Life Hacks/Mods Guide/Adjust Personality

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Personality is the way a person approaches the world and the things they encounter in life. A person's personality can be broken down into attributes and traits, and the items on this list could easily have been distributed between those two other categories. It is just more appropriate and convenient that such a large list of factors that all relate to the same thing have their own list.

Note: Several items on this that could be filed as attributes will have 2 terms under the same attribute. The 1st term is what this attribute is called if someone has high values in it, and the 2nd term is what this attribute is called if someone has low values in it. Also, every attribute on this list has a "false" counterpart, and a targeted version. This false version means that, for whatever reason, the individual likes to pretend to have a personality different from their real personality. The targeted version means that they have an entirely different personality in regards to a specific person or situation. For the sake of a clean list, the false and targeted versions of each attribute of personality will not be listed.


How one relates in their day-to-day lives to the people around them.


How sure a person is that what they are doing is right, and how sure they are that they will not be harmed in a way that they care about.


How much someone concerns themselves with the well-being of others.


How likely a person is to accept or chase out intrusions onto their time or space, or pursue a goal of some kind.


The things that motivate a person to take/not take action.


The drive to change something that inconveniences or harms you or someone you care about.

NOTE: This trait is best if it is somewhere in the (upper) middle. Both extremes can be detrimental. Someone with exceedingly high will values might waist effort and be thought crazy trying to change something no human being has the ability to change (the force of gravity for instance,) while someone with exceedingly low values may not even take the effort to remove a rock from their shoe as it is cutting a hole in their foot.


The drive to do something that is on your physical or mental list of things to do.

NOTE: One can have high motivation values and low will values. In this case, the person's list of things to do will consist entirely of things that other people told them to do.


The drive to do what another person wants them to do.

NOTE: Obedience is opposed by will, and mutually exclusive with defiance (cannot have points in obedience if there are points in defiance.) Higher levels of will will make a person less likely to obey. High levels of will and obedience will make a person more likely to attempt to negotiate with the person issuing the orders, or present the problem if they are being asked to do something they can't accomplish, but high levels of obedience means they will still attempt to carry out the other person's will if they cannot negotiate it out.


The drive to explicitly go against what another person wants them to do, even if doing so is detrimental to themselves.

Note: Defiance and obedience are mutually exclusive characteristics (cannot have points in defiance if there are points in obedience.) Defiance is enhanced by will. A strong willed person will actively protest orders given to a person they are defiant to and may state outright their intention not to do as they are told, while a weak-willed defiant person may say they will do something and then either not do it or do a poor job of the task they were given.


A person's sexual preferences, things that have to do with the act of sex and reproduction.


An attribute that determines how actively one seeks sexual activity and/or orgasm, how often they want sex, and how long sex will keep their interest after their first orgasm of the encounter. An individual will get better orgasms and satisfaction in situations that match their sexual preferences and fetishes.


Prefers sex with members of the opposite gender.

Note: having a "true" setting in both homosexuality and heterosexuality makes a person bisexual.


Prefers sex with members of the same gender.

Note: having a "true" setting in both homosexuality and heterosexuality makes a person bisexual.


Prefers penis in vagina sex.

Note: it is possible, in rare cases, for a homosexual individual to like PIV sex. It involves having a member of the same gender present as well and treating the member of the opposite gender as just a sex toy while making out with their same-gender partner.

Anal(Male Homosexual)

Uses anal sex as an analog to the heterosexual PIV sex.


Uses manual stimulation as a form of fore-play.

Fingering/Cunalingus (female homosexual)

Uses fingers or tongue in partner's vagina as an analog to the heterosexual PIV sex.

Cunalingus/blow job

uses oral sex as a form of fore-play.

Cream pie

Prefers to have semen go inside the body of their sexual partner

Age prefference

Approximate physical/mental age one prefers their sexual partner to be. There will always be a preferred range, an acceptable range, a fringe range, and then everything outside the fringe range is unacceptable.

Race preference

Which ethnic group(s) are a person's primary sexual preference.

Blond/Brunet hair color preference

Witch of these two hair colors are more appealing?

Standard sexual preferences

There is a standard list of sexual preferences that everyone has, it is just a question of how strong those preferences are and whether or not they can be overridden. These preferences are the result of evolution and are ingrained into every human being's DNA. These preferences differ by gender.

Standard sexual preferences for men

  • Young: between the ages of 15-21, prime female reproductive years, is best, but might like them a few years younger. If the selection pool consists 100% of partners who are over 21, then younger is always going to be better.
  • 1 to 0.7 hip to waste ratio: Men do not necesarilly want skinny women, they just want women who's waist is smaller than her hips, a 1 to 0.7 ratio being the best. If she has larger hips, then she can have a larger waist as well provided that ratio is still present.
  • Firm skin and full lips: These traits denote a lot of estrogen in a woman's blood stream, witch means she has healthier reproductive organs.
  • Neoteny: Also sometimes referred to as "pedomorphism." This is a characteristic where, regardless of age, someone looks more child-like. The key features that do this the best are large eyes, short height, and small hands. Neotenous features trigger a protective instinct in men that is hard to resist, and this protective instinct can lead to a relationship.

Standard sexual preferences for women

  • Height: Must be tall, especially relative to her. Height means strength witch means better able to protect her and her kids.
  • Wealthy: Must have access to resources to provide for the woman and her children, more resources means the woman can feel more secure, so more is always better.
  • Confident: Must seem like he can handle whatever challenges come his way. It usually does not matter if this confidence is associated with him being an ass-hole.
  • Older: So long as he is not frail due to his age, or soon to reach the age where that will happen, older is always better. The preferred age is usually her own age +50% at minimum, 40 years old at maximum. (Cases of extreme wealth override this calculation completely.) This is more association than anything, older men usually have more of all three of the above listed features, especially wealth. It is really more a factor of betting on a sure thing though, a man of that age has usually already proven his value where as a younger man is a risk.


Things that do not necesarilly have anything to do with sex, but are for some psychological reason or another strongly associated with sex for the person in question to the point that they are strongly turned on by it. Most people who have fetishes have them so strong that they will prefer something to match their fetishes more than they would something matching their sexual preferences. Literally anything can be a fetish, but what is listed below are a few of the more common fetishes.


Usually develops as a means to avoid unwanted pregnancy, might continue due to the association with sex or because of some difference in the physical sensation that they decide they like more. (usually both, and it is a chicken and the egg problem to figure out witch causes witch.)


Having one sexual partner call all the shots, possibly even demanding that the submissive partner do things they are not really comfortable with.


An extension of dominance/submission in witch the submissive partner is tortured, often using tools or implements of various types, in a way that brings sexual gratification. (Usually involves imprisonment in some form or another.)


A result of the tribe warfare days where, after a tribe was conquered, the women were kidnapped and forced into marriage with their captors. The way that this presents depends on how strong the fetish is and whether the individual is sexually dominant or sexually submissive.

Minor cases will consume erotica that depicts rape with the dynamic they prefer for their own gender (most common being dominant male and submissive female.) Minor cases, despite getting turned on by the erotica, will not like it if it is made real-world physical in any way. (It is impossible to measure how many people of each gender fall into this category, but among males with this fetish this is overwhelmingly the most likely category for them to be in to the point it is hard to find them in either of the other categories.)

Moderate cases will role-play a rape scenario with a sexual partner who has consented to this before hand. There are a lot more women in this category than there are men.

In extreme cases, of witch there are not many, a man can only get turned on by sex that is against his partner's will, and a woman who is raped might develop Stockholm syndrome for her rapist and want to have a relationship with him. (This presentation is exceedingly rare for men, and it is impossible to know how many women fit into this category. Note that this effect is more powerful on women who do not feel they have an escape from their rapist or being raped, means to report rape and social messaging they should do so can override the Stockholm syndrome effects.)

It is possible to have a rape-fetish dominant woman and submissive man, but these are about as rare as extreme case dominant rapist men. The most common by far is the woman who has a submissive rape fetish.


Sexual attraction to members of one's own family.

Red Hair

Unlike blond/brunet hair, preferences for red hair are actually more of a fetish. This can be demonstrated by the fact that those who like sexual partners with red hair are much less picky about other physical or personality characteristics in their partners than those who like blonds or brunets.


Associated with the red-head fetish, but can be directed at non red-heads.

Green eyes

Associated with the red-head fetish, but can be directed at non red-heads.


Associates pee with sex. Extreme cases may like to drink the urine of their sexual partner.


Associates deification with sex, often handling their own or their partner's fecal matter, pooping on their partner or allowing themselves to be pooped on, soiling their own pants, or even eating their own or their partner's feces.