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Sally hesitated only a moment when she opened the back door and prepared to step out into the yard naked. She'd done it before, of course—by stealth at night—but if anything it felt easier now in the morning sunshine. She wasn't sneaking around this time after all; her dad was right there and said it was OK. She skipped around the corner to where he was working, with a grin on her face.

"So, is daddy's little nudist gonna help out or just watch today?"

"I'll help, of course!", Sally said as she gave Ryan a hug around the waist. "What should I do?"

"We'll get to that, but first I better explain the design, since you asked about it. The one I saw on the internet was actually four separate boxes: a tall one in back, a short one in front and two medium boxes on the sides. It looks nice, and it'd be helpful if you planned to move it, but I don't, so I figured it'll be quicker and sturdier if I build it all in one piece. So basically we've got a big box with a cross in the middle and higher walls in back than in front."

Sally listened to his description with great attention, and then nodded, saying "That sounds like a good plan."

Ryan laughed, pleased that it met with her "approval". "So anyway, the first step is to dig out this square I've marked. It's actually kind of rough going getting through the turf with this shovel, so let me finish this part and then I'll think of something you can help with."

But Sally wasn't satisfied with that, and after watching him dig for a minute or two, she had an idea. "I'll be right back", she said as she went back inside.

Ryan turned to watch. He was ashamed to stare at her openly, but he never got tired of looking at her cute little butt. There was no harm in it as long as she didn't know, right?

When Sally returned, to his surprise she was carrying a large serrated bread knife. "I bet I can cut through the roots with this!"

Ryan was skeptical, but he didn't want to rain on her parade, so he just said "Alright, you give that a try on that side while I keep going with the shovel." And so she did. She only made about half as much progress as he did, and minus actually removing any dirt, but when they met up on the other side, he was pleasantly surprised to find cutting through the roots had made a real difference when it came to digging that part up. "Well what do you know, you're not just pretty, you're smart too."

Sally blushed. "Thanks, dad."

"I doubt your mother would approve though. Go wash that knife good and put it back where it belongs, okay?"

"Sure." Sally was just pleased that she actually helped and skipped off back to the kitchen. By this point, she wasn't even thinking about the fact that she was naked, and outside no less, she was just enjoying spending time with her dad again, something she'd missed more than she realized.

* * *

The rest of the project went smoothly, and Ryan found little things for her to help with (or at least feel like she was helping) such as marking boards at the correct length to cut, carrying the cut boards outside and so forth. By noon, they had the bottom frame in place and all the pieces cut, and Ryan called a break for lemonade. Sally briefly remembered she was naked again when she sat down in the kitchen, but it felt right and she was happy. She quickly forgot again as they talked about their progress and the work left to be done.

"... and then of course we have to fill it with dirt. We can put what we just dug up back in, but we'll need more. Handy's closes early on weekends, so I was thinking I should probably get over there and buy a few bags before we do the next part, and maybe if we're lucky we can have this all finished today. What do you say?"

"Sounds good, dad. Can I come along?"

"Of course, Pumpkin."

"Okay, let's go." Sally drained her glass of lemonade, and headed for the front door.

She was, of course, still completely naked. When did Ryan decide to remind her of this?