like… I'm not sure if I'd want it or not…

This girl… She's teasing me! Does she seriously not comprehend the gravity of this?
Listen, what you're doing is dangerous! Some pervert could take advantage of you or even hurt you!

But isn't that against the rules too? To hurt the Star-Bearer, to violate their consent… That's a crime in the eyes of the gods, is it not?

Shit, how much does she know!? Who the hell has been teaching her!? Her new friends!?

She could've even had sex with someone already!
You seem to know the rules yourself, hmmm…? I wouldn't be surprised if you had played this game yourself when you were young…

E-enough of this nonsense! You are absolutely forbidden from wearing the star! Do you understand me?

He's flustered, alright…
How about a diamond then?

No markings. Period.

But I mean no harm…

I-I know you don't… I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but this is about protecting you and your best interest. Okay? You're our precious daughter, and we don't want you to put yourself in harm's way, so please just stop this nonsense before you get hurt.

I… I didn't mean to make you worried… I'm sorry, I honestly didn't think this could be dangerous…

As long as you understand. Now, put your clothes back on and wipe that star off you so your mother won't catch it.

Whew… That actually went well… Although, at the same time, I really have no idea how mom will react… I wonder if she'll see this as a positive or a negative…

I've never seen my father so flustered about anything, though. Is that genuine worry? Either that, or he was fighting back his desires towards me… Surely he would not lust over me? I mean, it's not impossible, I guess…
Let's get inside quickly, and for God's sake, I hope we never have to talk of this ever again.

Talk about what?

Exactly. I hope you learned your lesson.

Fucking hell, I still can't get the image of her body off my mind… It's been such a long time since I've seen a young girl naked… I used to do it a lot when I was a kid, just like she suspected…
Wait, could she actually have been flirting with me? What if "sex" was exactly what SHE wanted from this situation? Could that be why she showed me the star and asked me about MY interests?

No, she's my daughter! I can't answer her advances no matter what! I can't sexualize her! Besides, what I did back then is different! I'm an adult now! I only did it with girls my age! That's all!

I really should talk to my wife about this. I'm terrified of how she will react, but it's her child too, so she deserves to know. Yeah, I'll talk to her later, maybe after breakfast…
Well, let's get back inside. Go help your mother with cooking.

Okay, I will.

Mom said we'll talk soon, as now's not safe. I hope she won't be too disappointed by how this went down. I mean, we didn't exactly do anything… That's more than fine by me, but is this what SHE hoped for? Maybe she did literally want me to get fucked by my father… Surely not?

Well, we're almost done eating, so perhaps we'll get to talk soon.
Wow, that sure tasted great after such a long time! Do you need help cleaning?

You've already worked hard to provide for all of us the whole week long, so don't worry about it.

No, I insist. Emilia, how about you go upstairs and tell Sven to get downstairs before the food gets cold.

Okay, I'll do that.

Wait, he's gonna be left alone with mom. Does that mean he's planning on talking with mom about what happened? At least it's good to know mom will have my back…
Laura, we . . . *sigh* we need to talk.

What's the matter, dear?

I… I saw Emilia with a star on her arm.


I knew it… I should stay for a little while to listen to exactly what's gonna happen…
It concerns me… Don't you agree too?

Is that what you two were discussing outside?

Huh? O-oh, yeah… I told her not to do it, that's all. You, though… You don't seem that surprised…

N-no, forgive me, this is undoubtedly a little shocking… I didn't expect our little girl to be doing this stuff so soon after coming here…

I know, right? It's way too early!

Yeah, maybe as far as acting goes, but as far as interest is concerned … it might not be that unusual…

I know it's normal to be a little interested in that stuff, but that doesn't justify doing what she's doing.

He doesn't seem outraged, which at least is good. He simply just feels concerned. Maybe I could try pushing his buttons a little to find out how he REALLY feels? Perhaps I can even convince him to change his mind? Or, at least move the goalpost a little, so to speak.
I don't think she even knows what she's doing. She's simply too young to understand. These things have long-lasting psychological effects on children! Children can't consent to sex naturally!

I did it the first time around her age, and I knew what I was doing. I also know that our little girl is a very bright young woman…


What I mean is, I share your concern somewhat, as it's also my instinct to try to protect her from harm, but I'm not sure if I can blame her for being curious…

Well, maybe I can agree with that. I don't want to blame or punish her or anything like that either.

As far as these psychological effects go, you know as well as I do… There's absolutely nothing wrong with my brain, is there?

N-no, not at all…

But that's just you. Can you say it applies to everyone?

Well, extreme outliers exist at both ends, I think. Some adults react badly to sex, so it's not just a thing for children.

Still, perhaps I WAS exceptional because I knew what I was doing well enough to not develop mental health issues…

Right, and there's no way to know if that'll happen to Emilia.

Don't you think abuse also plays a big part in developing these issues?

It does, yeah.

In that sense, I think we have many more examples as well…

None of those children you bedded when you were this village's young Casanova haven't grown up to be emotional wrecks. They're all perfectly healthy adults these days.

Laura, that's completely different. I was a kid back then myself, and besides, this is our daughter we're talking about! We should try to protect her from abuse BEFORE it happens to her!

Yes, yes, I know it's different. I, too, am a little concerned something terrible could happen…

But what if she is also just doing it with other kids, just like you were?

But that's not how the star works! Anyone can pick her up with it!

I'm just suggesting that maybe the situation isn't as bad as you fear.

*sigh* I think you're wrong. In my opinion, it's always worthwhile preparing for the worst possible situation instead of being optimistic.

I'm not sure if changing his mind on this is possible, as he seems deadset… But at least he's listening to what I have to say, so maybe…? I'm not willing to give up trying to convince him to chill down quite yet…
I know that there are rules in place for this, uhh . . . "game", and the vast majority of people will abide by them religiously, but that doesn't guarantee safety for participants. Some people will break the rules, and some girls end up getting hurt! I don't want that to be our daughter!

I really want to protect her from any potential harm that could befall her…

Me too, dear. We can agree one hundred percent on that.

I think we need to make some kind of decision on how to go about this.

Should we have a little talk with her about this?

Yes, that's a must. But first, let's agree on how that talk should go and have a clear direction to move towards. You know, make compromises since we seem to have some slight disagreements…

I'm all ears.

Hmmm, let's see… If she was already walking around the town with a star on her arm, she must really be interested in that stuff. I don't think we can make her stop by strictly prohibiting her from it or by punishing her harshly. It's not gonna work on Emilia, as a punishment will just make her want to hide it from us more and encourage her to lie to us.

Yeah, that's her, alright. She doesn't like being told "no" when she really sets her eyes on something. No need for compromise there, I think. Maybe some kind of family therapy or counseling?

No, no, no, that's a terrible idea… It might make it seem to her like there was something wrong with her, which I don't think is the case.

Therapy doesn't necessarily mean there's something wrong with her, no?

Would you seriously want to have authorities and outsides involved?

W-well, honestly…

…Now that you put it like that, I wouldn't want that. I'd rather resolve this problem within our family. It was just a suggestion.

What do you suggest then?

I think we should tell her that we're here for her just in case something happens. You know, ask her to be careful, tell her that we care and worry, but not outright tell her she shouldn't do it. I think that being supportive and sympathetic in that regard would be a more effective strategy. Let's just teach her to be careful, teach her about the risks, and to be responsible. We must make it clear that we're always there to help her and talk to her about anything.

Hahaha… That sounds exactly like something you would suggest…

Do you disagree with me, or…?

No, no, forgive me, honey… You've always been the brains of this marriage, after all. I'm glad I talked about this to you. In hindsight, you're absolutely correct. Your idea is a lot better than what I suggested.

Yes! I feel bad about tricking my beloved husband, but at least Emilia and I can go about our business without worries. It's not what I hoped for, but Emilia and I can work with this, for sure…
Well, in that case, I believe there really is only one thing left to do, and that's to talk with her.

I… I'll have that talk with her for sure… For now, I think it'll be best for you to handle this.

With pleasure…
I'll talk to her, don't you worry.

Wow, way to go, mom… I got worried for a second, but everything went better than expected…

Oh, right, my useless brother… He needs to be brought downstairs for breakfast…
*knock knock* It's already eleven o'clock, you fucking nerd. Get up.

*yawn* Go bother someone else…

Mom said breakfast will go cold at this rate, so move your ass already.

Fine, fine, I'll get up…

Now, there really is only one thing left to do, and that's to have that little private chat with mom.

There you are, Emilia. I think it's safe to talk now.

Yeah, I think so too.

Well, you must already know how our little talk went, hmm?

O-oh, yeah, sorry for eavesdropping…

It's alright. How did your little interrogation with father go?

At first, it just seemed like he was mad at me. Like, he was SO mad for a while. Then, he made me strip.

Wait… What? Really?

Uh-huh. Then, he started lecturing me about how I didn't even know what I was doing or something… I was mostly just playing dumb, but I was also wondering about how to tease him. I didn't do or suggest anything, but I did manage to get him a little flustered.

Did he really seem flustered to you?

I-is that surprising?

Actually, it is, a little… I didn't get the impression from him about him being flustered about anything regarding you…

Well, I guarantee you he was, AND he eyed me up and down too…

You know him well, mom. Could he have been tempted by me?

Yes… That IS a high possibility… And he sure wouldn't want to admit any feelings of lust towards you to me…

I have a theory that maybe he's not as innocent about this as he led me to believe… I wouldn't put it past him to feel the urge, to have the ghosts of his past come back to haunt him… That guy used to bang underage chicks week in and week out; growing up here, a young boy who knew about the game didn't even need to masturbate. Like, never. There was always someone available to have sex with. Of course, the same went for girls too…

I think… No, I'm one hundred percent certain that he still hears the "calling".

Oh, Ludwig, you naughty, naughty boy…
You suddenly went quiet… What'cha thinking about?

I have a cunning plan, Emilia-dear.

Let's hear it.

One way or another, we're going to make Ludwig have sex with you.

E-excuse me?

That's right, and you are going to make him do it.


Yes, it'll be a fun little project for you. I had something else in mind for you today, but… We're going to save that for later. Much, much later. I'm not expecting Ludwig to crack overnight, after all, but I want to make my husband eventually snap so hard he will literally want to fuck you silly…

And I want to catch you in the act too.

Ohhh, yes…! I want to see the look on his face when I walk in on him fucking you…!

Y-you're evil…

Oh, yes I am…

But if we manage to do this, then he surely wouldn't be in a position to judge me anymore, considering that he'd be cheating on me with my own daughter…

I swear to God, my mom's insane… But as insane as her plan sounds, it does also sound a bit exciting…
Alright, sounds good. I'll do it.

Ufufu, of course, you will… This is, after all, my assignment to you, as your teacher…

Just so you know, you can't refuse!

Any ideas how I will succeed then?

Well, not really. How you'll do this is up to you.

So… Not even a suggestion?

Well, if I were to suggest something…

…You do have a couple of adorable friends that could help you!

Oh yeah, that's right! It was the first time those two met my parents that they started whispering and giggling about how hot my dad was! Those two will be perfect!

Now let's see… If I can get dad fuck either of them, then maybe he could be interested in me as well? That's not a guarantee, of course, but it would be a great indicator of him being somewhat interested in children…

Just one problem…
Let's say I get my dad to fuck Heidi or Milka first, or if they can succeed in that… You wouldn't have a problem?

Of course not… I'm allowed to explore my fantasies without cheating. It's our little arrangement, you see. He does have boundaries for me, of course, but still, you get the point. It would be hypocritical of me to forbid him from exploring his fantasies…

Yeah, sounds reasonable… Okay then.

Now that that's done, I've got one rule for you to follow.

While I'm happy to give you free rein on this, I also want to stress that you're not allowed to wear the star inside our home without my permission. The only exception to this is when you're alone with Ludwig. Got it?

Crystal clear. Any more rules?

Not for now, no. However, there is one more final thing…

I want you to give me permission to draw marks on you.

Wasn't that against the rules…?

Drawing against one's consent in an attempt to get them in trouble IS indeed against the rules… But if you consent to it, why would there be a problem?

Was that what Heidi said too when she explained the rules…? Never draw these markings without their consent? I guess there indeed WAS that caveat…
Well, since you're supposed to be my guide…

I consent.

Great! *pop*

She had a marker on her already!? I hope she doesn't go overboard…
"Tattoo pen" again?

Ufufu, indeed… Give me your hand…

…Oooh, nice! Isn't this so lovely…?

I hope you're satisfied.

Don't even think about getting rid of it without my permission~ !

*giggle* You really are evil.

But why did you make me wear this?

No particular reason. I just thought it'd be fun for you to play outside since the weather's so lovely and all… And you're not allowed to walk around with a star at home anyway, remember?

So is this like reverse-grounding?

I… I guess that's one way to put it!

I'll just call my friends then and inform them of your little plan.

I hope they can hang out… Otherwise, I'll just be walking around with a semi-permanent star on my arm… Well, at least it's small, and she drew it on my wrist so I can cover it up too, just in case…
I'm off then!

Have fun!

They said they'd come to the lover's beach, but it seems like they're a little late. Oh well, as long as I have my phone to diddle with…

Oh, there they come!
Thanks for meeting me on such short notice.

Well, we were gonna hang out today anyway, right?


Actually, I'm kind of in a hurry, so just dropping by. Is this important?

Well, maybe "important" is stretching it a little, but I do want to talk…

Wanna talk or wanna fuck? The pink star on your wrist suggests the latter!

Ehhh, mom made me wear it…


. . .


. . .


Yeah, I mean… This arrangement we have ain't actually -

Take it off.

H-huh? It's, uhh… permanent ink… needs alcohol to get rid of, or something…

Give me your hand. Now.

H-huh? O-okay, sure…

Wait, is she licking my skin!? She's trying to lick the star off!?
Ugh… Yuck…

You weren't kidding… Not even a stain on that star…

Why did you let her?

I don't even know anymore, but there is something hot about giving someone control over you like that, is there not? It's better than being punished, at least…

Well, as long as she isn't mad at YOU, I guess…


Oh-hohohoo! Sure would be hypocritical!

Something about them feels… Off…
So anyway, what I wanted to talk about. We have this little plan, you see…

"WE" or "I"?

Well, I said "WE", but like…

And who is this "WE" you speak of?

Well, my mom wants me to lure my father back into this game by making him get interested in the Star-Bearers again, or something… Make him want to take advantage of someone my age, eventually maybe even me… And since I remembered you two discussing how hot he was, I kinda…

That . . . actually sounds like an amazing idea!

I-it does?

Yea, he's MEGA hot! He's got such fabulous muscles…

That makes me glad… So, how do we -

But the answer is no.



…Is there a reason why…?

I don't want anything to do with your mother's little game.

N-now hold on, this isn't about her…

"WE", Emilia?

. . .

Wait, what the fuck is happening? Why is she angry at me!? And what's wrong with Milka? She's unusually quiet…
I-I didn't mean to offend, so if that's the case…

None taken. Just straight talk, sister. The answer is NO.

B-but I don't understand why…

*tsk* Oh for fuck's sake…

Did she just roll her eyes at me?
Heidi, we talked about this…

No, Milka, let me lecture this idiot for a minute. She keeps on going and going about "WE", but what about "US"? What happened to that?

C-come on, we are still friends, right…?

Of course we are, and I know you love her to death just like every kid loves their mother, but you need to hear this:

She's got issues, and she's fucking dangerous. Just like Danny is.

N-no she's not!
Emilia, did your mother even tell you what Danny did to us? For fuck's sake, he made Milka CRY! He -

I'll help you, Emmy!

See? Even Milka says -

Wait, what?

Their plan sounds fun! So why not?

Wait, what? Danny made Milka cry?
Milka, no!

Stop whispering! I'll help Emmy, and that's final!

She needs to know the truth!

Shush, Heidi.

Since Heidi doesn't want to help you, it's just the two of us then!

But Heidi said Danny made you cry. Is that true?

Yeah, we kinda took an L with that whole "hitman" thingie, but Heidi's overreacting. Just like she's overreacting about that permanent star on your wrist. Like, it's a pink star! Who cares if your mother drew it?

. . .

Yeah, but Heidi sounded a little worried, didn't she?

I mean, it's super sweet of her, and I love her for it… But the truth is, I just got startled because Danny arrested us, and I… I kinda may have cried a little… And Heidi took offense to that…

. . .

But you don't have to worry about it! I'm totally fine! It was just a fun little roleplay he had for us!

Well, if you say so…

I got worried for a moment…

No need, but I appreciate the concern!

But like I said, I'm in a hurry. Papa called, and he's waiting at the store to pick me up. I really, really want to help you, but it has to wait.

Yeah, I get it. Your father's finally home, so that takes priority.

Let's stay in touch! We'll go through with your mother's crazy plan tomorrow for sure! That's a promise!

See you later then, I guess.

Yep, see you tomorrow.

*giggle* Maybe Heidi can change her mind and help us too!

Anyway, got to run!

I guess it's just me and you now.

. . .

Wait, are you still angry at me?

. . .

You are just overreacting, right?

The tone for this path going forward:
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There were 4 votes since the poll was created on 21:40, 13 October 2022.
poll-id 21422B0093079D3C7894CA0CF0BE3D1B

Heidi's response: