Universal Acceptance/Yell at your mom to get out

From All The Fallen Stories
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“Mooom!” You groan with a somewhat angry edge to your voice.

“How about you let me handle this,” your dad says gently to your mom. “It’s embarrassing enough as it is.”

“Oh, sorry.” Your mom says before turning around and heading out the door.

“It’s all right bud,” your dad says, coming over to you. “Here, jump out of bed and we will get you cleaned up. Did your sheets get dirty?” He looks down at your sheets as you slip out from under the covers and on to the floor. He runs his hand over it real quick, apparently feeling for wetness. “No,” he concludes, “it looks like the sheets are clean. How about you grab a pair of underwear and go to the bathroom to get yourself cleaned up?”

“What’s happening?” You ask, still a little concerned about the gooey wet mess in your underwear.

“It’s all right bud,” your dad sooths you, “ you didn’t pee. It’s called semen. It’s all just part of growing up. This sort of thing usually happens around 13 or so, but it is not unusual for it to happen when you are younger like 10. Sorry bud, I would have probably told you about this earlier if I knew you were going to start doing this at your age.”

You feel your ears start to go red at your dad's comments as you slip out of bed. You realize he would probably have warned you before this happened if you hadn't started telling everyone you were 10 a few months ago when you got sent back to the 4th grade. You weren't stupid or anything, you had just used your power to skip too much school, and now you couldn't do the 6th grade work.

You tilt your head down, trying to make your neck as short as possible as you are guided through the house by your dad toward the bathroom. All the while, you are thinking more about your penis and how you are probably going to do this again in the future. That thought is even more embarrassing than feeling the wet and sticky mess in your pants rubbing against your legs as you walk. You are going to start wetting the bed again? Your dad did say it was normal as you got older, but you don't want to pee this semen stuff in your pants!

"Ok," your dad says as he guides you into the bathroom. He crouches down and pulls out a length of toilet paper, then he rips it off and folds it over a couple times before handing it to you. "You can get yourself cleaned up with this," he says, "I'll go get you some clean clothes for when you are done.

With this, he begins to get up and leave...