Offline/You arrive at camp without a cabin

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A few twists and turns later and a cabin makes itself visible through the trees. You've practically driven into the middle of camp by the time you notice it.

The old trail leading in came through thick, dense forest, but the camp itself is on the edge of much thinner brush on rocky land before the river. There's a lot of thin grass and weeds that have taken over the clearings of the camp, but your uncle was prepared for that. Before you can even disembark from the bus, he's pulled out a monstrosity of a weedwacker from his jeep and brings it to life to mow down the offending bits of nature in his way.

The wooden cabins are loosely grouped, and although there doesn't appear to be a reason why some are closer or farther than others, there definitely was some sort of logic to it all at some point. There's one large fire pit near the center along with a couple smaller ones and even a burning barrel in front of particular cabins. There's a pair of outhouses set amongst the cabins and another pushed back into the bush. The gentle sound of the river in the distance is in no way discernable over the sound of your uncle's whacking, but you can remember it from when you were last here.

It's somewhat surreal to be back again, and equally so to know that you're stuck here for a week, but overall you're anxious. Having your own cabin should have been so sweet, even if you were sharing. Heck, it would have even been great to share that cabin with your sister. Now you don't even know where you'll be sleeping tonight.

You go to grab your bags from under the bus, but get stuck there helping passing bags out to the rest of your family. You start looking around for your parents to sort out your sleeping arrangements for the night, when the olive-skinned goddess known as Aunt Becky (should be Aunt Amazon; you've had a crush on her since you can remember), calls you over. There's no doubt looking around the camp that she married into your pasty white family. She asks you to help her carry some bags for her and her daughter Asha which you pile onto yourself like a pack mule. You don't really mind the chance to show off your strength to this gorgeous woman, but it would have been nice if she had offered to carry something. Instead she just leads you to a smallish cabin that already has a few of your younger cousins buzzing around it. Your sister is with them animatedly chatting with Asha, but she swarms up to you as you approach.

"Are you gonna join us too?" Her enthusiasm seems to have turned the attention of all the children onto you. You recognize the boy from the back of the bus among them and he seems hopeful at the prospect of suddenly not being the only boy in the group. The rest look excited to have a "big kid" hang out with them.

Finding it surprisingly hard to turn down this sea of expectant faces, you respond noncommittally. "I don't think so. I haven't figured out where I'll be staying, but I figured I'd probably stay with Mom and Dad." Suddenly you realize they hadn't just invited you to the kid's cabin, they invited you to stay in Aunt Becky's cabin. "It's not a terrible idea though."

Aunt Becky seems to have remembered something she forgot and leaves you to unload all the bags you have draped over yourself. Finally able to straighten yourself, you look up to see your sister leading your little cousins toward where Aunt Becky is talking to your parents and Aunt Mary. Your sister says something to them and they all turn to look at you. Then they all start walking toward you.

Your mom is this first to reach you. "Oh! I see you even have your bags here already. I wasn't sure if I should believe your sister, but I'm glad. So you'll be staying here for the week?"

"If that's alright with Aunt Grace?" Yeah, the week might not be so bad if you get to bunk with a non-blood relative with a body like that.

"Of course not!" Aunt Grace answers, "I was about to ask, so I'm glad you offered."

She was going to ask you to join her cabin? You didn't realize she liked you so much. Did you impress her carrying all those bags? Was it a test or something? No, hold on. She said "offered."

"It's a great idea!" Aunt Mary chimes in, "Don't worry, you won't be alone with the kids. I'm going to send Nicole in here too. I don't know if she'll be much help with them, but at least you'll have another responsible voice among the ruckus."

That makes more sense. You just signed up to be the babysitter for the week. You look around at the tiny crowd and wonder how many of them are planning to pile into this one cabin. Probably all of them if you let them, or rather if you can't stop them.

You help Aunt Becky take her bag to join the cabin your parents are staying in and return with your sister's bag. The young ones have already made a mess of the cabin, but you shove some of their things away from the back left corner to make room for your air mattress. About the time you finish claiming your space and getting set up, Nicole tries to slip inside quietly, but the welcome committee is much too excited about the new arrival. Shoving more things away from the opposite back corner, you clear a space for her to set up her things.

Your sister seems to be the only other one even thinking about helping set up as she tries to claim the space directly next to your own mattress. Before you tell her off for not giving you enough room, it dawns on you how many mattresses you need to fit in here. You're sister's right to be putting them tight up against each other. Cursing yourself for not clueing in sooner and putting the only person you may be able to have a real conversation with as far away from yourself as possible, you admit to yourself your sister is at least the next best option to have next to you.

When you finish helping Nicole and your sister get set up, the other kids parents have brought their things over and Nicole helps you work out the arrangement. It's not easy fitting so many mattresses in such a small cabin, but thankfully the door to the cabin swings outward, so you're able to use up all the floor space. The wall to wall mattresses remind you of the padded room of an insane asylum, which you figure maybe appropriate given the mental state you expect to end this week in. To the kids however, a padded room just means a space they can run around in without getting hurt when they fall, so naturally they run around looking for any excuse to fall over, bumping into each other or the walls or even slipping on imaginary banana peels. Everyone's bags are just lined up on the mattresses along the wall, but you figure that's the best you can do for now because you need to escape this cabin for a bit.

Having arrived later in the day there's a common sense of urgency in the air to get the camp together. Most of the younger kids are just goofing around, but the adults are split between tidying the camp and making sense of the cabins and trying to put a meal together. The big pit has a fire going and some people are spreading out food and supplies over the only visible picnic table. It's determined that you and Nicole are "adults" in this instance, and seeing as you're both standing off to one side observing the chaos you're quickly ordered around and assigned separate tasks. You help with lugging smaller debris off to one side while Nicole does something with her mom.

It's so late in the day when you arrived that you aren't even done setting up the camp by the time dinner gets started. It's nothing special really but everyone is happy just to be fed after a long ride out here and a bunch of work after. There's more work after dinner too, but when Uncle Dave pulls out his guitar everyone settles in to start enjoying themselves. Uncle Dave happily strums away with mediocre vocals as entertainment for the near fully congregated family (with very few unable or unwilling to join) thoroughly enjoying the fruition of his dream to the fullest. Everyone is staying up late tonight, the adults drinking and the kids running around like wild animals. One by one the kids slowly give in to their inevitable exhaustion and together with Nicole you're tasked with carrying the youngest ones back to the cabin and herding the hyperactive ones like your sister there as well. With your mission accomplished you turn to rejoin the adults, but the sleepy ones are starting to turn into the loopy ones as the active ones wake them up again.

"Alright, settle down everyone." You resign yourself to your fate. "You don't have to go to sleep yet, but you do need to quiet down so others can sleep if they want to. Let's all get dressed for bed too."

Clothes fly through the air as they all search through their bags for pajamas. You may have just given the order, but you are a little surprised at the execution. It seems most of your youngest cousins haven't developed much modesty yet as almost all of them undress there in the open. One of the youngest, you think her name is May, strips down completely before bending over to search through her bag. Nicole takes the opportunity to change as well, but she does it more the way you expected, climbing into her sleeping bag to change in privacy.

"I can't find my PJs!" May runs up to you, still naked but covering her crotch with her hands. "Can you help me find them?"

You follow her over to her bag and crouch beside her to rummage around in it. You become very aware of this naked girl while you dig through her underwear and other clothes trying to focus on your search. Hoping for a momentary distraction, you turn your head away just in time to get flashed by another girl lifting her night dress to pull off her panties. Taking a deep breath, you look back in the bag and spot the pajamas in a side pocket, no doubt there so they would be easy to find. You hand the clothes to May along with a pair of panties and watch her put them on. Only when she pulls the last piece on you wonder why you stopped to watch, but she doesn't seem to mind or have even noticed.

"Where are your PJs?" Brayden asks you as he pulls a fleece Spider-Man shirt over his head.

"I don't have any." You admit. Normally you just sleep in your boxers, but surrounded by a bunch of kids, you're not so sure that's the best idea. You really don't want to change right now since your cock didn't realize the naked girl next to you a moment ago was your baby cousin.

"But you said we all have to get dressed for bed. Even Nicky got changed. What do you usually wear to bed?"

Your cock might be starting to shrink and it's getting really hot in here with so many little bodies running about, maybe you should get changed. Then again, it may be safer to to go to bed as you are, even if it will get your sleeping bag dirty.

Admit you just wear your underwear to bed

You can't strip down now, sleep in your clothes