Sexy Fun Times/Ten/Girl/School/Park/Car

From All The Fallen Stories
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His car is one of those huge black ones with dark windows. He holds the back door open and you climb in, followed by the dog, and buckle up. The man gets in beside you and hangs his jacket on a hook.

"I don't think you'll need that," he says, pointing at the seat belt. He has turned sideways and is looking at you. "I don't know why, but a pretty young girl in a uniform really turns me on," he says.

You realise that he has no intention of driving anywhere and suddenly you feel nervous. "What are you gonna do mister," you ask.

He smiles and reaches over to undo the seat belt. Then he gently puts one hand on your bare leg. It feels warm and soft. "I think we both know why we are here," he says. "I wish I had more time though."

When his questing fingers reach your pussy, you know that it will already be wet with anticipation. You close your eyes and lean back as his fingers find their way inside the gusset of your knickers. He takes hold of your hand and you find that somehow, he has extracted his cock and you wrap your fingers around the shaft.

After a couple of minutes, he lifts you up and stands you in front of him. His cock looks nice, not too big. "Take your panties off," he orders, and you wriggle them down and he steadies you as you get them over your trainers. You wonder if he wants you to strip, but he has other ideas. "Get down on your hands and knees," he says.

The car is a big one and there is plenty of room for you to get on the floor. He lifts your skirt right up to fully expose your bottom and then you feel a wet, rough tongue between your legs. You had totally forgotten the dog.

You try to get up but he easily holds you in place, and in truth you aren't trying very hard. "It's better you don't struggle," he says.