April's Punishment/Part 34

From All The Fallen Stories
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Chapter 34

In the living room, April’s mother had set up sleeping tents for all the girls. So when it was time to get ready for bed, they were all ushered into the room and each shuffled through their overnight bags to get their pajamas.

“Hey, my stuffed bear is missing!” Angela began to search frantically through her backpack. All the other girls were in various states of undress as they got their pajamas on. But Angela still had on her princess dress.

“Are you sure you brought it?” April’s mother offered.

“Yes, I know I did!” Angela insisted. “I left it right here.” She pointed.

“Yeah, I saw her with it earlier,” Samantha chimed in as she pulled a nightgown out of her bag.

“See, I had it!” Angela whined. Enjoying Angela’s distress, JJ and Tanya were off in a corner, laughing.

“I thought I saw JJ with it!” Angela’s friend, Hannah said.

“JJ,” April’s mother looked over at her. “Do you know what happened to Angela’s stuffed animal?”

“Uh, no,” she stopped laughing. “I didn’t take it, I promise.” Sneaking the stuffed animal behind her back, she handed it off to Tanya who unzipped her onesie in an attempt hide it. She was able to make it out of the room without arousing suspicion while April’s mom had turned her back to implore the girls to look for it. Meanwhile, Tanya was long gone down the hallway.

“What are you doing with that?” April’s father asked when he saw Tanya unzipping her onesie to take out the stuffed bear.

“Uh, nothing,” she replied.

“Silly kid,” he said as he patted her on the head. She continued into the bathroom and stuck it under the sink. However, the damage was already done. As soon as April’s father found out what was going on, he told his wife about the strange encounter with Tanya in the hallway and the rest was history.

April’s mother had seen JJ and Tanya laughing together and from that, managed to deduce what happened. First, they had to apologize to Angela and then, they were pulled aside for a good talking to by April’s mother who was satisfied they wouldn’t do it again. And since it was a party, after all, it didn’t seem necessary to make a big deal about it. However, Angela disagreed.

As the all the girls were settled in for a movie, however, Angela sought her revenge. It began when Tiffany was helping her mother hand out bowls of popcorn to everyone. Brad and April were snuggling together on the sofa with the other girls sitting all around.

At one end of the sofa, sat Angela. She began throwing popcorn across the room at Tanya and JJ. It was only a minor annoyance, but just enough to rile them into action. At first, they threw popcorn back, careful not to do it when any adults were looking. But then things escalated when JJ went to the kitchen to ask Tiffany’s mom for a glass of ice water.

On her way back to the sofa, she grabbed a cold cube ice from her cup and stuck it down Angela’s nightgown. She leapt up in a screaming fit and turning around with a jolt. Other girls laughed, but Angela’s reaction didn’t stop there. She proceeded to toss her entire bag of popcorn at JJ, spilling it everywhere. In response, JJ dumped out her entire cup of water right onto Angela’s head. Tanya leapt off the sofa to help her friend just as Angela pushed JJ to the floor.

All the girl’s at the party were in an uproar at that point and the chaperones ran into the room to see Angela trying to kick JJ while Tanya had begun to pull her hair.

“Enough!” April’s father belted. The entire room froze. Subsequently, Angela, JJ, and Tanya were rightly scolded for their behavior. The three troublemakers where made to apologize to April for fighting during her party and then quickly ushered out of the room. Fortunately, the altercation had been short and didn’t dampen the spirits of April or any of the other girls. That’s more than can be said for Angela, JJ, and Tanya, however who would now learn that school isn’t the only place naughty children can be punished with erect cocks.

“This behavior is absolutely unacceptable,” April’s mother scolded. “You leave me no choice but to call your parents to have them come pick you up.”

“Hold on a minute,” April’s father interrupted. “I don’t think these girls really want to get their parents involved. I think we can come to some sort of an agreement so you girls can stay, right?”

The girls all nodded, “Yeah, we’re really sorry!” Angela was the first to speak up. The other two agreed.

“Good, why don’t you girls head upstairs and I’ll be up there shortly.” The three of them slowly did as they were told, glad that their parents wouldn’t be called. But none of them had a clue what they had just agreed to.

After some discussion among the chaperones, it was decided that the two men, April and Tiffany’s fathers, would be the ones to punish the girls for their behavior. When the two men ascended the stairs, the thee girls had been waiting together on the top step.

“Alright, Angela,” April’s father began. “Since JJ and Tanya started this whole thing by stealing your stuffed animal, we’re going to start with you first, then when we’re done, you can go back down stairs and join the rest of the girls.” Since Angela had gotten in trouble a lot at school, she was starting to understand what he meant.

“Okay,” she said sheepishly and stood up to follow the two men into the master bedroom. They closed the door behind her, leaving JJ and Tanya still sitting at the top of the stairs.

Inside the bedroom, Angela said nothing as Tiffany’s dad took off her nightgown. “Starting fights is unacceptable behavior.” He said he threw the garment on the floor. It was a speech she’s heard from the principal before. She might have listened to the principal that night had she known that the same school rules would apply at April’s house, too.

“Up on the bed you go,” Tiffany’s father lifted her. He laid her back on the bed and made quick business of removing her flower-covers panties. While she gave the man a look of disapproval when he slid his cock into her cunt, Angela didn’t fight it. Given her experience at school, this was really nothing new.

“Andrew, I think I want to save myself for one of the other two,” April’s father replied. “But I guess I’ll just stop before I nut.” Tiffany’s dad was thrusting into Angela steadily and had barely heard a word. The little girl had, though, and looked over apprehensively as he put his cock in her face.

“Fuck yes,” he said as his cock disappeared into her mouth. Angela had never been used by two men at once before. She whined, feeling less in control than usual. Further encouraged by the noise, Andrew leaned into her and began to fuck her harder, shaking the bed underneath,

Outside the master bedroom, on the very top of the stairs, sat two scared little girls.

“What are they doing to her?” Tanya asked after hearing a muffled whine through the door. She had never been in trouble at school before and was the most fearful of the two of them.

“I don’t know, but Mr. Carpenter put his weewee in my bottom once when I pushed a boy in PE class,” JJ replied.

“I hope they don’t do that to us,” Tanya suddered, now dreading their fate even more. She had seen other kids get punished at school before and was always glad that she was a good girl and never got in trouble. But they wouldn’t get punished like that outside of school—would they?

Several minutes later, Angela walked out of the master bedroom and confirmed Tanya and JJ’s suspicions. The men had allowed her to put her panties back on, but her nightgown still lay forgotten on the floor by the bed. Evidence of her freshly fucked cunt leaked into the front of her panties and had caused a visible wet spot in the fabric.

“Can I please have my nightie back?” Angel asked again, she didn’t want to return to the party without it.

“No, you’re lucky you get to keep your panties,” April father replied. “I just don’t want you getting jizz on all my furniture. It wasn’t the nudity itself that bothered her, but the shame of being made to only wear panties at April’s party. Dejected. Angela passed JJ and Tanya, walked slowly down the stairs to return to the party.

“Alright, up you girls come,” April’s dad said to the remaining two trouble makers. They were both dreading their fate as they rose from their spot on the stairs.

While the rest of the girl were enjoying the movie downstairs, JJ was grabbed by Tiffany’s father and placed at the foot of the bed. Meanwhile, April’s dad shut the bedroom door and then turned to place his hands on Tanya’s shoulders.

“Here, suck me hard again!” Andrew said, shoving his cock in JJ’s face. He was already naked, but didn’t bother taking the girl’s nightgown off. Tanya look ahead and watched as her friend took the man’s cock in her mouth. The girl hoped more than anything that she wouldn’t have to do that again! “Winning” contest earlier and having Brad cum in her mouth had been more that enough for one night.

Tanya jumped when two hands grab her shoulders. Then, she felt the man behind her reach for the zipper of her onesie.

“No,” she whined and looked down in horror as her chest became exposed. The two hands moved to feel her flat chest and then proceeded to pull her onesie down to her waist. She crossed her arms to cover herself, even though nobody was looking.

April’s dad started kissing Tanya’s bare back wile JJ’s mouth had begun to make Andrew’s cock hard and it was steadily filling up her mouth. She watched as JJ was suddenly pulled by her pigtails into the man’s groin and gagged on the appendage. The sight alone distressed Tanya; and when she felt two hands start to make their way inside her panties, she began to panic and squirm. Her resistance did nothing to deter the man, of course. She’d been naughty, after all, and deserved everything that was coming to her.

Tanya’s antics continued as April’s father continued to pull off her onesie. When her panties were just at her knees, she made a futile attempt to get away, but only ended up tripping and falling over herself. When she hit the ground with a thud, even Andrew paused to look over and laughed before continuing to molest JJ’s throat. The move allowed April’s father to easily slip her garmets the rest of the way off and crawl right in between her legs.

“Please, I’m sorry I won’t do it again,” Tanya pleaded to the man towering over her.

“I know sweetheart,” he replied. “And it’s my job to make sure you remember.” She raised a sound pf alarm and cried when she felt his cock touching her. Allowing the girl one final moment of purity, April’s father took his time lining up his cock to her snatch and rested it there momentarily. Then, her eyed widened as she felt his cock force its way inside of her.

JJ heard Tiffany’s wails coming from the floor of the bedroom, but she couldn’t concern herself with her friend while her mouth was otherwise occupied. She, too was in a state of distress, but was handling things much better than Tanya. After she gagged on Andrew’s cock a few more times, he pulled out of JJ’s mouth and had the opportunity to look down at her friend.

Tanya was in a state of panic, pushing back and kicking at the air while the man over her moved his body in and out of her snatch. As she grew accustomed to this new activity, her resistance slowed and her cries became more sporadic. Though it was clear from the tears that continued to stream down her face, she wouldn’t be learning to enjoy it any time soon.

JJ’s attention was suddenly turned back to herself when she felt Andrew tugging at her nightgown. Being the more willing one of the two girls, she lifted her arms to help him remove the garment, leaving her in her red panties.

“Fuck, you’ve got such a gorgeous body,” Tiffany’s father exclaimed as he began to jerk himself off. “Open wide!” He pointed his cock right at the girl’s mouth. She obeyed, just in time to taste his frist shot of jizz as it landed across her tongue. She winced, but thanks to Andrew’s hand holding the top of her head firmly, she couldn’t turn away.

JJ closed her mouth before his third shot of cum, causing it to land across her lips. More was immediately squirted onto her chest, too, which dripped downward. Andrew aimed his dick lower, eager to see how many places he could squirt the young girl. Once he saw a glob of cum on her panties, he aimed back up at her neck and then finally at her forehead. She wined and moved her hands up, but didn’t react in time, causing jizz to drip down her nose.

When his orgasm subsided, JJ was fortunate that her eyes remained free of the man’s fertile sperm, despite the fact that her face was pretty well covered with the stuff. She watched as he grabbed one of her pigtails and cleaned off the tip of his cock.

Back on the floor, Tanya cries had picked up again just before she received her first flood of cum into her cunt. Her breathing was heavy when April’s dad pulled his cock out of her. She had worn herself out from her struggling. Steadily, however, she picked herself up and found her pajamas on the floor.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Andrew looked at her.

“Uh.. guh-getting dressed,” Tanya held her onesie lazily.

“No need to do that,” He replied. “You’re not going to need clothes tonight.”

“I want to go home,” Tanya began to cry again as the reality hit her.

This time it was April’s father that spoke up, “Well, if you had been a good girl, we’d of course call your parents and have them come get you. But since you’ve been naughty, you’re going to sleep in here with us and I’m going to enjoy fucking your little ass tonight, too.” She dropped her clothes and began crying harder again as he pulled her into his naked body and sat down on the bed, beginning to cuddle her.

Meanwhile, Andrew grabbed JJ’s nightgown, using it to wipe the mess of cum off of the girl. She watched him with a look of disapproval, but knew better than to complain. Once he was finished, he finally pulled off her panties, too.

“I’m definitely keeping these as a souvenir,” he said, admiring them as he held them up. He proceeded to toss them aside and climbed into bed and taking the child in his arms.

While the rest of the children were downstairs enjoying a movie, JJ and Tanya looked at each other, both with teary eyes while the men cuddled both of them in bed. There was no doubt that once the men were hard again, they’d be forced to pleasure them again, too.

Part 35