Life Hacks/(Inf/Lox/Pres/No-comp/Fem/Weird+cuckland/Age-inf/non-compete)-(Preg)/(Wells House+Roni pregnant)/(March's, most fem, fertile)/Use the bathroom/Sex/Later/Fuck it/Show/Silent

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You decide it's hot to start pumping her full of your sperm while she's still baffled by the idea that you even got it into her slit and not her butt-hole in the first place.

Without even a single word of warning, you let yourself go inside her as your throbbing dick floods her cervix with your white goo in a continuous torrent. August, meanwhile, is still completely oblivious to this. She probes around the point where your penis is slotted into her entrance without even seeming to notice how it keeps rhythmically twitching inside of her and pushing several teaspoons of the stuff that makes babies right up next to her womb every second. And thanks to the pressure seal pussy cheat she picked up the second she became your sex partner, not even a drop of the stuff flows out past your dick to alert her that something is going on.

It takes about five seconds of her probing around to finally realize something's strange as she puts a hand on the area around her pubic mound, just above her slit. "I feel like something hot's inside," she says.

"Yeah?" You say, not giving her much to go on as you enjoy her confusion. The short one-word response also makes it easier for you to avoid groaning or putting anything else into your voice that would key her off that something is happening right now.

"What is that?" She asks, looking up at you.

"It's alright, that's just what it feels like when a penis goes inside your front," you tell her, exercising considerable will to keep your voice every bit as even as if you are just having a normal casual conversation as another dozen or so spurts of your thick semen enter her during this brief exchange.

"It's really in front?" She asks, touching and probing the area around her entrance with her fingers again, once more not seeming to take note of how your dick's just going crazy inside her. Well, hard to blame her since you don't have a hole lot of it outside her hole right now. Meanwhile, she reaches a hand around her back-side and starts probing her own butt, eventually discovering exactly what you knew she was going to find.

"You're right! It's not in my butt!" She comments. "Is it inside my pee-hole?" She muses, and then you see a mischievous glint in her eye. "Hey, do you think I can pee with your penis inside my pee-hole?" She asks in a tone that tells you she really wants to attempt to do exactly that.

Let her know it's not her "pee-hole."

Make her think your penis really is in her urethra.

Alexander "Xander" Cole
Ethnicity: Scandinavian / Anglo-Saxon
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Build: Athletic
Measurements: 36/30/35
Penis: 3 inches - cut
Eyes: gray
Hair: blond
Player Cheats: Infinite semen, no refractory period,Goldilocks cock,Pain and complication free pregnancy,Female children only.
Lifie Cheats: Complication free delivery (all sex partners) Instant approval + Cuckland (town),Weird World (radius),Age Pass Infinite (radius), Pressure seal pussy (all sex partners), Ignorance (sex makes babies)(town), Masterful (reproduction)(self)
Page Tally:
  • Xander

Have sex with August (15) First time + 5 Young X 1.5 Break cherry X 10 Bare back X 2

  • (15 + 5 X 1.5 X 10 X 2 = 600)


  • Fucked(5)
  • Pedophilia(20)
  • (4217 + 600 + 25 = 4832)
20/8 vision, improved night vision, skilled in almost everything.
August Holiday
Friend's sister 9 years old

Notes: .

  • Looks up to you greatly
  • Views you as a role model
  • Wants to see your penis
  • Has a mild crush on you
  • Precocious puberty
  • Max Fertility
  • Is suddenly having romantic fantasies about you

October "Octavia" Holiday
Friend's sister 5 years old

Notes: .

  • Distant from you due to lack of interaction
  • Blunted influence from her older sisters' crushes on you
  • Precocious puberty
  • Max Fertility

March Holiday
Friend 14 years old

Notes: Has a fetish where he wants to see you have sex with his sisters

Christmas "Chris" Holiday
Friend's father 37 years old

Notes: Regards you as practically one of his kids

Lynnette "Lynn" Holiday
Friend's mother 37 years old

Notes: Regards you as practically one of her kids

Summer Holiday
Friend's sister 16 years old


  • Mild unjustified negative emotions toward you
  • Has sexual fantasies about you
  • Has romantic fantasies about you
  • Afraid of her own mixed emotions about you
  • Max Fertility

Winter "Winny" Holiday
Friend's sister 15 years old

Notes: .

  • Max Fertility

Autumn Holiday
Friend's sister 13 years old

Notes: .

  • Has considered a romantic relationship with you
  • Max Fertility

Spring Holiday
Friend's sister 13 years old

Notes: .

  • Has a large childhood crush on you
  • Has sexual fantasies about you
  • Wants to set you up with her sister
  • Max Fertility

January "Jan" Holiday
Friend's sister 12 years old

Notes: .

  • Has started puberty
  • Has a mild crush on you
  • Wants to see your penis
  • Max Fertility

February "Febby" Holiday
Friend's sister 11 years old

Notes: .

  • Has started puberty
  • Max Fertility
  • Sexually fantasizes about you

April Holiday
Friend's sister 11 years old

Notes: .

  • Has started puberty
  • Max Fertility
  • Has a crush on you
  • Uneasy about the idea of having sex

May Holiday
Friend's sister 10 years old

Notes: .

  • Has started puberty
  • Max Fertility

June Holiday
Friend's sister 8 years old

Notes: .

  • Pretends to have a crush on you to fit in with her older sisters
  • Precocious puberty
  • Max Fertility

September "Steph" Holiday
Friend's sister 7 years old

Notes: .

  • Looks up to you
  • Views you as a role model
  • Influenced by her older sisters' crushes on you
  • Precocious puberty
  • Max Fertility

July Holiday
Friend's sister 6 years old

Notes: .

  • Says she has a crush on you to fit in with her sisters, and partially believes it too.
  • Precocious puberty
  • Max Fertility

November "Nove" Holiday
Friend's sister 3 years old

Notes: .

  • Infantile hyper-attachment to you.
  • Precocious puberty
  • Max Fertility

December "Decy" Holiday
Friend's sister 2 years old

Notes: *Precocious puberty

  • Max Fertility
  • Has picked up a masturbation habit

Halloween "Hally" Holiday
Friend's sister 0 years old

Notes: *Max fertility

Veronica "Roni" Cole
Sister 8 years old

Notes: *Precocious puberty

  • Max Fertility
  • Pregnant with your child
  • Is confused over some romantic feelings for you

Ingrid "Inga" Cole
Mother 37 years old

Notes: '

Brittany Cole
Sister 19 years old

Notes: '

Charity Cole
Twin Sister 15 years old

Notes: '

Sebastian "Bastian" Cole
Brother 12 years old

Notes: '

Angelica "Angel" Cole
Sister 10 years old

Notes: '

Richard "Rich" Cole
Father 38 years old

Notes: '

Shauna Lovett
Father's GF 25 years old

Notes: '

Rahne Lovett
Half-sister 10 years old

Notes: '

Mackinsey "Kizzie" Lovett
Half-sister 2 years old

Notes: '

Patricia "Trish" Wells
Acquaintance 33 years old


  • Max fertility
  • Pregnant with your child

Danica Wells
Acquaintance 8 years old

Notes: *Precocious puberty

  • Max fertility
  • Is your 'secret' girlfriend
  • Is childishly hyper-infatuated with you
  • Pregnant with your child

Ellen "Ellie" Wells
Acquaintance 5 years old

Notes: *Precocious puberty

  • Max fertility
  • Is your tentative 'secret' girlfriend
  • Does not actually have romantic feelings for you
  • Pregnant with your child

Siobhan O'Connell
Acquaintance 16 years old

Notes: *Max Fertility

  • Is your girlfriend
  • Pergnant with your child
  • Personality mods re-interpreted
    • Doesn't like getting semen in her vagina

Loki (Player)
Benefactor ???? years old

Notes: '