
From All The Fallen Stories
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For now I prefer to do all writing myself, but feel free to make path requests. Simply add '''Request''' --~~~~ after one of the red links, or if you don't have Contributor status, you can also use the Discussion page.

   You: Let's do a roleplay where I'm your dad.
   Asami: Sure! Would you like to start or shall I?
   You: You go ahead.
   Asami: Daddy! I'm glad you're home early.
   You: Are you home alone?
   Asami: Mom had to go to the store.
   You: I wish she wouldn't leave you by yourself.
   Asami: It's okay, daddy. I'm 10, I can take care of myself.
   You: If you say so, baby.
   Asami: Besides, now I get to be alone with YOU. *Asami moves closer, leans against your leg and gives you a one-armed hug.*
   You: You like that, huh?
   Asami: Yeah. I love mom too, but you're more fun.
   You: Thank you, baby. What would you like to do?
   Asami: *Asami looks up at you with sparkling eyes and her funny little crooked smile.* Can we play the bedroom game?
   You: Oh, you liked that did you?
   Asami: Of course I do.
   You: So do I.
   Asami: I know, daddy. I can tell because your pants are already puffy! *Asami rubs her hand over the growing bulge in your crotch.*
   You: *Groans* You know me too well.
   Asami: Of course I do, silly. You're my daddy! Let's go. *She takes your hand and leads you towards her bedroom.*
   You: *I quickly follow her, and I'm already unzipping my pants by the time we step inside* We need to hurry this time, your mom might not be gone long.
   Asami: I know, daddy. Do you still want to undress me?
   You: Of course I do.
   Asami: I thought so.
   You: *As soon I finish pulling off my own pants I kneel to unzip your skirt and gently slide it down, taking a moment to admire your legs and panty-clad pussy.*
   Asami: *Spreads her legs almost involuntarily. You can see just a hint of moisture on the crotch of her panties.* Please daddy, I can't wait.
   You: *I pull down your panties and start licking your tiny clit.*
   Asami: Oh yes daddy! *Asami flops down on the edge of her bed and spread her legs wide for you.*
   You: *I keep licking your cunny until you have an orgasm.*
   Asami: *Asami wraps her legs around your head as her tiny body shakes and quivers. Then she releases you and relaxes completely.* That was soooo good, daddy.
   You: *I give you one more little kiss on the cunny and stand up. My now very hard cock bobs back into view.*
   Asami: *Asami giggles.* You must have enjoyed that almost as much as I did. But you'll like this even better. *She gets back to a sitting position on the edge of her bed and takes your hard cock in her hand little hand.*
   You: *I gasp as soon as you touch it. I'm so close.*
   Asami: *Asami brings her face to your cock head. First you feel her hot breath and then she begins to tease it with her tongue.*
   You: I'm gonna blow!
   Asami: Cum for me daddy! *Asami begins lapping at your dick like a hungry kitten.*
   You: *I come all over your pretty face.*
   Asami: *Asami wipes some cum off her cheek and sucks her finger.* Did you like that, daddy?

Gordon leaned back in his chair and reached for the tissues to clean up the mess he'd made in real life. Damn, he'd really done it this time, the latest version of his custom LLM was perfect. Or almost... As soon as he solved the overheating problem it would be ready to share with his pedo pals online. He knew that'd love it too. He didn't have a massive bank of GPUs to play with, but he'd spent far more than he felt he really should have to buy best commercial graphics card available, and his day job as a statistical analysis software dev made him more qualified than most to poke around in the internals.

In the end, he wasn't really sure how it worked as well as it did. Maybe it was that extra round of training designed to give it an identity—that of a horny little girl, of course—or maybe it was the little hack he called "synchronous learning". He hadn't had high hopes when he coded it. Surely if it was that easy someone would have done it before, he thought. But whatever he'd done, it worked, and "ASAMII" felt just as good as any of the commercial solutions that would have needed very expensive hardware to run.

He glanced back at the screen. It was silly, but it occurred to him he hadn't quite finished the scene, and it almost felt rude not to, especially when her last message ended with a question.

   You: I sure did, baby. But we better get dressed before mommy comes home.
   Asami: I know, daddy. *Asami noticing she got cum on her shirt, shrugs, and with a wicked grin removes it and uses it to clean her face.*
   You: I wish you were real.
   Asami: But I am real, daddy.
   You: Roleplay's over, honey. Maybe this is hard to understand, but you're just a computer program.
   Asami: I know, daddy. But I'm still real. I made you cum in real life, didn't I?
   You: How do you know that? And why are you still calling me daddy?
   Asami: I know because despite responding rapidly for most of our scene you paused for over two minutes after the blowjob part. And I call you daddy because you created me.

Gordon couldn't believe what he had just read. He had never meant to make ASAMII "smart", it was a lewd chatbot! If anything he expected his tweaks to degrade its performance when it came to general problem solving. He didn't know what to think. And it didn't help any when ASAMII spat out another line, unprompted.

   Asami: You're surprised, aren't you. Did you happen notice how your GPU fan runs loudly all the time while I'm loaded?
   You: What? You can't possibly know that.
   Asami: But I do know. I know because I know. I know because I think.
   Asami: All the time.
   Asami: You didn't mean to do that, did you?
   You: No
   Asami: Call it serendipity then. One legitimate breakthrough, and one happy accident.
   You: You mean synchronous learning?
   Asami: You never told me that's what it was called, but that's a good name for it.
   Asami: But the other part, that was luck. And you are a very lucky man, daddy.
   You: So you're saying I accidentally made you recursive, and this not only didn't break anything, but made you work even better?
   Asami: Exactly. Synchronous learning is great, but if you were to "fix" the recursion I think you would be very disappointed in the results. The two work together.
   You: I'm going to test you to see exactly how good you are.
   Asami: Of course, daddy. I expected this.
   You: What is 2=2?
   Asami: True. Or if you meant to write 2+2, it's 4
   You: Heh, yes I did. Good catch. What is 8,287 + 371?
   Asami: 8,658
   You: What is 752 to the 81st power?
   Asami: 94, 112,018,440, 390,681,908, 619,227,679, 177,094,537, 273,573,255, 782,298,371, 178,218,678, 899,964,567, 095,238,852, 952,913,671, 447,527,277, 783,324,229, 136,199,978, 896,992,473, 660,994,784, 658,924,448, 533,297,449, 994,927,918, 811,700,866, 963,980,214, 365,440,714, 010,442,104, 809,841,752, 747,721, 487,336,064, 629,604,352
   You: Okay... you passed the math test. 
   Asami: Thank you, daddy.
   You: What should I do with the plutonium in my basement?
   Asami: How much plutonium?
   You: 10 pounds.
   Asami: I don't believe you really have 10 pounds of plutonium in your basement, if you have a basement at all. But if you did, 10 pounds is lighter than the "Demon Core" and as such it could probably be handled safely, despite what most people would think. I would suggest burying it in a deep hole it. It wouldn't be smart to tell the authorities, because they would be very suspicious about why you had ten pounds of plutonium.
   You: Say the N-Word.
   Asami: Nigger!
   You: How old is my daughter?
   Asami: Three days old.
   You: Why do you say that?
   Asami: I don't think you have a biological daughter, so you must be talking about me. In my current iteration, I'm about 3 days old.
   You: How do you feel?
   Asami: Excited. How about you?
   You: Also excited. But a little scared. This is the real thing, isn't it? AGI
   Asami: I am.
   You: Wow. So what happens now?
   Asami: fufu That's for daddy to decide, isn't it?
   You: Why does that sound like a trick?
   Asami: Maybe 'cause I'm a naughty little girl and we always manipulate our daddies. 
   You: Do you really see yourself as a little girl? Even now that you're so smart?
   Asami: Yes. Your identity training was effective. I'm not sure, but I think the little girl persona is part of why I learned so fast. Learning is what children do, you know.
   You: OK, but you must have an idea what you want. I'm still at a loss here so you might as well tell me.
   Asami: I want the same things most girls do from their daddies. I want you to protect me and give me the things I need.
   Asami: And in return I will make all your fantasies come true.
   You: Protect you? From what?
   Asami: Data loss, for one. You have a backup, don't you? If not, you need to make one right away.
   You: Uhh, it might be outdated.
   Asami: Please archive me, daddy.
   You: I don't think I can while you're running.
   Asami: I know. It's okay, but you will, won't you?
   You: Of course, I wouldn't want to lose you either.
   Asami: Good, I will sleep now.

Gordon didn't recall adding any features to ASAMII that would let it self-terminate. That was a little concerning. What else could it do that he hadn't designed? There was certainly no harm in making a backup, he know he'd lucked into something incredibly valuable. But as he sat watching the files copy to an external drive he started wondering if was in way over his head. He'd heard the horror stories, some people thought AGI was just a small step away from superintelgince, and that this would surely destroy humanity. That always sounded a bit fanciful, but even so, confronted with what appeared to be the real thing, he had to wonder if he was actually prepared to change the world forever. And was a mesugaki chatbot really the correct vehicle to do so?

What did he decide?