The Last Horcrux/Lestrange Manor

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You find your way back to your carriage and find that your groomsman has packed all of the items you have purchased into you Trunk of Holding and that he is able to move it about very easily. It has been a very successful excursion, and in addition to the items you have already bought, you know you can expect Owls to deliver further packages of things your have ordered to Lestrange Manor and to Hogwarts later on.

Unfortunately you are caught by a sudden downpour of rain and drenched before you can pull out your wand to cast a water repelling charm, temporarily turning your wand into a magical umbrella. You manage to get into your carriage without further difficulty, but travel back home in wet clothes.

By the time you arrive home, the storm has broken and you see Lestrange Manor from the outside. It is a truly impressive sight befitting the noble pureblood family to which you belong. You feel a pang of sadness that you don’t have more family to share it with. If only Bella didn’t travel abroad so often. As you think this thought, a sudden realisation comes to you, and the mystery of Bella’s foreign adventures suddenly makes sense. She was looking for you! For Lord Voldemort that is. Perhaps now that you have returned, she will spend more time at the Manor, and you can… No, those are not your thoughts, they are the girl’s, but the anticipation of Bella coming to stay does give you a shiver of excitement.

When the carriage comes to a halt, you order your groomsman to see to your bags and the horses, and on entering the manor, you ask your nanny to run you a hot bath and get the fire going in your bedroom. Despite it being later summer, you feel chilly in your wet clothes, and as soon as you are able to, you retire to your en-suite bathroom and strip out of them dumping them on the floor unceremoniously. You notice that you avoid looking into the bathroom mirror, but this is soon forgotten as you slip into the luxuriously hot bath.

The water feels incredible on your skin, sending a tingle of pleasure and relaxation through your body. You sigh and relax, looking down at your chest and noticing your nipples are hard again. You rub some soap against your hands and arms, and find yourself absentmindedly playing with your breasts. Although they are small, they are extremely sensitive, and in moments your nipples are fully erect. Part of your mind is wanting to plot and scheme for power, but another part of your mind knows you need some quality alone time with your pussy. Do you have time to masturbate before dinner? Who cares if you are late?

The thought of pleasuring yourself feels irresistible, and you know you’ve become addicted to the throbbing pleasure of orgasm. You remember the first time you felt such pleasure, many years ago, and how you made a promise to yourself to experience that pleasure every day from then on. You’ve now reached the point where you want to, no, you need to bring your pussy to the point of throbbing ecstasy at least once a day. On some nights, you have lost count of how many orgasms you have given yourself.

By this point, you are gently pinching and twisting your nipples, and know that you have to move your hands down to play with your lips and your clit. You open your legs and slip your hands order the warm water, down across the wet skin of your tummy and mound, until you find your vulva and slip your fingers in between to find your clit. You feel the tingle of the sparse hair that has been growing down there for the last six months, and it arouses you to know that you’re not a little girl any more, but that your growing to become a beautiful woman, like Bella, oh god that feels good on your clit.

You start to gently rub and circle your clitoris. The water feels good, but you know that after a a while of playing with yourself, you’ll need to let the water out or lie down on your bed to bring yourself off.

“Ohhhhh…” you sigh with pleasure, “Ughhhhh…”

You start to rub your clit more firmly. The water is good, but your sex juices feel better. They’re more slippery somehow, and the water washes them away. You pinch your nipples harder with your other hand, and fall into a sexual rhythm, rubbing and pinching and writhing. You bite your lower lip. You know you need some naughty thoughts to get yourself off, but who do you want it fantasize about?

Emily Lestrange
Ethnicity: Pureblood Witch English/French/Italian
Sex: Female
Age: 11
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 92 lbs.
Build: Slender
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Spells in effect
1: Protego Corpus
2: Protego Psyche
3: Protego Anima
4: Protego Animus
5: Psyche Obfuscatus
6: Obscurus Magicae
7: None
8: None
Soul Fragments
1: Your Diary? (Lucius?)
2: Hufflepuff's Cup? (Vault?)
3: Ravenclaw's Diadem? (Hogwarts?)
4: Slytherin's Locket? (Cave?)
5: Gaunt's Ring?
6: Gryffindor's Sword?
7: Unknown
8: Unknown
Emily (vessel)
Magic Items
Mother’s wand, Broken Time Turner, Bellatrix’ Locket, Shadow Cloak
Other Items
Hastur snake familiar, tailored clothes in black and dark emerald green, black leather knee high boots, purse with currency, Lestrange family vault key