Pedo Romp/Toddler/May/Ass/MayRimjob/Nap

From All The Fallen Stories
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You don't even have to instruct Lizzie to clean all the cum from her toddler's face, she begins licking as soon as you stop bobbing the small head in your lap and push the little girl away from your thoroughly sated, tingling cock, unable to bear any further stimulation right now. The young mother snowballs it all into her child's waiting mouth, like a bird feeding her young. Giddy with joy, you feel a goofy smile stretching your lips every time the toddler swallows with a cute blink. Only with one eye, though, as the other is filled with your thick sperm, at least until her loving mother carefully sucks it all up and spits it into her waiting mouth like the previous ten mouthfuls, completing her cleanup duties.

As Lizzie picks her daughter up in her arms like a baby, you do the same with her, all three of you giggling like loons, and you carry the beautiful little family into the next room and drop them playfully onto your Master bed, joining the naked kids in a blissful cuddle puddle. Kissing silky black skin and hair left and right, fondling these supple, delicious children all over, you feel small hands toying with your chest hair, stroking your content body.

"You girls are the best," you sigh happily. You look into May's coy, beautiful dark eyes, and press a kiss to the tip of her nose, making her giggle sweetly. "And you are the sweetest baby slut I've ever fucked."

She blushes and smiles, giving you a lingering kiss on the cheek while cooing softly, melting your heart. Lizzie kisses your other cheek, and you can feel her oversized tits squishing oh so pleasantly against your side. You pull the children tightly to you, hugging them both to your body as you sigh again.

You all doze off after a few minutes, spent from your exertions.

As you come to, alone in the bed, you panic for a moment - but then recall that you did stash your wallet and keys in the quick-safe before getting your dick wet, as always. And the front door has a special lock that only you know how to open. Some little ones can be crafty, but you've never let a child rob you yet, no reason to start now. However, you have a really good feeling about these two little cock-sockets. And Lizzie doesn't let you down when she pops in from the adjacent bathroom, still butt-naked with her huge tits out. Those big, puffy charcoal circles look so sexy capping her oversized jugs. Below, her hairless slit looks nearly as cute and tight as her toddler's cunt - like mother, like daughter. Her thighs are smooth and nicely filled in like a woman's, except smaller. She's very petite for her age, except where it counts - in the chest department. You usually prefer kids much younger, but she is one tasty shorty. And the package deal with her toddler is irresistible. Incest is best, and she's an amazing enabler, too, coaching her three-year-old into a perfect fuckdoll for you. You can hear the shower running. She smiles when she sees you're awake.

"Needed a good rest, Sir?"

You return her smile.

"It was a great fuck, little whore. How long was I out?"

"About an hour, I think. I saw that you had a whole stack of kid's toothbrushes in there, so I stole a Frozen one for May to freshen up. I hope that's okay, Sir?"

You nod with a smile and wave her over to you, cuddling up with the youngest mommy you've ever bagged. Sometimes, you stragegically lube your dick in mommies, though purely to unlock their baby girls' tight young holes for healthy plowing, and only the little ones get the privilege of your cum. You might make an exception with Lizzie, though - she's still quite young and gorgeous to boot, it would be no dull chore feeding her your nut. Her mouth is sparkling fresh as you lock lips with her, and eager as always. You snicker as you stick your tongue in her, letting her suck on it while you squish and paw her juicy ass and soft tits with rough, possessive hands.

"She's not the only one who got a new toothbrush, eh?"

"Just the one, Sir. I used it on myself first, before brushing hers. I share everything with her, including you, Sir," she smiles, looking into your eyes, your brows and noses touching. Her face turns solemn, a little nervous, perhaps, her lovely dark pools darting hither and yon for a moment. "You... You fuck a lot of kids here, don't you, Sir?"

"Oh yeah. As many as I possibly can," you reply with a smile. "Why?"

Her soft hand begins to slowly massage your cock, which grew to at least half mast as soon as this naked black beauty stepped into your view, and turned into a lamppost while you kissed and groped her. She likely has no clue exactly how gorgeous she is, and her daughter is hotter still. In addition to their physical beauty, the attentive and submissive disposition of this lovely little family lifts your admiration and lust to the next level. Even the sweet scent of their sublime young bodies is intoxicating.

"We really need a place to stay, Sir. I can't keep living on the street with May, we've had some close calls already. And you've been so kind to us... I could train May to be a great little whore for you, Sir. And of course you could use me however you like, too. Fuck both of us day and night all you want, just like Daddy did. I was hoping..."

The young girl trails off, her lovely eyes wet, her inviting, dark lips trembling. She's beautiful.

"I was hoping that mmmffff!"

"Nah, just shut up and suck my dick, bitch," you grunt, firmly pushing her head down to your crotch and stuffing your cock in her warm, young mouth. Ah yes, that's the way. The child immediately begins to nurse on your hard tool, her huge tits smooshing against your body as you make her take that cock, and it feels wonderful. She's very skilled and eager, her Daddy has taught her well.

"I don't think so, little slut. You're just another kiddie whore, and I've fucked so many. Bitches like you are a dime a dozen," you muse out loud, hearing her sniffle. Feeling her tears dripping into your crotch makes your dick twitch in her exquisite mouth. She keeps sucking, though, like a good little whore. Your heavy hand is on her head, deciding the tempo and depth, so she has to, anyway. "Don't slack off, suck a bit harder, whore. Oh yeah, just like that. It's not cheap keeping two little fucktoys fed, you know." She sniffles again, her tongue tickling your glans in the most exquisite way.

You left out "clothed", as the little black hotties would have to remain practically naked at all times if you did let them stay. Perhaps some sexy stockings would be allowed. You toy with the possibilities in your mind while getting great head, beautiful little Lizzie begging you to let them stay with her talented tongue and lips, but not with words. You smack her black ass hard, loving the sound and feel, as well as the jolt it sends through that lovely young dark body, and most of all the blush on her pretty face and the surprised yelp she lets out around your cock. Your hand keeps her mouth right where it needs to be, though, as you slap her sexy dark buns again. If you do let them stay, they'd better know who makes the rules around here.

"Suck it bitch, that's right!" you moan, smacking the child's sexy round ass once more, feeding your whining little slave more precum, which she promptly licks up.

But what to do?

Maybe you could let them stay after all? Having these two perfect, gorgeous little black slavegirls at your beck and call to pamper your dick at a daily cost of four Happy Meals is kind of a bargain, isn't it? The incest component is a delicacy that you could easily enjoy on a daily basis, and you love black kids.

But you really should just pump and dump this underage whore and call it a day. Kick both their cute black asses back out on the street without paying them as soon as you've made this little bitch milk out one last big load. Cheaper, easier, safer.