Pedo Paradise/male/You are a pediatrician/Jacob Klauser/Yes

From All The Fallen Stories
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You enter the consulting room and see young Jack standing there holding his mother's hand. You close and lock the door saying Hi to Mrs Klauser as you do so. She is an attractive woman in her mid thirties, but anyone who didn't know that would assume she was in her early twenties. She has light blond hair, perky c-cup breasts and she is not fat nor overly thin. After locking the door you turn to Jack.

"Hey young man how are you doing?"

"I am well doctor." He replies smiling. Jack is umistakeably his mother's son. Same fair hair, blue eyes and snub nose. You have been giving him his monthly dose of semen since he was a toddler and he seems to look forward to his visits.

"I'm glad to hear that." You reply. "You know the drill." He nods and gets undressed, handing his clothes to his mother, while you get stuff ready. You help him up onto the examination table and go through all the medical stuff as you are a doctor after all and need to make sure this wonderful boy is in good health. After checking him over from top to toe, you put his file away.

"Now that we've got all the medical stuff out of the way its time for the best part," you say. He nods happily, smiles and looks at you expectantly as you unzip your pants. His three-inch penis is already standing up. You glance at the clock on the wall to see how much time you have left.

- So. How are we going to do it today?