Summer Holiday/Spain Day 2 TV porn

From All The Fallen Stories
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One of the lifts is out of order and there is a fat woman with a small baby on her hip and a big bag in the other hand waiting for it. While you wait, you make faces at the baby and poke your tongue out to make her laugh. Mom ignores you and you follow them onto the lift. She doesn't have a spare hand so you press the button for her, but soon after you start going up, there is a lurch and the lift stops.

The person who answers the call for help says it will be an hour before you can be rescued and when you tell the woman she gets pretty agitated and the baby starts crying. You sit down on the floor and she follows suit. The baby is wriggling and wants to get down, but the floor is pretty dirty so the woman holds her on her lap.

"I'm Francis," you say.

"Valerie. And this is Carmine." She jiggles the baby and she stops crying and looks at you.

"Dada," she says, pointing.

"No Darling. That's not Daddy." She looks at you for a moment. "I desperately need a piss, can you hold her for me?"

You look around, wondering if you are going to be paddling in urine, but take hold of the baby anyway. She roots in her bag and finds a Tupperware container. Moments later, her knickers are off and she's holding it between her legs. She makes no attempt to cover herself and you get a good view of her hairy pussy which makes John Thomas react as usual.

The baby notices straight away and grabs it. "Dada," she says, emphatically.

"Sorry about that. She thinks anyone with a cock is her daddy," Carmine says, as she firmly closes the container. The baby seems determined to extract your cock and her mother makes no attempt to get her off. "Let her play with it, it'll keep her quiet," she says.

Back down to the pool for lunch