Incubus/morning/Emilia/breakfast/bath/bath/in/wash Emilia's privates/press/good/finger/don't pee

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"No, don't pee in the bathtub!" You tell her without ever pausing as you finger-fuck her vagina and rub her clit. "Just hold it in, you shouldn't have to pee that bad anyway since you already wet your diaper."

Emilia frowns upon being told this, but she doesn't say anything else and just keeps watching your hands while holding your wrist as you play around inside her vagina. You acknowledge you probably have a fairly low chance of giving her an orgasm. A girl her age so far from puberty most likely doesn't have much of a chance of cumming in the first place, so it shouldn't matter that her holding in her pee or whatever may actually disrupt what little chance she had of being pushed to that point.

Even if she doesn't hit the point of orgasm, it doesn't mean she can't feel good. In fact, girls her age have been known to become habitual masturbators even if they've never cum in their life. Just the feelings from rubbing down there without pushing her to that point is enough for a little girl to enjoy.

And besides, an orgasm might scare her anyway and make her decide she doesn't like this anymore.

In that case, you shouldn't go too crazy. Just make sure she enjoys the rubbing. Meanwhile, maybe you can also continue to gently stretch her hymen so she won't have any problem the first time you go all the way with her.

"So, which do you think feels better?" You ask her. "Does it feel better when I rub my fingers inside your privates or on the outside?" You ask as you curl the finger inside her a little more while also grinding your fingers into her slit at a slightly faster pace. Of course, there was no 'neither' option, so either way you're getting her to say she likes having you touch her down there between the legs.

"Mmmm..." The toddler groans.

"Well? Do you like it better inside or outside?" You push her, trying to make sure she gives an answer.

"Inside!" She gives an answer that puts a wicked grin on your face.

"Inside, huh? You really like me putting my finger inside your private parts, don't you?" You ask. "Well? Do you like me putting my finger inside your privates?" You ask, pushing her to answer a more specific version of the same question again in order to focus her mind on the idea.

"Mmmm... yeah! I like your finger in my privates." She says. That was great! You didn't even have to push her to repeat it in her own words.

Well, this is going quite well...

William Silver Abilities:
Experience 50 Precocious seminarche, Good impression (sex)
Partners 0
Pregnancies 0
Power 65
System Rubric