Father Figure/Chapter 5

From All The Fallen Stories
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Chapter 5

Luke was hungry when we woke up. He found himself in his uncle’s bed, still only wearing his briefs from the day before. His recollection of events came back to him. The feeling that he had done something wrong ate away at his stomach—or maybe it was just the fact that he’d slept through dinner.

He looked over at his reflection in his uncle’s side mirror. His wavy blonde hair was a mess, but otherwise he looked like himself—if only a little sleepy.

“You must be starving!” Rob walked into the room carrying a tray of food for him. “You fell asleep yesterday and I couldn’t wake you for anything. So I figured I’d make you a big breakfast.”

“Thanks,” Luke grabbed the fork eagerly when bed the tray was set down in front of him. Rob had made him a pretty nice meal of bacon, eggs, pancakes, and toasted english muffins with jam. Luke began to eat, while Rob went back downstairs to fetch a tray himself. He soon returned and joined Luke in bed.

“It makes me hard thinking that you had my cock for dinner last night,” Rob commented as he grabbed a slice of bacon. Luke was too busy taking a bite of his pancakes respond, he just gave his uncle a dissatisfied look and tried to ignore him.

After he was finished with his food, Rob leaned over in between bites and put a hand through his hair.

“Feeling better?” He asked. Luke nodded, staring down. He was lost in a mix of emotions. He had always loved his uncle, looked forward to him coming to visit. But now, all the stuff that he made him do felt really wrong to the innocent boy. And sometimes, Luke even thought it felt good. But that only made him feel guilty.

It’s not like he could talk to his mother about it—she wouldn’t believe him and scold him for making up a lie so she would be convinced to let him come home. And he did want to go back home more than anything. But alas, he was stuck in the middle of nowhere with his uncle.

“It’s okay, buddy,” Rob said. He could tell the boy was a little out of his wits. And without the comfort of food to distract him, his thoughts were overwhelmed him. All the while, Rob set his tray on the floor and moved Luke’s to the side. Then, as if trying to help comfort hom, he pulled the boy close and began to feel his torso.

“Here, let’s help each other feel better,” Rob said as he caressed a nipple. His uncle wore only a thin pair of pajama bottoms which he quickly pulled down. Luke was already looking down and now had an excellent view the the man’s erection.

Rib juggled his balls and tapped Luke’s arm. Understanding, the boy reached out and grabbed it. He jerked in it listlessly while his head rested on Rob’s hairy chest.

“That’s it kid, just like that,” Rob brushed a hand through the boy’s hair. The man could see he was learning and kissed his forehead. Luke made no sound this time as he rubbed the man’s cock. In fact, he didn’t even flinch when it began to erupt in his hand. Cum began to stream over the tip and drip over the sides of his hands, but continued jerking his uncle as if nothing was happening.

Rob reached down to point his cock in Luke’s direction, causing more to land on his leg and cling to his briefs. When it was over, his stomach and briefs were splotched with cum and his hands were a mess with the warm jelly. Of course, quite a bit clung onto Rob’s pubes, too.

Pleased, Rob was ready to return the favor and pulled Luke’s briefs to his knees. Next, the man began scooping cum up wherever he could find it. He scraped a bit off of Luke’s stomach and got what he could from his thighs. Then he scooped the biggest globs from his pubes and collected all of it in his hand.

Luke was still speechless as his uncle began. The man’s cum-laden hand closed around the boy’s little worm, smushing cum in his hand. He began teasing the small cock, using his own semen as a natural lotion. It was perfect for the job.

The room filled with the sound of cum squishing between Rob’s hand and Luke’s cocklet. The boy’s small gasps soon joined in. After several moments, Luke’s legs began to twitch. The affect Rob’s hand was having was becoming increasingly evident. He felt Luke grab his chest hair and begin to squirm against him.

Luke let out a handful of soft coos as Rob moved faster. At the point of no return, the young boy cried out and began to claw at Rob’s chest.

“That’s it!” The man said, still holding the boy him. His hand continued to jerk the dick steadily. The child proceeded to kick his legs and continued to claw at his uncle’s chest hair until it was all over.

“That’s it kid,” Rob laid the boy back on his bed. “See, I told you you’d start to like it.”

“Yeah,” Luke said quietly and turned to look out the window. Indeed he had liked it. That fact only made the bot feel more guilty. All his life he’d been told doing stuff like this was wrong. His feelings were of little consequence to Rob, of course, who leaned over and kissed the boy’s cheek.

“Better get cleaned up,” he suggested. “Kelly will probably be here soon.”

Luke had forgotten all about Kelly coming over to watch Star Wars. He quickly pulled his briefs back up and ran out of his uncle’s room to get ready. At least now he had something to look forward to.

When Kelly arrived a bit later, Rob gave the kids their space as they started the movie. The two spent most of the day together and after the movie, they went out to play in the forest.

Rob had to leave to go help with someone’s toilet in their vacation rental and when he returned, he found Kelly and Luke still outside. They hadn’t ventured too far, so he called out to them, waving them back to the house. They both made their way and Luke was surprised by what his uncle said when they got back to the porch.

“Pack a bag,” Rob insisted to Luke. “We’re going to spend the night at Cliff’s place.”

“Oh, okay,” Luke was excited by the prospect, since he and Kelly had been having a lot of fun together.

“You can show Luke some of your films now, too,” Rob suggested to the girl. Kelly blushed at his comment, though Luke just assumed he was talking about some of her favorite movies, too.

Running in the house and up the stairs Luke packed an overnight bag with all the usual things he thought he might need. That included pajamas since he didn’t yet know that he wouldn’t need them.

About 20 minutes later, Luke was ready to go and Rob had gathered a few things for himself, too. They piled into the truck and Rob drove all three of them to Cliff’s house. Even though it was just next door, it was still a good 10 minute walk from Rob’s house to the main road and then up the hill to Cliff’s house. By truck, it was a much quicker journey,

Luke noted that Cliff’s house looked much nicer from the front, definitely a mountain oasis that with a round driveway and six car garage.

“Hi, grandpa!” Kelly said as she hopped out of the truck. He had been waiting on a bench by the door. She ran past him disappeared inside as Luke and Rob walked up.

“Nice to see you again, kiddo,” Cliff’s attention was fixed on Luke.

“Hi,” Luke said.

“Rob, why don’t you ge see if you can find Kelly” Cliff said as they both filed inside. “I’ll take Luke here so we can get better acquainted.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Rob agreed and disappeared around a corner. This left Luke at the mercy of the older man. The boy had no clue what getting better acquainted with Cliff would actually mean, but his intentions soon became clear as he pushed him toward a small office off of the foyer.

Cliff put a hand on his back as he guided him into the room. It was still light outside, but the dark wood and shutters over the window made it quite dark. The only light came from a small desk lamp and computer screensaver that flashed through various photos of landscapes and scenery.

“So, your uncle tells me you’re a good little cocksucker now,” Luke’s heart sank it his words.“Kelly is quite the expert herself, did she tell you about that… ? No, I suppose not. Kids don’t really talk about that kind of stuff do they?”

Cliff sat down in a large office chair in front of his desk, “Well, go on and strip then.” Then Cliff himself began to unzip his pants.

“I—I don’t want to,” Luke replied. Doing this stuff with his uncle was bad enough, but with a near stranger? That made him even more uncomfortable.

“Well, I don’t want to make you,” Cliff cocked his head in the boy’s direction as a warning. “but I will If I have to.”

“I wanna go home,” Luke whined.

“Well, it will be dark soon,” Cliff answered. “I can’t let you just wander off in the woods at night. And you’re uncle—he’s a little busy with Kelly upstairs.” It was at that moment that Luke realized what his uncle must be doing with her upstairs.

“Please, do we have to?” Luke wished he could disappear. By then, Cliff had stripped off his pants and was sitting there waiting patiently.

Coming up with no other alternative, Luke quickly kicked off his tennis shoes. He was a lot slower with the rest, though. His shirt came off next and he tossed it on the ground. Then he pulled his jeans down, but left his briefs up, hoping that was enough.

Cliff watched eagerly as the boy stepped forward and was more than happy to slip his fingers into his briefs to take them off, too. He admired the silhouette of the naked nine year old boy glimmering in the dim light from his desk lamp. Luke covered himself, feeling ashamed from being naked on front of yet another full-grown man.

“Come here, on your knees.” He patted his leg as if trying to lure a cat.

Dejected, the boy carefully lowered himself in front of the strange man. Cliff stuck his cock out, slapping it across the boy’s lips. Luke whined and tried to pull away, but the man already had a hand on the back of his head.

“Open up,” Cliff said, almost annoyed at having to tell him what to do.

Luke obeyed slowly, but whined as soon as he tasted the man’s cock. While Rob’s was longer, Luke had to open his mouth wider in order to accommodate Cliff’s girth.

The boy let out a soft cry, but Cliff ignored it. Instead, he pulled the boy in closer to his crotch. His eyes widened as Luke felt the cock edging toward the back of his mouth. He put his hands on the man’s stomach and pushed his head back, doing whatever he could to resist.

“Come on, all the way to my sack!” Cliff said, pulling the kid closer, in spite of the boy’s efforts.

Luke gagged and felt the man’s balls hit his chin. His nose was in a mess of thick pubes, too. He whined in protest, but Cliff didn’t seem to pay it any mind.

“Yes, that’s it little slut-boy,” Cliff encouraged. “Now pull back and do it again fast.” Luke gladly pulled back, but only moved forward again when Cliff grabbed at his hair and forced him back to his pubes. He gagged again and this time, tears started flowing freely.

“Keep crying, kid,” Cliff whipped a tear from the boy’s face. “Just makes me want you more…” Luke looked up at the man, making eye contact and couldn’t help but let our several more whimpers. His distress grew when the man grabbed both sides of his head and moved with greater force.

Saliva began to drip out of the boy’s mouth as Cliff fucked his face. Luke’s cries had increased, too, and were nearly relentless whole Cliff built up his orgasm.

Soon, the man’s sticky cum came pouring out his mouth and dripped down Luke’s chin. He winced at the sour taste and gagged several times as more cum filled up his mouth.

His face relaxed when he was pushed back from the man’s cock, except it was still spraying out cum. Cliff pulled Luke’s head back by his hair and the young goy whined again as cum shot up his nostrils and into his eyes. He shut them quickly and whined as they began to sting. This only caused more tears to flow.

“Good little cock sucker,” Cliff complemented while Luke felt more globs of cum land on his face.

Frozen, Luke remained kneeling helplessly, even as Cliff stood up. Cum had dripped over his face and had gotten into his hair. His chin was also covered from the bit that he had spit out of his mouth. The steady streams of cum continued down his neck and over his chest, too.

“Here, clean yourself up,” Luke’s eyes were still closed, but he felt the cotton fabric land on his face. He grabbed it and gladly began wiping the cum and tears off of his face and blowing it out of his nose. When the boy opened his eyes, he was dismayed to see that he had been using his own t-shirt which was now covered in cum.

“Come on, let’s to find some dinner,” Cliff grabbed Luke’s arm. He had pulled his pants back up, but Luke was afforded no such luxury and had to leave his clothes behind in the office.

Out in the living room, his uncle and Kelly were already there. Like him, Kelly, too remained undressed. She was seated on the sofa while Rob was grabbing a beer from the kitchen.

“How did it go?” Rob asked when he saw the quite disheveled nine year old walk in. If his empty expression didn’t tell Rob enough, the drying cum in his now very messy hair was a pretty good indication of how it went.

“Well, he’s not a natural, but we’ll have plenty of tome to train him up right this summer,” Cliff answered for him. “Go on and sit down next to Kelly. I’ll go cook us up something to eat.”

Luke tuned towards his friend and suddenly got a little nervous seeing her naked. It was the first time he’d ever seen a naked girl and his curiosity took over as he stared in between her legs. She eyed him, too, as he walked toward the sofa. However, she wasn’t the least bit curious about his male organs. In fact, she could probably have stood to unsee quite a few instead.

“Since it’s a special occasion, why don’t I crack open that old bottle of whisky I’ve been saving?” Cliff asked Rob.

“Sounds great!” He replied.

“Awe! I hate it when they drink a lot,” Kelly pouted, slouching into the sofa as Luke sat down next to her. Despite her annoyed outcry, the girl remained relatively unfazed by the fact she’d just had her pussy fucked. She was used to it, after all, unlike Luke who she could tell was not having a good time in the slightest.

“My grandpa can get kind of rough sometimes, huh?” Kelly leaned closer to Luke. He shrugged.

“It’s okay, he’s not like that all the time,” her words weren’t very reassuring. “And you get used to it after a while.”

Luke sat with his arm folded in his lap, covering his cock while Kelly did her best to cheer him up. Meanwhile, the two adults prepared dinner in the kitchen and chased their whiskey with beer.

“Hey Kel,” Kelly’s grandfather said from the kitchen. “Why don’t you share one of the movies we’ve made with Luke?”

“Oh, okay,” Kelly jumped off the sofa. “I’ll go get the laptop.” Luke watched her bare ass as she walked out of the room. Kelly returned a minute later carrying a jet black computer in front of her chest. She plopped back down on the sofa and opened the screen in one quick motion. Luke flinched when their thighs touched, but he didn’t move away. She then placed the laptop in between the two of them, so it rested on each other’s thighs.

“My grandpa started making these with me when I came to live with him,” she explained. Luke watched as she navigated through several folders to find what she was looking for. She arrived at a folder with several video files and quickly chose one.

“We shot this one a few weeks ago,” She explained. Luke watched the screen as an image of Kelly appeared. She was wearing a weird looking dress he might have recognized if he’d ever seen the film “Pretty Woman”. But since he was a bit too young for such a movie, it just looked like an oddly shaped dress to him. It revealed Kelly’s hips but connected in front to cover her stomach. He had never seen a dress like it before.

“Hey sugar, you lookin’ for a date?” She asked her grandfather in the recording. Cliff was sitting in his car and pretending to be someone who was lost. Luke could tell it was shot just outside the house. Suffice to say, Luke was watching an underage version of Pretty Woman that Kelly and her grandfather were playing out.

The climax of the short parody took place in what Luke assumed was Cliff’s bedroom. He watched Cliff take off Kelly’s prostitute dress and shove her onto the bed. Then Cliff shoved his thick cock right into the girl’s cunt.

“I like this part,” Kelly said. “Grandpa tries to kiss my lips and I don’t let him, just like in the real movie!” Luke had never seen it, so he took her world for it. Finally, he heard Clint groan as he came inside of Kelly.

“Isn’t that cool?” Kelly asked. “Maybe we could make one sometime too!” She cocked her head, hanging it upside down in front of Luke, still trying to cheer him up. He was finally able to let out a laugh.

“I know, we could do one like star wars!” Kelly was proud of her bright idea.

“Sure,” Luke caught himself saying without even thinking what it would really mean.

Dinner was soon ready and both Rob and Cliff continued to drink heavily while they ate. Luke remembered Kelly’s comment about how much she hated it when they drank and that made him feel even more anxious.

“Alright, Rob,” Cliff set his empty shot glass down. “Which one to you want?” They had all four finished eating and both men were very drunk and ready for some action.

“Yaknow…” Rob slurred his words. “Luke’s new at this so I think we aughta show’em what a good double team looks like.”

“That sounds like a plan,” Cliff agreed. “As long as he’s licking our cum out when we’re finished.” Cliff looked at the innocent boy, his cum now dry in the boy’s mangled hair.

“I thought that went without-saying,” Rob stood and clapped Luke on his bare back.

Not a minute later, Kelly was leading the way upstairs to the master bedroom. When Luke walked in, he recognized the room immediately from the video.

Kelly jumped on the bed and motioned for Luke to join her. He did so, though much less enthusiastically. The two men made it into the room after and Rob began to strip down while Cliff walked over to the bed and got started, pulling Luke into a very one sided kiss.

The boy flailed his arms and made muffled notes in protest. Meanwhile, Kelly laughed, finding the display rather amusing.

“Get over here, slut,” Rob grabbed Kelly’s leg and pulled her in his direction. She had been on her knees and fell down on the bed. Her hair fell down over her face and she continued laughing, even getting up to push back against Rob.

“Come on, whore,” Rob wasn’t fazed by her playfulness. “On your hands, I’m ramming that tight ass tonight.” He continued to slur the occasional word or two when he spoke.

“Robby!” She laughed when he lightly smacked her ass before pressing his cock into her backside. She held herself up on the bed, watching Cliff who began to lick Luke’s chest and eventually took The boy’s cock into his mouth. Her new friend whined, not the least bit enthusiastic about a man sucking on his chode.

“It’s okay,” Kelly reached out to comfort her distressed friend. She grabbed his hand and he looked down at her wearily. Just then, Rob pushed into Kelly’s ass hard. She gasped in shock, but Luke was more distressed by her reaction than she was.

Even though he was only having his cock sucked, the whole situation was too much for the boy. He was relieved when Cliff decided to move on and stopped sucking his cock. Then he watched as Cliff reached out for his granddaughter and pushed Kelly’s face into his nutsack. She licked it without being asked and began to lick up the tip and over his shaft.

“See Luke,” Cliff looked at the boy. “This is how you give a blow job.” She bobbed her face as Rob continued ramming hard into her ass. She was steadily fucked from both ends and while she did make a few sounds to complain when Cliff’s cock went in too hard or when Rob thrusted a bit harder, the girl was able to maintain her composure.

A minute later, Rob pulled his cock out the girl and walked around. Instantly knowing what he had kn mind Cliff pulled out of Kelly’s mouth, too. allowing Rob the opening to take his place

“Here yuh go, lil cunt,” Rob taunted her, wagging his cock in her face.

“No, Robby!” She whined at him when she saw the cock that had just been in her ass. When he moved closer, she reluctantly opened her mouth to accept it.

Luke was in complete shock when he watched Kelly take it into her mouth and start to suck it clean. Meanwhile, Cliff was now standing behind her at the side of the bed and had started to fuck her pussy.

It only took a few brief moments before the men cane. Cliff filled the girl’s cunt first while Rob shot his seed right into her mouth. Unlike the boy’s messy effort earlier, Luke was amazed she was able to take the cum so easily, only letting a little out the side of her mouth and swallowing the rest.

“Alright, Luke.” Cliff said when they were both finished. “You’re up!.” He motioned for Kelly to lay down. Luke was kneeling on the bed nearby, hands in his lap. He had no clue what was expected of him, but was quite sure he wouldn’t like it.

“Come on over here” Rob reached over and pulled him in his direction. By then, Kelly was in the middle of the bed with her legs open and waiting. Luke whined and moved slowly as he was positioned right in front of her.

“You’re going to lick her right here,” Rob pointed to Kelly’s freshly fucked cunt. Luke whined, looking down at her pussy and seeing a stream of cum dripping out. He looked back at his uncle, pleading with his eyes.

“Down you go,” Rob pushed his nephew down towards the bed before he could say anything. “Suck out all of her grandpa’s tasty cum.” Both men laughed as Luke’s vocal protest was immediately muffled as his mouth was forced over Kelly’s cunt. He began to tear up when he tasted Cliff’s cum.

“Go on, kid, get yer tongue in there,” Cliff encouraged. Wincing, he slowly stuck his tongue out and tasted more of Cliff’s man juice mixed with the less familiar taste of Kelly’s cunt. The pair continued their encouraging and rather degrading comments as Luke went on. He felt then touching his body, too.

Kelly felt bad that they were making him do it, but that didn’t stop her from enjoying it. The boy’s tongue was soon making her pussy tingle. Her breath quickened and she dug into the sheets with her legs. Luke wanted to pull away, but his uncle’s hand gently massaged his head the whole time, ensuring that he kept at it.

“Yeah, make her cum, kid!” Rob said as Kelly let out several quiet coos. Moments later, she arched her back, pressing her eight year old twat into Luke’s face as her climax washed over her.

Kelly relaxed on the bed, steadying her breath while she recovered. Only then was Luke allowed to raise his head. He wiped his face and looked down at the girl’s naked body, disgusted by what they’d just made him do.

“Can I get a glass of water?” Luke asked sheepishly, wanting to wash the unpleasant taste in his mouth.

“I’ve got something better, actually,” Cliff softly pushed the boy toward the bathroom. “It’s time for a shower you two. Then you can go to bed.”

“No!” Kelly sat up and whined.

“Oh stop,” Rob put a hand on her bare shoulder. “It’s not like you didn’t know it was coming.” The men had begun to sober a bit by then, but there was one essential part of drinking they hadn’t done yet.

In Cliff’s bathroom, Luke looked around and expected the man to usher him into the full-sized shower. But instead, Cliff told him to climb in the bath and sit down.

“Shouldn’t we get the water warm first?” He asked.

“No need, the water’s already pretty warm,” the man replied, quite amused by his naivety. Likewise, Rob laughed while Kelly pouted and was forced to join him in the empty tub.

“Here, kid,” Cliff pointed his flaccid cock at Luke’s mouth. “Open up.” Assuming he wanted him to suck it again, Luke slowly opened wide and reluctantly moved his mouth over the tip. At that moment, Cliff let loose.

Luke sputtered in utter disgust when he tasted it the warm, salty liquid that shot out. He quickly pulled away and began batting at the stream of urine with both hands. Turning his head, he attempted to get his face out of the line of fire. Regardless, he felt the urine soaking his wavy blonde hair and cascading all over him.

At the other end of the tun, Rob was giving Kelly a similar treatment. Although, she couldn’t be tricked into putting her mouth on it. Her hair and body was likewise soaked in the drunk man’s piss and she sat there, eyes closed taking it as usual.

Luke held his head down, wet hair falling around him when Cliff’s cock was finished. He didn’t know what was worse, the smell or the humiliation from being urinated on. Either way, both kids were eager to get a real shower. Fortunately, he heard Cliff turn on the actual shower now that he’d finished pissing on him

“There, now you kids can wait until the water’s warm,” Cliff laughed.

“This is why I hate it when they get drunk!” Kelly told Luke. He looked up at her, discomforted by his wet hair still dripping urine over him. He saw that her hair was just as wet and that she, too was drenched in excrement. He shuddered at the thought that he’d probably swallowed some.

The drunk men left the children on their own and they quickly made their way to the shower. Neither child bothered to check if it was even warm yet. They simply climbed in together and washed themselves off.

After the shower, Luke sat listlessly on the toilet, barely making an effort to dry himself with the towel around his shoulders. Alternatively, Kelly had moved on and quickly returned to her normal self.

“Yeah, they do that every time they get really drunk,” she complained again. “I hate it so much.” Luke looked at her, but said nothing, shivering in the cool mountain air.

“Living with my grandpa is a lot better than where I used to live, though,” she admitted. “Come on, you can come sleep in my bedroom.”

“Okay,” Luke finally spoke as he slowly recovered from his state of shock. He took her hand and allowed her to lead him out of Cliff’s bedroom and down the hall to her room. Rob and Cliff could be heard laughing off in the distance when they passed the stairwell.

Kelly shut her door once they were safely inside and dropped her towel to the floor, “Come on, let’s build a fort on my bed!” Kelly motioned to the large canopy bed and grabbed sheets from her closet. Luke quickly joined in and soon, they had created their own little oasis for them to sleep.

Chapter 6