Universal Acceptance/You want to have sex with Sarah

From All The Fallen Stories
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“But I want to do it with Sarah!” You cut in. You don’t understand why they were saying you can’t do it with Sarah. In order for your power to work though, you have to phrase it as an explanation of some sort. What do you say? "Sarah likes naked stuff most, so she should be the one I have sex with." You say.

"What?" Your father responds. "Jerry, we talked about you being naked with your sisters before..." *sigh,* "well, I guess it doesn't matter now. He's right, it would be most appropriate for him to do it with the oldest and most willing one."

“All right,” Your mother responds, “we can worry about the details later.”

“Get yourself ready champ,” your father says back to you as they both begin to go for the door, “you are about to become a man.” With those words, he gives you a smile and a wink and walks off to follow your mom.

You are left feeling a little uneasy. Your underwear are still wet from when you wet the bed with your semen stuff, and now you have suddenly been thrust into this somehow. You did say you wanted to do that sex thing with your sister, but it is still all moving too fast for you. For now though, you know that your mom and dad will be back any minute and they will be bringing your “twin” sister with them.

She is not really your twin, you are actually 2 years older than her, but when you started using your power to make everyone treat you like you were 10, you also started saying that you and Sarah were twins since you would both be 10. You even changed your birthday to hers. Of your four sisters, she is the one who seemed to like taking charge the most in your naked games. Of course, she can’t help but do what you want when you use your power, but at all other times when you are not using your power she seems to want to control everything everyone does when your cloths are off.

Something that is strange though is that lately you have been getting some weird feelings every time you see her naked. You actually wind up touching Trish and Katie more, but there is something about seeing Sarah naked that just puts a smile on your face. Thinking about Sarah suddenly makes you start to get self-conscious of the fact that your boxers are wet again as your penis begins to stand up and get hard. Your dad had told you a long time ago when you asked him about it that a boy’s penis just gets hard when you touch it, but lately it seems to be getting hard even when you don’t touch it. All you have to do is think about Sarah naked and it happens. That makes you feel the cool wetness of the material sliding across the head of your penis and you realize the state you are in.

Persuasions (recent)
*You will wet the bed if you don't have sex. *Jesus doesn't want you to wet the bed. *You will wet the bed again if you don't have sex "now." *It should be Sarah who you have sex with since she enjoys this sort of stuff most.

Limited condition persuasions

Long term persuasions (person 1)

Long term persuasions (person 2)


