2T4U/Tell him why he can't pee

From All The Fallen Stories
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With a chuckle you begin to explain, "No, you dork. Your dick isn't broken. You're just horny." He stares at you for a moment, dumbfounded as he tries to process this information. "It means you want to fuck." At this remark a blush lights up his face and he glances down at his resolute little hardon. Man, would he make a cute girl. Damnit, Jack! Not again, you chide yourself.

"But," he squeaks girlishly, "how do I make it go away? Do I-do I have to . . . have sex to make it go away?" He fidgets nervously, his cute face tinted by exasperation and embarrassment, as he awaits your answer. The longer you wait the more he fidgets, his hips beginning to sway in a feminine fashion. Is this brat really my brother? Your cock instinctively throbs at his innocently enticing display.

Well, guess it is your duty as a brother to set him straight

Now that's a nasty thought, what if you just let him think that?