Offline/Play with Nicole in the darkness of the forest

From All The Fallen Stories
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Even though you get the sense that Nicole wouldn't mind sitting down, part of you doesn't want to deal with Hannah right now. You'd really rather spend more time with Nicole without having to pretend to be cool in front of the highschoolers, even with Hannah's promise to you bouncing around in your brain.

Grabbing Nicole's hand, you decisively pull her back into the forest to rejoin the other kids goofing off in the trees. A glance back at her reveals a slightly bashful expression. You're not sure why as she's grabbed your hand before, but you've never grabbed her hand before. That is, apparently, a bigger deal.

You didn't think holding her hand would make you feel funny, but you sure do as soon as you realize that's the way she feels about it. How can knowing that make you want to slink away embarrassed and hold her hand even tighter at the same time?

Owning your decision, you lead Nicole by her hand all the way back to the other kids. One of the younger girls spots you holding hands with your cousin and makes a big deal out of it. Nicole pulls away nervously while also trying to pretend that it isn't a big deal. Once the jeering dies down, you and Nicole sharing another awkward glance, you take her hand in yours again just to show her that you're okay with it.

A big dumb smile lights up Nicole's face. She bumps her shoulder against yours and glances around to find none of the kids are looking at you now. You feel at least as nervous as she looks, all from merely holding her hand, butterflies building. When you were leading her through the trees you had a good reason, but now you're just standing around holding her hand for no reason at all. Well, not for no reason...

Some lighthearted fun pulls the two of you apart when someone starts a game of freeze tag. Even with a couple of flashlights it's tricky to play because it's hard enough to spot people in the dark let alone when they're standing still behind a ton of trees and it all goes on for longer than you'd like. Thankfully hide and seek brings you together again because Nicole insists on hiding with you. The two of you seek shelter in the forest holding each other's hands just because you can, almost as if you're hiding because of forbidden love and not some game. You can't talk much or risk being found sooner, so each round you two race out into the forest and huddle up together panting behind a bush or a tree waiting to get caught holding hands, an extra thrill to an otherwise simple game.

Different kids keep asking to play different games so hide and seek is dropped after a few rounds. Of course leave it to your sister to complicate things. She wants to do a team game, something to do with a longer line? You weren't really listening, but you get a few other cousins to agree to capture the flag. It wears its welcome quickly though as the younger kids don't have as much fun with it, something your sister is happy for when she finally gets her way.

"This is a way better game! Each team has to lay out their clothes in a line and whoever makes the longer line wins!"

"Oh! I'll get my suitcase! I brought lots of clothes!"

"Yulia!" scolds your sister. "That's no fun! It's just supposed to be what you're wearing!" When she further explains that, yes, you have to take off your clothes, a few giggles ripple through the group, to which Emma adds, "It's ta prove how much of a team player you are!"

"I'm on Emma's team!" shouts Asha, which starts a flurry of people racing between two different spots, some of them trying to judge who might be wearing more. Nicole is quick to jump to your side, along with two other cousins. There's an uneven number of kids which results in more players on your sister's team, but they reason that it's fair since the big kids are together, Nicole naturally joining your side.

It doesn't seem fair to you. You and Nicole are wearing shorts (and hers live up to the name) while you spot several longer bottoms and leggings worn by the other team, although not for long. There's no official start or anything, kids just start giddily stripping in the wilderness, which brings you to grin at Nicky and shrug. She grins back at you as you both unhurriedly undo your shorts.

The lines start to get laid out parallel to each other as each article of clothing is contributed. Your sister is the last to take off any of hers as she's too busy collecting from her teammates. Part of you wonders if she actually just wanted to get everyone to strip down for her own amusement, but maybe she just wanted to see everyone else get embarrassed first. She eventually strips herself of her top to reveal her undeveloped chest and pushes down her shorts to show off a full bottomed pair of Hello Kitty panties, bonding with Beth who is wearing a similar such pair.

Your team doesn't have a lot to show for itself at first. Two pairs of shorts, a pair of pants, three t-shirts and one dress from May, one of your younger cousins, which is a big sacrifice for the team (though she isn't put out by it) since she's wearing nothing under the dress, although it isn't much longer than your shirt. Altogether it makes for a poor showing. Nicole is wearing an undershirt that she was hoping to not give up, but when it's clear your team is already behind she readily hands it over. That leaves her with just a cute bralette that hugs her chest and pale pink panties, which makes it hard to ask more of her. Or maybe that would just make you hard. But somehow it's May who steps up for the team.

The youngest member on your team runs away in her birthday suit, her untanned bottom seeming to glow in the dark, and returns with a pair of leggings. She discarded them earlier because she was getting hot and you all agree that's within the rules if she was wearing them with her dress. Nicole places them down and pulls the legs apart into a "splits" pose, smartly maximizing the length of your line. You quickly do the same with the other pair of pants that came from Brayden.

The pickings are already slim, but the two lines are fairly even now with your team ahead by a small margin which leads to lots of readjusting and stretching of what's already been laid out, both teams trying to lengthen their lines without dipping into undergarments, but your sister is ready to dip.

After Asha and Yulia bashfully decline your sister's requests for their underwear, she tries to prove she's the most teamiest player by stepping out of her own panties and proudly placing them at the front of the line, practically giving a speech about it with her hands on her hips in front of everyone. She seems to have spotted May already in the buff and figured that was the reason they were losing, but it's still impressive that she's willing to go totally nude just to win a game.

This fact is pointed out by several cousins as your sibling's scrawny figure gets lit up by multiple flashlights. Little 6-year-old May was already naked right next to you, but your sister is the one asking for everyone's attention. Weirdly, you'd rather look at your sister too. May looks kinda cute naked, but Emma is taller, slimmer, just better proportioned, with the nipples on her flat chest standing out and... and her bald pussy is... giving you a stiffy? Ugh. First Nicole, and now your sister? Does your dick even have any clue what he's doing?

Your sister pays no mind to the gawking and giggling. She merely prances back to her teammates, focused on trying to sweet talk Yulia into donating her panties as well.

With your sister edging the competition in the other team's favor, you can't help but turn to Nicole. She is technically still wearing two pieces of clothing and it's hard not to point that out. Although she smirks at the idea of giving up one of them she isn't quickly convinced and so Brayden beats her to the punch. He drops his undies and hands them over to you with only a hint of hesitation, only attempting to protect his modesty when the other team lights up his junk with a fresh cacophony of giggles.

Brayden's sister Beth isn't going to let him win and quickly responds with her panties, uniting the kitties and putting the other team up again. This back and forth spurs Nicole to act, turning toward the darkness to peel her bralette over her head. With her shoulders rounded forward and a forearm draped across her chest, she shyly hands you her thin bra to extend the line.

Beth is quick to light up Nicole, amused that a bigger kid is stripping down too. You appreciate this, thinking Nicky looks great all bashful and exposed, but there's less fuss since she isn't making a spectacle of herself like Em did. No doubt Nicole didn't intend on going this far, as chewing her lip seems to be an attempt to keep her embarrassment from showing too brightly, but at least Nicky's getting into the spirit of the game because you really don't want your dumb sister to win.

Even placing down Nicky's bralette doesn't take the lead back as another pair of panties and Asha's bikini bottoms enter the fray directly across from you. You feel like that leaves you no choice and, with a nervous look behind you at Nicole, you strip out of your boxers and immediately grab hold of the semi you're sporting, trying desperately to fold it down between your legs with one hand as placing your boxers pushes you into the lead by a thread.

Your lead is again about to be cut short as you watch Emma and her teammates forcibly strip Yulia of her panties, multiple naked girls holding her arms gleefully. You feel like you should say something about that but get distracted when a raindrop strikes your shoulder. You look up like an idiot, as if you can see anything above the trees in the dark, but you can hear rain begin to tap on the canopy above you. The game is almost over, and you could just admit defeat and keep from getting too wet, but you do have one more option.

Turn to Nicole one last time

Ask Yulia to join your team