Summer Holiday/Spain Day 9 Phoebe

From All The Fallen Stories
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Soon, you feel that familiar pressure building up in your balls and she must be able to sense it. “Go on fuck the little cunt,” she says, just as you feel the spunk begin to boil up. You pull out and splatter it all over Phoebe’s belly and between her legs. Then you roll off and lay down beside them, panting to get your breath back. “I knew you were a pervert the minute I saw you with the little girls in the pool,” she says.

“Did you really want me to…?”

She shakes her head. “I knew you wouldn’t; I just wanted to get you going.”

You roll off to the side and fall asleep as Susan, mumbling about "messy fucking men", uses a towel to wipe Phoebe clean.

When you wake up, Susan is gone and Phoebe is curled up in the bed with her back to you, fast asleep. Your bladder needs urgent attention, so you sit up, trying to not wake her, but to no avail. As soon as you swing your feet onto the floor, she lets out a piercing wail. When you look, she's on her back with her face all red and screwed up and the noise if hurting your ears.

"It's okay Phoebe, mummy will be back soon," you say in what you hope is a calming voice. She screams even more, so you pick her up and hold her against your chest. Instantly, she goes quiet and you are still getting urgent signals from your bladder. You try to put her back on the bed, but she takes a breath to start with the noise again, leaving you with no choice but to take her into the bathroom with you.

When you get there, you realise that you have a problem. JT is piss-proud, and you have a naked baby to hold. Trying to aim for the bowl is going to be tricky to say the least. You look round for inspiration. Maybe there's somewhere you can put her down before you piss all over the floor. The shower in the corner is an obvious solution and, still cuddling Phoebe, you step in, slide the door shut and turn the water on. As soon as it starts, you can't hold back anymore and discharge a long stream against the tiles.

Sophie is unaware of what you are doing, but the splashing water sets her off too, and you feel a hot stream running down your belly. "Two can play that game." you say. You cut off your stream and sit her down against the wall. Then you start again and piss all over the little slut. Right over her head and face. She doesn't like it and starts crying again, but when you have finishes she quiets down as you cuddle her and wash her, and yourself, clean.

You unhook the shower head and use it to spray her and yourself as best you can, although handling a wet, naked baby is a new experience for you and you nearly drop her. You turn the water off, step out of the shower, grab a towel and sit down on the lid of the WC with Phoebe on your lap. Stimulated by proximity to a naked female, your cock is still hard.

You sit her up on your knees with JT standing up in front of her. She promptly grabs him and giggles. "Weewee" she says - the first time she has said anything.

"That's John Thomas," you say. "Do you like him?" She doesn't answer, but her pudgy little hands feel pretty good as she grips him. You let her play for a couple of minutes and then gently push her head down so she can lick the tip. You think about a BJ, but remembering those sharp little teeth, think better of it. You push her back and lift her legs so that she is laying with your stiff cock standing up between her thighs and her feet up against your belly. Her cunny lips are split around your shaft and you jiggle her up and down, which makes her giggle.

"We washed all that cream off didn't we. Maybe we need to put some more on," you say, and lift her back up and carry her into the bedroom, wondering where Susan has gone. "She's clearly not concerned at leaving her baby daughter with a man she knows is a pedo, so why worry," you think as you drop her on her back on the bed.

"Right Phoebe, where's that cream," you say, taking it from the nightstand and scooping a good fingerful. She happily spreads her legs while you smear the cream onto her pussy and you meet no resistance when you slide a creamy finger into her little cunny. It feels tight around your finger and JT twitches at the thought of how it would feel around him. Her hand is there too as if she is encouraging you.

"Do you think John Thomas would fit where my finger is," you say as if you were asking if she wants a drink or something. She just giggles and blows a spit bubble. You pull your finger out and she promptly starts massaging herself and spreads her legs even further apart. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to rub him there a little," you say.

  • What to do?