Life Hacks/Familiarize Yourself

From All The Fallen Stories
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Well, since you have this conveniently powerful tool that gives you god-like powers over the world, you might as well figure out how to use it. Loki had said you can't undo the changes you make. You figure that just means there is no actual "undo" or "return to default" type options, you can probably return things to how they were before if you memorize someone's previous status, but all the same it would probably be dangerous to just rush into things without knowing what you are doing first. You take your time and go through the menu of Lifie Mod to familiarize yourself with the interface. You are very careful not to make any changes just yet.

You click on "Settings" to familiarize yourself with the options. They seem to be mostly related to how different modules interact with one another, and the default settings of the dialogs. You do notice one that is of use immediately. The setting Adjust Lifie Memories draws your attention. It is currently set to true. You test the options, and they are true, false, and prompt. You could see situations where you might not want to have people's memory adjusted, so you set it to prompt instead. Now if you want to see someone wig out at being suddenly changed you can do so.

Clicking on Adjust Appearance, you see that you appear to be able to make pretty much any physical change you want with the Adjust Appearance menu, but some of them appear to be limited by physical attribute levels. It makes sense, you suppose. Having no strength and big muscles wouldn't be very logical.

You click the Adjust Relationship menu and it appears that you need to select a target. It reads, "Please select a subject." Curious, you tentatively press your hand to your chest, and notice a faint yellow glow emanate from your body. You move to your full body mirror to check it out. The glow is faint, but obvious, and radiates from yourself and your clothing. It feels a little surreal to see yourself like this. Now that you are "selected" you can see a list of your relationships. The names and faces of your family appear in a menu at the lower end of the interface, and below that are a series of meters indicating various aspects of their relationship toward you. It seems that the game tracks Like/Dislike in a single meter that is green(for like) and red (for dislike). Below that meter, the game seems to track Dominance/Submission in blue and purple respectively. Below that the game tracks Trust/Fear in silver and yellow respectively. At the bottom it appears to track Platonic Love and Romantic Love in white and pink. Unlike the previous meters, it seems that they aren't mutually exclusive. You are about to move on when you notice that, much to your surprise, your twin sister Charity seems to feel romantic love for you. With how much she seems to love torturing you, you can't seem to reason that out in your mind. You shake your head and file the information for later so that you can move on.

Next on the list is "Adjust Personality." Pressing the Adjust Personality option brings up a menu that seems to list thousands of personality trait sliders. It appears to cover pretty much every aspect of a person's personality, and with yourself selected, you get a quick overview of your own personality. It's much like you expected, but the shyness value is much lower than you expected . . . maybe because of your new-found power?

You press the Adjust Attributes selection and see that the attributes are nearly as exhaustive as the personality traits, but seem to be in categories for physical, mental, social, and appearance. That break down makes them a little easier to follow, so you decide to just think of them in terms of their umbrella categories. They each seem to top out at 200.

You press Adjust Skills. By now, you aren't surprised that the list is long, but a glance at the scroll bar at the side reveals the slider to be nothing but a tiny sliver compared to the box you got with the previous lists. There must be hundreds of thousands of entries. Fortunately there is an option called Max All Skills which you are certain you will want to use on yourself at some point.

You click Adjust Traits and see that they seem to be genetic and environmental factors. Each trait is a slider or range rather than being just a binary flag. Like most of the other menus, there are tons of traits. You absently notice that your poison ivy resistance is one of the traits listed, as is your myopia. That's interesting, but you figure there is no point gawking at the list just yet. You want to move on and check out the next list.

You press the Adjust Rewards selection, and see that rewards seem to be based off of some kind of point system, and you see no way to cheat more points onto yourself . . . at least not from this module . . . so they may have to wait.

There seems to be an integrated search system to make options easier to find, and a favorites system to put frequently used options at the top of the menus.

After spending an hour or so going through the menus, you finally feel confident in making some changes.

Since a lot of the others menus are limited by attribute levels, you decide to

Alexander "Xander" Cole
[[File:Life Hacks_File:XanderGlassesZitsJaw.png.png|200px]]
Ethnicity: Scandinavian / Anglo-Saxon
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 95 lbs.
Build: Weak, emaciated
Measurements: 30/25/31
Penis: 4 inches - cut
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Blond
Physical: 44
Mental: 140
Social: 25
Appearance: 85
Health: 100%
Energy: 67%
Focus: 42%
Stress: 66%
Arousal: 44%
Life Hacks
Life Controller Modules: '
Nerdy cloths, glasses, smartwatch, pocket protector
Other Items
Life Controller Duck, assorted pencils and pens, smartphone, wallet, learner's permit, $35 US Currency
Page Tally: No change this page.
Ingrid "Inga" Cole
Mother 37 years old
[[File:Life Hacks_File:Ingrid.png.png|200px]]

Notes: '

Brittany Cole
Sister 19 years old
[[File:Life Hacks_File:Brittany.png.png|200px]]

Notes: '

Charity Cole
Twin Sister 15 years old
[[File:Life Hacks_File:Charity.png.png|200px]]

Notes: '

Sebastian "Bastian" Cole
Brother 12 years old
[[File:Life Hacks_File:Bastian.png.png|200px]]

Notes: '

Angelica "Angel" Cole
Sister 10 years old
[[File:Life Hacks_File:Angel.png.png|200px]]

Notes: '

Veronica "Roni" Cole
Sister 8 years old
[[File:Life Hacks_File:Roni.png.png|200px]]

Notes: '

Richard "Rich" Cole
Father 38 years old
[[File:Life Hacks_File:Richard.png.png|200px]]

Notes: '

Shauna Lovett
Father's GF 25 years old
[[File:Life Hacks_File:Shauna.png.png|200px]]

Notes: '

Rahne Lovett
Half-sister 10 years old
[[File:Life Hacks_File:Rahne.png.png|200px]]

Notes: '

Mackinsey "Kizzie" Lovett
Half-sister 2 years old
[[File:Life Hacks_File:Kizzie.png.png|200px]]

Notes: '

Loki (Player)
Benefactor ???? years old
[[File:Life Hacks_File:Loki.png.png|200px]]

Notes: '